Cover of Mechaniko-III by Yves Ker Ambrun, featuring Liliom the Robocat
Yves Ker Ambrun on April 5, 2013
This is the cover of installment Nr.3. More to come soon: this chapter is already drawn, lettered, and partly colored up to page 12. So, please stay tuned…
Yves Ker Ambrun at 2:08AM, March 25, 2014
The content of Mechaniko-III is well on its way of being drawn. Right now I've finished page 17. This and the previous pages I'll begin to post here soon. The thing was, and still is, that I didn't have time to put in any coloring. And anyway my drawings have gotten to the point where coloring would be superfluous and even contra-productive. But of course the Web pictures live from their colors. So, it's been a tough nut to break. But I think I'll take the risk and post it all in black & white. See you all soon here.
cote at 9:23PM, April 23, 2013
yves, dropping the line on the cover? I like it.
PaulEberhardt at 1:13PM, Nov. 2, 2012
I'm looking forward to it!
plymayer at 8:32PM, Nov. 1, 2012