A lot in Common
Roar Comics on Sept. 19, 2010
Taking a “break” from working on my AFL entry.
And The StarBrats.
And Stella & Celeste.
And Cosmic Booty.
And Geisthaven.
And trying to develop 2 other comics for reasons that don't even make sense to ME…
I was thumbing thru my friend, ShadyMeadows' DeviantArt gallery, and got the urge to scribble this pic.
I was gonna color it later, when I needed another “break”, but she laid a coat of color to it herself, and I think it came out magnificently.
Bjorn - Misfits of Mischief.
Daren - Psychedelic Circumstances.
Now, back to totally overextending myself on the comicking front before having to go to back to work.
ghostrunner at 6:54AM, Sept. 20, 2010
heh :)