(Disruptingly) Demonic Adventures Page 18

lizinverse on April 18, 2013

ermagerd a page a page!
Now we get to see why Pita was so upset. :(
Jamie59-at least he was trying to be a gentleman…of a sort…

ghostrunner-:O ohai!

MOrgan-Boon does not get to pass into the next round. XD

dragonestea-you may be correct, sir

Kou the Mad-actually some chili mac with turkey chili now sounds delishus….

hkmaly-I don't think we want to imagine what this scenario would've been like if Owl had been the one to feed…

Darth Xelleon- yup. AND HI!

cres0055-XD Makes you wonder if she's comparing Boon to Jinx or if she has another bar that is above Jinx…

Spikes-I will now forever see Belie as Simon in my head. XD

man in black-thanks!

Little Swan-Answered! (at least the physical aspect..)