Issue 01purple - Page 01
JustNoPoint on April 29, 2015
Here we are! Page 1 of Fenny and Sally's storyline! This page is taking place almost directly after the last page of Prologue. Parts of the ship are still streaking through the atmosphere.
We find Fenny walking alone and bundled up in a Cyro Grand blanket.
JustNoPoint at 6:12AM, May 4, 2015
Thanks a lot! :)
Sway at 7:54PM, May 2, 2015
Wow! I really love the use of color here! Nice work!
JustNoPoint at 11:11AM, May 2, 2015
PeiPei, we will find a way to keep you around this long!!!
Peipei at 8:28PM, April 30, 2015
Gross stuff she stepped in there! And on a side not, i'm so glad I won't be around when this madness hits! 2132 is past my time xD!
JustNoPoint at 9:12AM, April 30, 2015
You are much braver than me! But when you have facial hair like that avatar represents everyone probably knows not to mess with you!
tupapayon at 7:55PM, April 29, 2015
Everything seem so peaceful... I've done similar in my town of origin... right in the US-Mexico border... approx. 1 mill people, drug cartels on the loose... at 2:00 a.m... no matter how tired you may be, you won't feel sleepy, till you get home...
JustNoPoint at 5:23PM, April 29, 2015
I'm certain that was a song in Snow White.
usedbooks at 3:55PM, April 29, 2015
Wank while you walk. No one will bother you. (In some neighborhoods, you'll fit right in.)
JustNoPoint at 3:41PM, April 29, 2015
I'm sure the whole super strength adds courage too! Obviously the only thing that'd motivate someone to walk through war zone NYC at night would be to get to the person they want to wank with!!!
usedbooks at 3:19PM, April 29, 2015
Thanks for the nod. Fenny's 10,000 times braver than I. I won't walk alone after dark in a town of 500 people all of whom I know -- let alone NYC. (Side note, my first typing said "wank alone" before I corrected it. Granted, wanking is more fun with friends, but that's another issue.)