Party fouls, hurt feelings, and tough love

KademonsterX on Oct. 2, 2014

That was cold, Link loves MegaMan! MegaMan's pretty bitchy in this strip, again, passionate about bongs being spilled.

So I've updated a few old comics, they're titled Vengeance, Desguise to beat all Desguises, and Dealer, the 5th, 6th, and 7th comic respectively, if you wanna' check out the changes. The comic after Dealer hasn't been updated yet, but I'm gonna' be doing that shortly. They were just bugging me, mainly the changed font and stone wall. But I feel alot better about them now.

And didn't get the DD award, but that is okay. Maybe next year. Maybe not, but I'm okay with at least being nominated a few years in a row.