Filler 9 Massive Fan art
Glass_Ink on March 25, 2007
A few weeks ago I discovered that my scanner was causing a problem with my computer. The scanner is too old for the computer! This is why I haven't posted anything in two months… Or however long it's been since I posted.
The post this week is some random works of fan art that I had drawn for people before I figured out that my scanner was causing problems with my computer.
Fan art drawing number 1 (That would be the top left corner as you look at the screen of your computer.): Ranom Idiocity
Fan art drawing number 2 (Thats to the right of fan art drawing number one.): Ialus
Fan art drawing number 3 (This will be found under fan art drawing 2.): Salimah
Fan art drawing number 4 random sketch (This will be found directly under fan art drawing number one.): Dribble For Kids
Fan art drawing number 5 is a of Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop… Note: This is a first attempt at anime, and it is hentai.
Well Kids there you have it… A whole lot of nothing. No real update, but you had hope didn't ya… And now your disappointed with me.
It will be a little bit before my next update. I'm searching for a huge scanner, but I'll probably settle for an 8' x 11'.
And even though I stole this idea from Detective Fork, S.B.B. now has a sound track… I think these songs would fit with S.B.B. even though I still have one more song to add.
“Catch ya on the flip side.”
Rev_Danno at 9:43PM, Aug. 19, 2007
subcultured at 9:04AM, April 27, 2007
you have an awesome style
kingofsnake at 7:44AM, April 12, 2007
love the angles on your inks
aquacow at 7:58AM, April 11, 2007
The music box surprised the bananas out of me
Tamerlane at 7:41PM, April 10, 2007
nice like that last one o' course >:D
DetectiveFork at 11:39PM, April 2, 2007
You asked me how I draw Detective Fork. First, Glass Ink , I pour myself a fist-sized shot of tequila and say a prayer to whatever god allows me to stab a pen into his vein of creativity and bleed his black ink all over the page. I'm not sure if your question is about what materials I use or what state of mind I have to be in to draw such nonsense, but I've already answered the second question. The answer to the first question is non-photo blue pencil and black pen on bristol board.
Dockworker at 1:36PM, April 2, 2007
Gawd Damnit!! I missed an update! That last panel is really morbid. KUDOS ON MORBID! The girl in panel 3 with the wings/pigtails is really cute. KUDOS ON CUTE!
DetectiveFork at 11:18AM, April 2, 2007
[url=]Oops. meant to put this one.[/url]
DetectiveFork at 11:16AM, April 2, 2007
The brothel connection between our comics hit me a few days ago. Sure, there might be a short bus around somewhere, especiallly when Johnny Spork appears. ;-) I'd be honored to have some fan/guest art. As for full-body pictures of the Detective, here are a few from my site, hope they help: [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url] [url=]4[/url] Thanks! Kevin
EinKun at 12:37PM, April 1, 2007
The last panel is quite disturning alright o.O Oh well, fine work it is! ^^
Peipei at 9:36AM, April 1, 2007
creepy :o But its good :3
Glass_Ink at 7:07PM, March 31, 2007
The weird thing is... I have been thinking about lending my artistic skill out there for those who want it. You see it's hard for me to come up with anything writing wise. I want to be able to some how turn this into something thats funny, as well as give it a story line... Yet, I'm lacking in the idea department as of late. It makes me feel bad, because I want so much for this to be something I'm proud of... Yet I have no direction. -Glass
Nick at 6:39PM, March 31, 2007
Kevin, that is what I say. I'd love to have Glass do a full issue for me one of these days... Hey man. hope all has been well with you sir. If you need a new scanner, the Canon LiDE 600E is a nice brand of scanner. I bought mine for 100 bucks or so at Best Buy...
Daf42 at 2:53PM, March 30, 2007
I am not turned on.
F_Allen at 10:01AM, March 28, 2007
i went to see sepltura once but havent seen soulfly. cool
F_Allen at 10:00AM, March 28, 2007
cool little music box
DetectiveFork at 8:21AM, March 28, 2007
The music fits your comic well. That angel is immensely hot. I'd like to see how you draw Detective Fork. Um, not because I think you'd make him hot. Because you have such a unique, dynamic style. :) I don't think I've seen anything else like it. I could stare at your pictures all day.
ZoeStead at 3:14AM, March 27, 2007
Love the art!
dracco at 1:09AM, March 27, 2007
A bit psychotic... but GREAT sketches nonetheless!
sweetninja566 at 6:38PM, March 26, 2007
Oh Static X is kick ass! go you!
the_silly_girl at 5:07PM, March 26, 2007
Love the playlist and the sketches!!! I stoked you have my fave song by Stabbing Westward in your playlist.