Guest Week '05: Ryan Estrada

MrGazpacho on July 30, 2007

Monday, March 14, 2005

NiegoStock ‘05 comes to a grand close with a strip by the omnipotent Ryan Estrada. Last night, I spelt his name wrong in the news post. This is less than he deserves. I know this. And I’m not sorry. Fuck you.

I'm kidding! Here's what you need to know about Ryan: Dude puts me to damn shame. Dude's all over the place, experiencing all kins of things. Animating in Korea, helping with the Tsunami relief effort. If there was ever a dude making me think I wasn't getting my shit done right, it'd be Ryan. So, check out his stuff already!

Well, after updating for 8 days straight, this poor website gets to take a much needed break tomorrow, but be sure to come back on Wednesday when Niego gets things back to (the new kind of) normal with a special double-sized comic!

See you then, bitches!