Modest Medusa Crossover Guest Strip

Strain42 on May 22, 2011

As you all know I fiddle around with my tablet some when I have some free time, and I also bring my sketchbook with me almost everywhere I go (if you didn't know that, you do now) and this was just sort of an idea I had for a strip one.

I like Modest Medusa, it's a good comic and Jake Richmond is a cool guy, so I drew this strip for him. I think we who draw sitcoms about people being annoyed by monsters crashing at their houses need to stick together :P

Of course you've probably all seen Modest Medusa on the Top 10 of DD, and you've heard me talk about it a few times here and there, but you can check it out here if you haven't already.

Sorry the series is still on hiatus. I hope most of you will come back when the series is back up again.

I have never eaten a Chocodile, but I'd like to.