(Tragically) Demonic Adventures Page 29

lizinverse on Aug. 24, 2011

I feel like I'm losing some of you cuz of the abrupt switch off of spoonfed plot. :x
Some technical notes-I'm still tweaking with Moor's colors, so you may notice some inconsistencies. I believe I'm most satisfied with the product on this page, so I shouldn't be tweaking anymore.
Rey's face is much too long on this page. That's what I get for drawing and inking before bedtime.
Also–who didn't expect Rey's duplicity from the start? X3
b_templar- cuz Taro KO'd her.
Jamie- getting there. :3
Lady Tatters- INORITE.
This chapter is officially the longest in the series thus far, as it will far eclipse the pages in the “Progressively” chapter. Taro's ‘funday’ with Pita was omitted because of this. I didn't want to drag the chapter out TOO long.
It's safe to say that we didn't miss much, just two girls catching up on the years. And probably them teaming up with Belie to torture Jinx in some way.
Possibly with makeup. Jinx likely took off out of the apartment and climbed a streetlamp to get away from them.
Prese to be patient as the chapter continues with plot and character development.
And if you're just here for the boobies, yes there will still be boobies later. e_e