Faster Than a Kitty on Crack
Tragic Rabbit on Feb. 20, 2008
This title is a reference to Devils Panties, a fabulos webcomic by Jennie Breeden (
Also: I am now doing commissioned artwork. If you are interested, please check my Deviantart page for pricing details and such. Actual orders cna be placed here, Devart, or
Devart page =
In other news, I have been workign on an NWF store recently. Not that I really care about selling merchandise or whatnot, but I've had a bunch of people ask me if there will be t-shirts or buttonsand such available, so I'm setting up a place for it. Right nwo all I have is buttons of lelia and Lauren.
I'll post the addy here once I get it all up and running
Thirdteen at 10:16AM, Feb. 28, 2008
need to try me some of that coffee.
Sonusai at 4:46PM, Feb. 24, 2008
this is so awesome.
kumatsu at 8:59AM, Feb. 23, 2008
Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that... hmm... I wonder if I could get the guy in the room next to me to do this with his coffee machine.
Tragic Rabbit at 1:21PM, Feb. 22, 2008
To dgriff: I've checked out cafe press. Good site but a tad pricey. I figured out I can charge ALOT less if I just bite the bullet and make the stuff myself or order it independantly. To Jiro Katsu and Kumatsu: Heh, if your interested I have instructions on how to make Chance Coffee (named for it's creator) here:
kumatsu at 12:30AM, Feb. 22, 2008
That is some epic coffee... I don't even drink coffee and I want it.
Jiro Katsu at 8:02PM, Feb. 21, 2008
Wish coffee did that to me cause I need a pick me up in the moring... >P
dgriff13 at 7:15PM, Feb. 21, 2008
nice style, like your character design. I suggest cafepress for an easy way to sell merch, I have a bunch of stores hosted there.