The Adventures of Super Maths Beaver
- Happy New Year!
- The Bum Grapes of Wrath
- Happy Birthday Confused Soul!
- Happy 'Mu' Year Everyone!
- Happy Birthday Toshubi!
- Happy Birthday Kali!
- New Years Resolutions
- Dearest Diary
- Rebadgilitation #11
- Rebadgilitation #10
- Rebadgilitation #9
- Rebadgilitation #8
- Rebadgilitation #7
- Rebadgilitation #6
- Rebadgilitation #5
- Rebadgilitation #4
- Rebadgilitation #3
- Rebadgilitation #2
Rebadgilitation (or Shadow Vipers Birthday page!) # 1
- Technical Difficulties
- Oh Deer...
- The Beavers are going to Isengard!!!!!
- Bunny Bunny Yum Yums!
- Happy Birthday Kali
- He Got A Boo boo!
- Happy Birthday Confused Soul
- January Detox
- Rest in Peace my Stripy Friend
- Ageism Stinks!
- Pennies?!
- Guess where I'm going for two weeks!
- I think I'll go and eat worms
- Kill Your Speed
- A health and safety warning.
- Super Maths Beaver's ultimate weapon
- Super parsnip hyper force giga pentametre majig!!!!!!
- The enemy is revealed
- It was an easy mistake to make...
- Preparations
The hideous little comic by me.
- Please don't sue me.
- The smartest thing I ever said.
- Psycho (read with the tune)
- To everyone doing exams at the moment...
- Landing the Big One
- Hideous rendition
- Ah...Nostalgia
- Sour Faced
- He had it coming to him!
- Mmm Tasty!
- No not the Pocket! 2
No not the Pocket!
- Jedi Spoon
- #5 Back so spoon?
- #4 Back so spoon?
- #3 Back so spoon?
- #2 Back so spoon?
#1Back so spoon?
- Meet my little friend
Happy New Year!
supermathsbeaver on Jan. 1, 2012
Happy New Year to my only reader! XD
the_beav at 5:05PM, Jan. 18, 2012
i like maths and beavers and things of a super nature.
supermathsbeaver at 4:17PM, Jan. 5, 2012
Thanks Amelius! :)
Amelius at 11:10AM, Jan. 5, 2012
Hee heee...Ouch! It probably makes mainly the evil children smile of course! And *POIK* is my favorite sound effect in the world. True stuff. Late Happy New Year!
confusedsoul at 2:57PM, Jan. 1, 2012