Star Strip page 121

bravo1102 on July 30, 2015

Do you notice that Grey Guys have a talent for just appearing and butting in? So Jenny was never as helpless as Da-tu thought. That doesn't mean she never felt any pain nor that she was not really confined in the device. She did and she was. From past experience it is assumed that a SIG operative can at any time be captured and that means torture. With the millenia long cold and occasionally hot war with the Diamorians there was a need to come up with something to help the agent. Something that if not keep the information safe at least stay alive and withstand whatever is thrown at her.

So there all kinds of intense mental disciplines and medical procedures were adapted or developed. A SIG operative's entire nervous system is reworked, not only to make mind control impossible, but to act as a beacon (the transponder) and to tolerate immense amounts of pain and discomfort. The transponder has evolved over time into something that is grown into the nervous system and therefore invisible. Anything else could be found and many alien species delighted in doing so.

On top of that there are the robofemoid modifications. Jill knows about and is referring to those not the SIG modifications. I could go into human aesthetics here and how they have evolved over time. Anything very different like Varians, furries or Grey Guys is just not accepted among human cultures. Even in cultures that are tolerant assimilation often turns out to be nearly impossible. It is a big galaxy and often those who chose to live outside their race find themselves on the fringes of society.

Some of the figures were composites in addition to the backgrounds. The figures just don't stand or pose well together so I cut and adjust. More often I'll take different figures separately and move them around in Photoshop. Even with group shots I move them around in PS to tweak the blocking.