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The Art of Joe Jarin
- Gobots: Leader-1
- Alpha Flight v1 #29 Variant Cover
- Goranger: Red Ranger WIP
- The Riddler! (Colored)
- The Riddler!
- Dr. Midnite!
- Iron Man and Hardware Team-Up!
- DC2: Green Lantern #29
- Miracle Writer Man
- "Ride Along" FEAT. The Joker
- JLA - Titans (Colored)
- DC2: Ultimate Gotham Girls #33
- JLA - Titans
- Captain America
- Doom Patrol: Garguax and The Plastic Men
- Stormwatch 2011 (Colored Version)
- Stormwatch 2011!
- DC2: Teen Titans #63 - Page 1 (Colored)!
- DC2 Teen Titans #63: Page 1!
- Marvel: The Punisher
- X-Force: Warpath (sketch)
- DC2: Seven Soldiers of Victory #16 (BW)
- Nova Prime
- Doom Patrol: Plastic Men!
- Nova Prime
- Sgt. Rock
- Old JSA Sequential - Part 1
- JOEYVERSE: Young Guard
- Garguax!
- Ferro Lad
- Aquaman!
- Exiles: Sabretooth
- Bring on the Bad Guys!
- G.I. Joe: Colonel Courage
- Hercules vs Doc Ock
- Killraven!
- G.I. Joe: Bushido
- JOEYVERSE: Trick Arrow
- New Titans: Speedy
- Flint vs. Python Officer
- Escrima
- X-Men: Cyclops v2
- FF Villain: Diablo!
- Chameleon Boy
- JOEYVERSE: Blue Flame
- Avnegers: Scarlet Witch
- Red Circle Villain: The Eraser!
- Steel Sterling!
- G.I. Joe: Airtight!
- Sei-tin and Ninja Ku
- Storm Shadow!
- Action Force: Gaucho and Jammer
- Cobra Commander
- Snake Eyes!
- Quarrel
- Baron Ironblood! (in Color)
- Baron Ironblood!
- G.I.Joe Hawk
- The Batman
- Simon Williams: Hollywood!
- Cyberneria
- Wildcat and The Atom
- C.A.N.N.O.N. #1 (B&W)
- Battlestone!
- Power Man and Iron Fist
- Seraph
- Sniper and Rook
- The Authority
- Green Lanter: John Stewart
- Dark X-Men!
- Youngblood!
- Magellan: Wombat-Man
- The Batman
- (DC2) Batman: The Salem Protocol #9
- Metallo (Colored)
- Metallo
- D-Day: Warden/Krieger
- JLA Detroit Page 1
- JLA Detroit Page 1
- Renegade
- DC2: Green Arrow #23
- JSA: Crisis Unfolding, Page 5 (B&W)
- Black Reign: Eclipso, Hourman and Power Girl
- Black Reign: Brainwave, Hawkman and Nemesis
- DC2: JSA Classified #1 (Page 2)
- Marvel2: Captain America #2
- DC2: Green Arrow #22
- Ruby Summers
- DC2 Seven Soldiers of Victory #11 Cover
- DC2 Seven Soldiers of Victory #11 Cover B&W
- Judge Dredd: Fire and Brimstone (Page 1)
- Pyro and Unus
- Darkseid
- DC2: Aquaman #21
- Marvel2: Captain America #1 (Variant Cover)
- Marvel2: Captain America #1
- DC2: Seven Soldiers of Victory #10
- DC2 Bumblebee
- DC3: Ultimate Alan Scott
- DC2: Alan Scott (B&W)
- DC2: Action Comics #42
- DC2: Nemesis (Page 1)
- DC2: Doom Patrol #1 (Page 11)
- DC2: New Outsiders #16 (Page 7)
- DC2: New Outsiders #16 (Page 3)
- DC2: Aquaman #18 Cover
- DC2: JSA Classified #1 (Page 1)
- DC2 Seven Soldiers of Victory #1 (Page 4)
- DC2 Seven Soldiers of Victory #1 (Page 3)
- DC2 Seven Soldiers of Victory #1 (Page 2)
- DC2 Seven Soldiers of Victory #1 (Page 1)
- DC2: Detective Comics #40
- DC2: Doom Patrol #1 (Page 10)
- DC2 Aquaman #17
- DC2 Green Arrow #17
- DC2: Detective Comics #39
- DC2 Aquaman Teaser
- DC2 Detective Comics #38
- Detective Comics
- DC2 Aquaman #15
- Blue Devil
- Booster Gold
- Savage Aquaman!
- Fantasy Cover - Teen Titans #33
- Green Lantern - Hal Jordan
- Teen Titans 3
- Teen Titans 2
- Teen Titans 1
- JLA Pinup
- Sentinel 2
- Sentinel 1
- X-Statix
- Champions #1 (Page 4)
- Champions #1 (Page 3)
- New Champions 2
- New Champions 1
- The Good Guys
- The Bad Guys
- Rogues: Weather Wizard & Mirror Master
- Earth 2: Ultra Man & Owl Man
- Authority Sampler: Page 3
- Authority Sampler: Page 2
- Authority Sampler: Page 1
- Apollo vs. Midnighter 2
- Apollo vs. Midnighter 1
- Authority Pinup: Apollo
- JSA: Corruption (Page 4)
- JSA: Corruption (Page 3)
- JSA: Corruption (Page 2)
- JSA: Corruption (Page 1)
- JSA Pinup: Mr. Terrific
- JSA Pinup: Hawkgirl
- JSA Pinup: Hawkman
- JSA Pinup: Crimson Avenger
- JSA Pinup: Sentinel
- JSA Pinup: Sand
- JSA Pinup: Power Girl
- JSA Pinup: Wildcat
- Wolverine: Tigress (Part 2)
- Wolverine: Tigress (Part 1)
Gobots: Leader-1
on Aug. 29, 2021
Reminiscing the 80s.
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