Issue 1 Cover page
irrevenant on June 17, 2016
Finally relaunching this comic. \o/
This is a reboot (yes, of my 3-page comic origin that never went anywhere. Shush xD). Ana is the new version of Ben. As you can see, I'm still fiddling with the look of the suit. :)
This comic is set in the same universe as Heroes Unite and Heroes Alliance Universe.
I hope you all enjoy.
Abt_Nihil at 3:52AM, Nov. 29, 2016
Very cool!
cdmalcolm1 at 6:18PM, June 26, 2016
Oh yeah. So totally looking forward to reading this. I can't wait to draw Chaos or rather Ana in the Solar's mini series.
boostorm at 4:04PM, June 17, 2016
woooohoooo go chaos!!