Gang of Thieves
crifmer on March 26, 2008
Updates Monday and Thursday
Unfortunately, this one and Monday's comic are a little rushed. I'm doing that Bark Hollow community comic, and my page has arrived, so I'm drawing like fury. On top of that, it's tech week for the show I'm in, so life is just a little busy at the moment. It's just a community theater show, if you were wondering, but it's going to be a good little thing. Looking forward to opening tomorrow.
CAMEO!!! ZOUNDS!!!! The cameo and injoke goodness continues. The last panel features three intrepid hunters of the supernatural from the pages of Grin ‘n’ Spirit. Astute readers might now be able to figure out who's behind all this.
And if you can't spot the injoke, go leaf through Salt the Holly. And even if you can't spot the injoke then, you'll have at least read a good comic.
EDIT: I can't get links to work in the comments. Can someone learn me some page editing mojo?
Stig Hemmer at 10:24PM, July 13, 2008
For great justice! (By the way, everybody who hasn't already done so should stroll over to youtube and ask for "Zero Wing Rhapsody")
amanda at 7:14AM, March 27, 2008
Those Black Mongoose guys have to make money somehow. XD That's so great!
ghostrunner at 10:44PM, March 26, 2008
lol, thanks for the camo!
usedbooks at 10:09PM, March 26, 2008
Take off every zig!