I think I expected this to happen. Moogi's gonna get more than she bargained for though.
Yay for quick healing and physical therpy! Hang in there, everyone here is rooting for you ^_^
Okay, yey, caught up. x3 Glad to see you're recovering well. -cheers you on- Also, I think 'spastic faced girl' is prolly the best an' worst way to refer to someone. XD
Glad to hear that you are making a smooth, if a rather progressive, recovery. Take your time and get healed -we don't want you to hurt yourself any further.
I wonder which girl Moggi's shouting at?
And I take it that that is the reason why you have been healing so fast. You've been compaining about pain less, and you show less emotions while in pain.
tommym at 9:41AM, July 20, 2010
Dear Satoshi, Have Scarena make Moogi a sex slave tommym
coonstantlytorn at 10:07PM, July 9, 2010
I think I expected this to happen. Moogi's gonna get more than she bargained for though. Yay for quick healing and physical therpy! Hang in there, everyone here is rooting for you ^_^
ASS0RTED CANDiES at 7:47AM, July 9, 2010
Glad to see you're getting better! ^_^ And oh lord Moogi is here! Run Tevy run! O_O
Avie at 5:58PM, July 7, 2010
llerxt at 1:45AM, July 5, 2010
and there it is the crossover i've been waiting for
karuleonnese at 9:14AM, July 4, 2010
Okay, yey, caught up. x3 Glad to see you're recovering well. -cheers you on- Also, I think 'spastic faced girl' is prolly the best an' worst way to refer to someone. XD
Caffeine at 6:26AM, July 4, 2010
xD oh lord! tha last panel it the greatest!
Emeraldas at 11:31AM, July 3, 2010
Glad to hear that you are making a smooth, if a rather progressive, recovery. Take your time and get healed -we don't want you to hurt yourself any further.
artchic8 at 10:45AM, July 3, 2010
@AKT Its okay, I do that too.Its a mix of crying and laughing XD
Scythe Massakur at 9:17AM, July 3, 2010
Interesting. A stalker?
AKT at 7:44AM, July 3, 2010
I laugh when I get hurt. Which is weirder? :s
Princess Of Flight at 6:41AM, July 3, 2010
Yes!!! A geminni update!! Also, i wish i could be expressionless sometimes when i'm in pain...
kaleygeminni at 5:33AM, July 3, 2010
! LOL I am looking forward to this! XD
DJLink at 1:57AM, July 3, 2010
lol expressionless X3
Xatiav at 1:43AM, July 3, 2010
This isn't going to end well... :(
Darius Drake at 12:49AM, July 3, 2010
I wonder which girl Moggi's shouting at? And I take it that that is the reason why you have been healing so fast. You've been compaining about pain less, and you show less emotions while in pain.
The Satoshi at 11:28PM, July 2, 2010
Me all facail expression turns off and I go really autistic when I'm in pain ^^;
Anubis at 11:23PM, July 2, 2010
Im a woose when it comes to pain.