MT Issue 36: Page 6

Author_Ninja on July 21, 2010

So…what was that about me not doing backgrounds?

Seriously, I admit sometimes I don't really do much in the way of furniture in rooms, but…most living rooms I've been in are pretty dull. The Pirate ship? Little more interesting.

But, not to sound like an ass, I actually did add the flying turtle Gozira, the skull pile, planks and sword, so I'll just shut up now.

Okay, Fan Participation time!:

I've worked out a line-up of characters for this fight. It's your standard Anime Fare; the group runs to the big badguy, fighting nameless thugs until one strong villain blocks their path, so one member stays behind to deal with them. I have a member or members of this crew for each of the main characters except for Mookie.

I came to the conclusion that he character Mookie fights will be guarding a treasure room, and therefore has an affinity with gold and jewels. Now, I did some research on Japanese monsters in order to come up with sea monsters she can fight and I've come up with two possible characters.

1) The character is a Samebito ( ) who guards the treasure, only more shark-like, which sort of fits the pirate theme even though they're air pirates.

2) A Kitsune thief who uses more illusion magic, so it becomes a battle of transformations instead of straight-up combat. This does make a bit more sense since Kitsune have already been established as a God Race.

Let me know which one you want to see, I'm torn.