- Shadows
- Someone is Falling
- Welcome Titus
- The New Stork
- I Needed a New Door
- Triple D and Dart
- Worship
- Headdress
- Sweet Dreams
- No Means No
- Don't Let Her Get Me
- Happy New Year 2024
- Something is Wrong
- How Summer got the Goblin Archipelico
- Merry Christmas 2023
- Discretion
- Spar’s angry Tattoo
- The Water is Rising
- Symptoms
- The Kraken
- Need a Hand?
- The Tauren Condition
- Mercedes' Date
- If I Have To
- Peace Offering
- Happy Thanksgiving 2023
- Briefing
- Stalkers
- Injured
- Punish the Otter
- Dragon Fan Girl
- To Bake or to Priest
- That Compulsion Thing Again
- Ominous
- Insurmountable Problem
- Life is Evil
- Kids
- Allergic to Feathers
- Curvy in the Armory
- Curvy’s Ghost
- Paper Butterfly
- Still Mad
- Nice Shooting
- Stelle Avenged
- I will be Avenged
- Special delivery
- Stay with me
- I have a Gun
- Break Those Chains
- Compelled
- Wrong Boat
- She harms me every day
- Only Females
- I have Work for You
- Cranky
- Enter Cerberus
- So Dumb
- No Book Learnin’
- It is a Genie
- Sing your Jingle
- I am Content
- Twins to the Rescue
- More Room, Tugboat
- My Dress Smells
- Time Diner
- The Dinosaurs Run for it
- EOU droid makeover
- I'm Really Smart
- Love at First Bite
- Bitten
- We get to eat you
- Mister’s Nightmare
- Foot Print
- Cyclone has a Problem
- Ironkeel Girls are Cute
- Interest in Profit
- Sumerbuck’s of the Tree.
- Here’s Grandma.
- Tea Cures All
- Honeymoon
- I Love Her
- Your Majesty
- Don’t be an Ass
- I Pronouce you Wives
- Hen Party
- Will you Marry Me?
- Dwarfs in Lust
- Sticker Lady Birthday
- Empty my Pistol
- Biological Grandmother
- So Disappointed
- Compulsion
- Tusker and Didi Team up
- Tusker Saves a Bird
- Dragons, Cat, Cyclops, and Orc
- Sharon Returns
- Battle Mateing Form
- Goblins Arrive
- Orc from behind
- Cowabunga
- No Sleeves
- Broken Water
- Senior Rider
- Guys Help
- Swabby what did you do.
- Happy New Year 2023
- Swabby’ s Solution
- Roommate
- Merry Christmas 2022
- Do you have a Bomb?
- I’m Robbing Them
- I Don’t Care
- Badger Iceberg
- Slow Cooker Magic
- Rubber Band Bird
- Tourist
- Don’t be a Princess
- The Legend of Cuda
- Metal Memory
- Happy Thanksgiving 2022
- Food
- Seaville’s Champion
- Old Glamor
- Not Just Elves
- I’ll get it
- Convent Departure
- Shrinking Clothes
- The Goddess Owes You
- Vow of Chastity
- Sister in Flight
- Gossip
- Just Nuns
- A Guest
- The Unicorn’s Revenge
- Slave Witch
- Alive when I Left
- Like Skobel
- The Ship is Mine
- The Danger Within
- Alljaws
- Spell Books
- Three Decker
- Morning flight
- Sunrise Scouting
- Get a Room
- I want to be a Nun
- Don’t eat me!
- Cyclone
- Vampire
- Unicorn Magic
- The Time Tourist vs the Time Goddess
- What did you do
- Slavers in the Rain
- Me too
- Summerbuck’s Coffee
- The Goblin Trading Post
- Pooka Head
- I didn’t ask their Names
- Sage KAM
- Mage Power
- Courting Doom
- Size comparison: Buell, Windy, and Stormy
- Scotch and Whiskey
- Pennies for the Ferryman
- My Turn
- Night Flight
- What are we up Against?
- Cheese it the Cops
- Acid for the Win
- The Dragons are Here
- Quiche and Boom
- Fiancé
- Puberty
- Aged Princess Storm
- Oh Two Levels
- Time Demons
- HK Fantasy Unchained pose challenge.
- Miranda Alverez
- Curse you Whisper Song
- Vacation
- All Present and Accounted For
- Our Daughter
- Frank and Evelyn
- Time to Make the Donuts
- Pesky Heartbeat
- A Little Problem.
- Game Night
- After Party
- Pillowcases
- Donut-a-geddon
- Windy a Wandering
- Target Rich Enviroment
- I Am Happy
- The Detective
- Begin Again
- Five Claw’s Place
- A New Home
- Frost Serpent
- Making Omlets
- You are Free
- Happy New Years 2022
- Cabin Cleaning
- The Hat comes Back
- Merry Christmas 2021
- Arula and Pup
- Say Cheese
- Trick my Dragon Taught Me
- That’s a big Dragon
- Feeling my Way.
- Missing Soul
- Grounded for Life
- Little Misfits
- A Boy in my Bed
- What Horns?
- Visiting the Wizard Fortress
- We had a Quest
- Thanks for Killing Me
- All Souls are Different
- Eternal Grounding
- Pooka to the Rescue
- Dig a Hole
- Buried Alive
- I’ll take this Reap
- Taco Givings
- Big Dragon, Little White Thing
- Dragon Scream
- Battle Form
- Gomee
- HK at the Beach
- Sorry
- Knock Yourself Out
- Customer Retention
- Ogre Bos to the Rescue
- HK and Triple D
- Ashes Ashes all Fall Down
- S’mores
- Side Effect
- Slimed
- Raise you Three
- They can Fly
- Return of Terran Scout
- Getting Organized
- And now the Bad News
- Sharp Beak Explains
- Bad Start
- Ping Sized Stow-aways
- Disaster
- The Rooftop in the Underworld
- Friends and Blueprints
- Banishment, a Family Tradition
- Honor Bound
- HK vs Cinala
- Dancer’s Killer
- Five Claw and Seelensucher
- Charm Shop
- The Sphinx goes Home
- Baldy
- Horse Trading
- Sphinx Problem
- Tea with the Charm Maker
- The Charm Maker
- Warranty Expired
- Have a Cookie
- Have Rune will Travel
- Kill the Captain
- Family Business
- Free Enterprise
- Lana tells a Story
- Lan Hades
- Sphinx Cimala
- Holiday at Dog Island
- Seelesucher
- Another Wing Spike
- A Little Prejudiced
- Quirk
- The Lie
- That was my Job
- Subtle
- Landing
- Watch out for the Trees
- Swamp of the Lost
- Steer for the Trees
- Proud Momma
- One Thing off the List
- Sunday Special: Mixup
- Hard Left Rudder
- River Styx
- Sick to my Stomach
- Sunday Special: Skeleton Key
- Tattoo
- Zero-G Shower
- Worn Out Welcome
- Mother
- Loose Ends
- Cookies
- Neato
- A Small Favor
- Requiem for Ashes Kreig
- Sunday Special
- Crickets, Cockroaches, and Mini Bats
- Make a Deal
- Ask Fast Please
- Snipers
- Totally Worth It
- Honorable Scars
- Get a Haircut
- Void Kreig finds a Hat
- Fire Hose
- Job Interview
- Re–equipped
- Close Enough
- Hammer Time
- A Special Reap
- The Wedding
- More Repercussions
- Repercussions
- HK’s Fingers
- Music Restored 2021
- Demon Taint
- Merry Christmas 2020
- Addicts
- Begone
- Ping Pong Leads the Way
- Overwhelmed
- What the Hell
- Can We Step it Up?
- A Sad Dragon’s Tale
- Premature Departure
- The Mages are Wrong
- Goodnight Kiss
- Drum Lessons
- The Dance goes on
- Getting Married
- Moonlight Dance
- Everybody Dance
- The Guests Arrive
- Free Admission
- The Big Party
- Shopping
- Tea Party
- Halloween 2020
- Metal Porn
- A Special Request
- Condescend Much?
- Death’s Emissary
- A Special Favor
- What’s This?
- Dispatched
- Ask Her
- The Dispatcher’s Tower
- Ice Reaper
- I Heard a Lie
- Kreigs in Turmoil
- Hard Headed
- Mine is Bigger
- New Trick
- Traveling Soul
- Time to Go
- Hell of a Day
- Dumb Kid
- The End is Near
- HK and Double Duce
- HK vs Dancer
- Paladin
- Sharkface and Harpoon
- Wrecking Ball
- Please Shut Up
- One Way or Another
- He’s Dead
- Dance
Return to Service
- Nightingale
- Just Keep Hitting Him
- Triumphant Return
- Fox Fur Concept
Transport Betty
- Unmasked
- Class One
- Fox Fur and Lazer
- Fox Fur and Lazer
- Fox Fur Dragon Riding Medic
- Finally the Cruiser
- The Last Word.
- Dissolve to Black
- Mini's End
- Leadership
- Jurisdiction
- Tatooing
- What's Going On.
- I Gotta Go
- I Warned Her
- Major Sublime
- Federation Cruiser in the Wrong Hands
- All My Fault
- Happy New Year 2018
- Calling in Sick
- I'm Pretty Sure
- Reporting In
- Death Riders
- New Friends
- Two Pennies
- Live Ones
- Niggle
- Prejudice
- Apex Reaper Update
- Flight Leader is Pissed
- The Villain Unmasked
- Tattoo
- That's a Big Ogre
- Yet Another Reaper
- How to Fight a Warrior
- Warrior in the Dark
- Missed Some
- Once Upon a Time
- Suzy
- Salvage Runes
- Rune Writing
- Teach me More.
- Crick in my Neck
- Oz
- Just a Scan
- Runes
- Who's the Boss
- Servicing the Rogue
- Swabby Takes Charge
- New Boss
- Swabby gets Fired
- A Visit
- Perspective
- Redemption of Puddin
- The Ghost of Roger
- Radio Ping Pong
- Warmwind
- Lots of Souls
- Mage Stewart
- The Reaper Totem
- The Pillar
- Pushing Through
- The Plot Thickens
- The Wall
- Puddin
- Spirit of Vengence
- You Broke Another Reaper
- Don't Touch the Blade
- Death Rattle
- Lana"s Looking Glass
- The Reaper's Freedom
- Nap
- Payday
- Shut Up
- No Tipping
- Betrayal
- The Offer
- The Reapers Tavern
- Meeting of Reapers
- Souls
- Coup de Grace
- Get Him
- We Didn't Call
- What a Stink
- I made it up
- Statue
- Odds and Ends
- Guilt Trip
- Point Blank
- Blunderbuss
- Summoned
- Silver Stripe tells a Secret
- Your Liking This
- You're Liking This
- Got a Minute Foxy?
- Follow Tusker
- Bankrupt
- Skull Dugger's Birthday
- Spooky
- Abandoned Tunnels Again
- Not his Fault
- Bone Bag
- Defrost the Pooka
Hindu Kush's Quest
- Happy New Year 2017
- Farewell Princess
- Paladin Assault Boat
- Merry Christmas 2016
- Subject Study
- Introduce Mom
- Seeing our Buddy Off
- Stripes
- Banjo
- Tone Deaf
- Sergeant Report
- And now for the Dwarf
- Paladin Alphawen
- Rescue Fail
- Art and Music
- Dating the Paladin
- A Present for the Bosses
- Return of the Dragon Riders
- Wind Siren
- Dust on the Wind
- Hanging Around
- Collapse
- Organize the Rescue
- Fox Fur Kidnapped
- Art Store
- Mother and Daughter
- Shaman Old Stripes
- Angry Cat
- Tell Us
- Dragon Pilot
- Who's Flying my Ship?
- There you are
- You Did not Kill Granma
- You killed Grandma
- Tree Trimming
- Dark Eyes Mom
- Call for Help
- The Trees
- Exit at a Rush
- Grandma and Grandpa
- I'm Back
- Be Seein' Ya
- Sister Saves Sister
- Lost Panel
- Not Interested
- Underworld
- Bat Family Tree
- Grandpa
- Reflect a Moment
- Say Yes Say Yes
- Night Shopping
- Think Differently
- Maginess
- My Best Freind
- The Charter
- Angry Healer
- Silver Stripe's new Duds
- Dragon-in-Law
- Dragon-in-Law
- What is a Dragon Rider
- Shadow
- I"m Keeping Him
- The Nursery
- Crazy Aunt
- Dirk Whip
- Dread
- Frightening Sight
- Don't be so Silver Stripe
- Sister's Boy Friend
- Drunk Bat
- Anger and Power
- Silver Stripe Debute
- Secrets Revealed
- Three Sisters
- What Happens to Me?
- Dragon Rider Saves Dragon Riders
- Magic Onset
- Those Chains
- Family Reunions
The Return
- Kiss a Merman
- A Sinking Feeling
- Hard Choice
- Hey Sally
- Cabin Girl
- Where's my Sister
- Mary and Amy
- Weather is a Changin'
- Sleepy Dragon Rider
- New Friends
- Dlanor Rides Again
- Stinky Clue
- Farley Smells Something
- Forgive
- Obstacles
- The Forgotten Dragon
- You're Fox Fur
- Rider Jewel
- Oh it's you
- Snow Slave
- Blood on the Snow
- Snowstorm
- I have my Secrets too.
- Another Kind of Work
- Am I in Trouble
- Happy New Year 2016
- Doing Their Sums
- Merry Christmas 2015
- Not Loving her Work
- Recruiting at Bountiful
- Wander and Lana
- Politics
- The Inn at Bountiful
- First Day on the New Job
- The Dwarfs and the Dragon Slayer
- Preparation
- Dragon Slayer It's Official
- Regret
- Oops Sorry
- Superheroes
- Home Owner's Association
- Reunion
- I Didn't Mean It.
- Behind the Wall
- Astral Girl Talk
- Impact
- Spelunking
- Wish we were Real
- What is That?
- Wrong Problem
- Cowboys and Crossovers
- Angry Little Bear
- Young Wheels
- The Doctor
- Another Blast from the Past
- Wayward Wings Destroyed
- Briefing the Crew
- Time to Act
- Raining Magic
- Summerbucks Check
- Outcast Krieg
- The Brothers Krieg
- Daddy's Little Girl
- Excuse
- Ghost Stands her Ground
- Ghost Tested
- Being Krieg
- The Trial of Ghost
- Druid Enhancements
- High Elf King
- Honor thy Mother
- White Hand
- Paladin Sergent
- Rogues and Paladins
- Fury Save the King
- Unicorn Music
- My Chair
- Master
- Bagaa
- Hilltop Refuge
- I Forget
- Bitsy
- Unsatisfactory Performance
- The Stick
- Ironkeel Marine Ships
- Ping Pong
- Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015
- Enough
- Getting Small
- Cameo Comic
- Not Hot Enough
- Go
- On Your mark, Get set...
- Final Preperations
- Empathy
- Working it Out
- Moving On
- Roll Over Fast
- Shelterville Connection
- Land of Riley
- Terran Defender
- Shortages
- It's a Trap of Course
- Terran Explorer Found
- Awaiting the Cutter
- Arrival at the Nebula.
- Mission of Mercy, Mission of Vengence
- Happy New Year 2015
- Now What
- Merry Christmas 2014
- Big Blue Ambulance
- Story in Wood episode One
- Busy Morning
- Escape from the Hill Region
- Dragon Fire
- Silent Shroud takes the Wheel
- The Other Necromancer
- Mausoleum
- Lana and Skull Dugger
- Infiltration
- Teams A and B
- Post Thanksgiving 2014
- Wizards Meeting Table
- The Order Expands
- Squee
- End Game Begins
- We're not Complaining
- The Fight Begins
- The Response
- Summer Sells Ornaments
- Of Fingers and Saws
- Who Would Attack
- Painful Memory
- Happy Halloween 2014
- A Healer's Story
- Second Sight
- Related Events
- The Eyes Have It.
- Meet the Landlord
- Pumping the Paladin
- First Patient
- Fury's Apprentice
- Good News... Sorta
- Bat Room
- Dragon Talk
- And then there were Four
- Royal Mother Revives
- Attempted Murder
- Noisy Dragons
- Aftermath
- The Fiveclaw Factor
- Finding Spar
- A Dragon Slain
- The Archer
- Baby Dragons Join in.
- A Bunch of Healers
- Ride Didi Ride
- Versa at the Gate
- Underground Snowstorm
- Didi to the Rescue
- Tusker and Wirley
- Mystery of the Crack
- Graduation Flight
- Lunch
- Mage Staff
- Illicit Flight
- Sisters
- Tribute
- The Dress Maker and the Jeweler
- Loot
- Not as Dead as Expected
- Final Battle the Third
- Is it Dead?
- Magic Leach
- Askook
- Departing the Milkyway
- Pooped Dragon Rider
- Is the Parking Brake on?
- Granny the Space Dragon
- No Range
- Expanded View
- Travel Arrangements
- I have to go
- Druid Writings
- Informant
- Ogre Bos' Place
- Speedy Delivery
- Stump
- Witchwood Tree
- What was That?
- Angry Druids
- Oath Breaker
- First Mission
- A New Order
- Zanhorn
- Exodus
- Presenting Fury
- Elder Druid
- Off to meet the Druids
- Naked Centaurs
- Wheels is Missing
- I'm Bat Pooka
- Babies Flying x3
- Examining the Evidence
- Tracking the Bug
- Medical Advice
- Grandparents
- New Game
- Job
- Personal Vendetta Mortal
- Cory's Despair
- Home at Last
- For Curvy
- He's Here
- Boris Fails the Audition
- Boris M Wobblewheels
- Seeker Return
- Lament
Sad News
- Boo's Story Part 2
- Boo's Story Part 1
- H.G. Aidneus
- Pursue the Culprit
- Damn Pooka
- The Whitehouse
- Room 77
- Introspective
- Backhanded Compliment
- Doc for the Win
- Bail Out!
- Enter Doll
- Ground Pounders
- I have the Helm
- Brawler
- Ships
- Too Much!
- Into the Fire
- Show me your Ass
- Raise Shields
- Assault on the Cruiser
- No rain
- Necromancers
- Roll Call
- Ghosts
- Pizza!
- Rock Troll
- Hands and Fist Bump
- Nightingale
- Love at First Sight
- Don't Stop
- Daughters
- Worst Case Scenario
- The Warriors turn to Watch
- Loop de Loop
- Popcorn
- Mist Vs Giggles. The Finale
- Little Alfred Tactician
- Santa Man and the Replacements
- The Druid' Team
- Coming to a Head
- Doc's Discovery
- Character
- I'll Kill You!
- Wander's Protege
- Sleepy Time
- Gurl Fren
- Mist's Power
- Mist by Cleat
- Flying
- Pursuit
- Lana's Butt
- Cleat's Contribution
- Destiny
- Stretch them Out
- It's Me!
- He's Dead
- It's Lost!
- Bad Advice
- Pillow Talk
- Cleat be Nice
- Too Late
- Slept too Long
- Curvy Tiger Triumphant
- Good Bye Curvy Tiger
- Tree House Escape, For Some
- Tree House Pact
- Pooka PhoneCon
- Moving Out
- Muscles
- Mammal Tricks
- I'm Not Brave
- Mammal
- Shower and a Nap
- A Piece of Bone
- Steel Reinforced Concrete for the Win
- Mom's Voice in my Head
- Thanks Mom
- Battle Bear meets the General
- Monitor Duty
- No Males
- Not Complicated
- Intel Brief
- Big Thinker Disappointed
- Attack the Logistics
- The Rage of Mist
- General Recall
- Greedy Lana
- Not Trained
- First Kill
- Debut
- Mist Lives!
- Warriors not Heros
- Lana gone Wild
- Clothing makes the Centaur
- Sally
- Mist Speaks
- Re-Group
- Hard or Soft?
- Shirt off of her back
- The Villians
- Sympathy for Cory
- Big Gun
- Rolling down the highway.
- I Hate Zombies
- Kill Cory. Please!
- Giggles
- Naked and Out Cold
- Something's coming fast
- The Death of Mist and Magic Man
- Replacements Assemble
- Curvy Tiger
- Spoil Sport, Death's Daughter, Tech Support and Doc
- Twin Tricksters
- Mist, Dragon Girl and Battle Bear
- Persausion
- Knock Knock
- Step Overboard
- Big Mouth Dragonling
- Rendezvous
- Time Cop
The Replacements
- sort of random
- old guy 14
- old guy pg 13
- old guy pg 12
- old guy pg 11
- old guy pg 10
- old guy pg 9
- old guy pg 8
- old guy pg 7
- old guy pg 6
- old guy adventures page 5
- old guy adventures page 4
- old guy adventurs..page 3
- oga page 2 Daisey's choice
- old guy adventurs..
- Meanwhile back at the Ranch
- Something
- The Walk
- 4th of July 2012
- 4th of July 2012
- Not on the Lable
- Disappointed Dwarf
- Hailing
- Of Course you are
- Emerge
- Something to do
- We're in Arizona Now
- where are we
- Retired
- Hero Pooka
- One Fatality
- Reboot
- Rough Ride
- Here we Go.
- Proud
- Loyalty
- Command Decision
- Google it
- First Kiss
- Worried Momma
- In over his head
- The Protector Mage
- A gift from Wheels
- Be Mad
- Screw Ups
- A Lifetime
- Robert Returns
- Something Changed
- report
- Darn
- cat fight
- hailing
- no way....right...
- Dupe
- PK Arrives
- what montigo did..
- Pedal to the Metal
- Montiego's Idea
- Shake Down Cruise
- Hard Decision
- Angry Bat
- Advice
- Failure
- Merry Christmas 2011
- The Crash
- Treachery All Around
- Ghost's Story
- Curse of the Alien Green Crystal
- Wander Scared
- Just a Mechanic
- Of Pookas and Ghosts
- A New Day
- Spooky God Mother
- Spooky God Mother
- While the Pookas Slept
- A New Mystery
- Mermaid Bones
- Sledge makes a Splash
- Discovered
- Terrible Blessing
- Healed
- Sorry
- Nudge
- Seeker
- Happy Halloween 2011
- Robert and the Grand Wizard
- Delicate Matter
- Roberts Plan
- Bats
- Calender Plug
- Girl Talk
- New Digs
- Boo Talks to Herself
- Running Blindly
- Just Friends
- Hi Bobby
- The Sentence
- Triplet Concept Art
- Courtroom Action
- Courtroom Drama
- The Last Breakfast
- The Blood Loss Talking
- Second Chance
- Dead
- Slammer Girls
- Bad Girls
- Ghost Sitter
- Never Forget
- Surrender
- Fight Dirty
- Rage
- Mommy
- Street Fight
- Greetings
- Footprints
- shadows
- Anchor and Lana
- Smoking in the Dark
- Nothing but the Truth
- Goodbye Drunken Scribblings
- How did they get there
- Opening Argument The Defense!
Opening Argument The Prosecution!
- Model it Lana
- Check Six
- Love at First Sight
- Now we can go Home
- What are you Wearing?
- Thank You Robert
- A cup of Mini Gnomes
- Unloading the Ghost
- Weekend Scheme
- Happy Father's Day
- Grow a Spine
- Complete with Ghost
- Not a Boat Boo
- meanwhile
- eat bugs
- smuglers cave
- Hole in the Ground
- Island of Mysteries
- Parenting Advice
- here comes the judge
- where is everyone going
- roberts room..
- planning
- lan vs wheels..
- let me help
- arch enemy
- cory steps over the line
- Donna takes over
- bad news..
- respect or fear..
- pudding
- unfinished
- he did what..
- never said I failed..
- could of if only..
- Lana figures it out... or not..
- Dead Duck
- Digit and Wheels..
- just a test...
- think i can.....
- not imaginary
- daizi slips up,,
- return of the cat
- skinned knee two..
- skinned knee
- big mosquito; part 2
- misuse of magic
- with a little help from...
- thanks whisper song... :)
- Lan and Whisper song
- ouch
- no dishes for heros..
- where is Boo
- Victory Party‏
- try to remember
- explenations
- the fixer and his friends
- time ship to the rescue
- help on the way
- more room out of control
- the gods talk
- hang on...
- its a huge...
- you don;t know my mom
- a few demerits
- wrong word..
- a malfunction
- Happy New Year...
- new orders..
- merry christmas..2010
- big Guy..
- better hurry..
- I'll remember the pass word..
- father and son and Lana too..
- raise you a baby brother
- ready to go home
- bunch of misfits and muts
- unreliable witness
- Legal Disclaimer
- your seeing things..
- duck... duck centaur..
- Robert's Mother Knows
- Roberts mom knows
- so what happened to robert
- wish
- easy as pie..
- Missed Something Cool
- little cave of horrors
- traps,, ice and pass..
- blue red dragon or frosty
- normal...
- did it...and a big question
- the fun part..
- and one more thing..
- trust the wind..
- meanwhile...
- bang
- Lana
- underway
- got a message..
- better then a map
- left right and up
- not a butterfly
- invaders..
- something fishy..
- looking for a boat
- i got a map
- not really here
- enter the wizard
- Stowaway Rescue
- message in a bottle
- more room
- this is big
- inconspicuas
- unicorn magic
- see the point..
- speaking pooka
- got it..
- cory
- make a deal..
- the kids take over...
- So Long for Now
- Wayward Wings
- Love Ogre Style
- Sharp Beak takes a Turn
- Mage Siblings
- Dragon Riding Sister
- Unlikely Friends
- Relay for Life
- Tanks
- Hanging Around
- Petersens Spy
- Things Have changed
- Excuses
- Moving Day
- Freedom
- Atom Bomb
- Can't Remember Why
- Reunion
- Relay for Life
- Contact
- Doll Makes Good
- Pick A Victim
- Impatient
- Dossier
- Fantasy Squad
- 1000
- Challeng
- Get Well Soon Jim
- Introduction
- Showdown
- She looks Good
- Gift Curse
- Time Travelers
- Mizzen Ironkeel
- Talented Arm
- Baby Day
- The Artist
- Installing Clyde
- First Day
- Arrival
- The Ogre Mage
- One Short
- Breaking Ties
- Recognition
- A New Path
- Miss Punch and Stab
- Deadly Dance
- Fox Fur
- How Whisper Song got Home Part Two
- How Whisper Song got Home Part One
- Final Exam
- That's What Friends are For.
- Stormy Overwelmed
- Mage Ironkeel
- Stormy's Dad
- No Suspicion
- Valentine's Day 2010
- Security
- Crimson Garden
- Dinner and a Show
- The Return
- Tempest and Clyde
- Night Flyer Towing and Salvage
- Reunion
- Buisness Meeting
- Coffee
- Old Home Day
- Warning Shots
- Wander Official Greeter
- Return of the Humans
- Convoy
- Assessing the Situation Part Two
- Assessing the Situation Part One
- Asassin
- Happy New Year 2010
- For Wheels
- Thinning the herd
- Santa's Secret
- Hello Wander
- Cold Excuse
- Biff Blam Boom‏
- Repel Boarders
- Pre Op
- The Assassin Arrives
- Paradox Decision
- Dr. White Wings McAndrew
- Tug Pegasus
- Rearrangeing Planets
- Syssia Learns the Truth
- Surrender or Die
- Big Rock
- Amplifing Lens
- Tatoo
- The Ceremony
- The Chamber
- Spirits
- The Doors Open
- Happy Halloween 2009
- Pirate Ship Venom
- Hit-n-Run
- Captain's Meeting
- The Bug Fights Back.
- Big Doors
- Magical Cavern
- Hogan Investigations II
- Think Pink
- Treason for a Good Cause
- Hobby
- Jumped
- Secret Armory
- It Works!
- Robert is Brilliant
- Sooper Guy
- The Ghost's Bad
- Mommy
- Something in the Works
- Magnate
- Clean Up Aisle Four
- Flyboy
- No Teleporting!
- Protector's Planet
- Comforts of Home
- Waiting on Wheels
- First Mutiny
- Isolating the Bug
- 900
- Nytedge Calls
- Story Interrupted
- Plague Fleet
- Mystery Number 2
- Getting her Thoughts together
- Introspective
- A Fine Mess
- I liked the dream better
- Boo
- Story Delayed
- We're Rich!
- Prisoner Transfer
- Welcome Home Robert
- Fury blows her lines.
- Mystery Ship
- Almost Terran Scout
- Spoiler
- Brian's DNA
- I'm Back
- Running with trouble
- Hiding among friends
- Chaos in Hell's Kitchen!
- Tea For Two... and a Boy Waiter
- Robert Teddy Bear
- Wheels on the road...
- Time to let the robe fall...
- Batman... go home!
- You should see the toaster then...
- Vacational escape!
- Dark Eyes Runs Away
- Worry
- Lord Wander
- Baby Robert
- The Naming
- Whisper Song's Gift
- Alternate Treatment
- The Treatment
- Wander Steps Up
- Dark Eyes Collapses
- Scales Gift
- Presentation of the Gifts XII
- Presentation of the Gifts XI
- Presentation of the gifts X
- Little Sisters Rule!
- Presentation of the gifts IX
- Presentation of the Gifts VIII
- Presentation of the Gifts VII
- Presentation of the Gifts VI
- Presentation of the Gifts V
- So far so good
- April Fools 1
- Presentation of the Gifts IV
- Wander's Invitation
- Presentation of the Gifts III
- Presentation of the gifts II
- Presentation of the Gifts
- Hogan Investigations
- What to do about the Males
- The Guests Fly In.
- Surprise
- Ron's Revenge on KAM
- Baby Shower Plot
- The Journey Home
- Don't Worry
- Left Turn
- Freighter World Emerges
- Starworth Comes to Life
- I don't get it
- Coming to Life
- Ascend
- Three Years old
- Happy Birthday Donna 2009
- Naah
- Destroy Freighter World
- The Control Center
- Spool up to Jump
- Turn on
- Long Eye
- Longshot
- Rats And the Sinking Ship
- Spies
- Mysterious Hero
- Skunked
- Filler for 7Jan
- Turning the Tables
- Rescue Dark Eyes
- Preview
- Dark Eyes BANDITS
- Dark Eyes' Treasure
- Royal Mother steps in
- The Ironkeel Christmas 2008
- Christmas 2008
- Secret Santa
- Little Old Ladies
- Planning to save the World
- Terran Scout starts a war
- Bored Bat
- Misfit Trek
- Day off again!
- 800
- Hair
- The Great Space Escape
- Save both Worlds
- Grin-n-Spirit Whisper Song
- Fess and George Under Arrest
- Houskeeping
- Space Magic Resumes
- Kids Plot
- The Telling Resumes
- The Library is Saved
- halloween 2008 The end some more
- Halloween 2008 The End
- Rear ended
- Halloween 2008 Almost Home
- Slacker
- Halloween 2008 Scale
- Halloween 2008 Bobby points out the exit.
- Halloween 2008 Ta Da
- Halloween 2008 Cameos Complete
- Halloween 2008 Little Alfred learns a new Trick
- Halloween 2008 Mistaken Identity
- Halloween 2008 Zombie Gnomes
- Halloween 2008 Dark Eyes
- Halloween 2008 Wander and Brian
- Halloween 2008 Terrible Request
- Halloween 2008 Make a Road
- Halloween 2008 Smile
- Halloween 2008 Brainssss
- Halloween 2008 Baby's Cloak.
- Halloween 2008 Whisper Song's Audience
- Halloween 2008 Evil Released!
- Halloween 2008 Recriminations
- Halloween 2008 Early Defeat
- Halloween 2008 Oh no Baby!
- Halloween 2008 Good Intelligence
- Halloween 2008 Skull Dugger Rescued
- Halloween 2008 Cookies
- Halloween 2008 Mean while back at the Institute
- Halloween 2008 Xade
- Halloween 2008 First Cameo
- Halloween 2008 When are we?
- Halloween 2008 Arrival
- Magical Misfits Join the Halloween Cameo Caper 2008
- Enter the Heros
- Misfits to Arms!
- Ogre Bob fights alone
- Ironkeels Right Arm Returns
- Come Uppance
- Glowing Belt
- Lana's Pouch
- Floor
- Wheels gets the News
- Rush
- Lame excuse again
- Little Kids
- Vine & Ice
- Cold Trail
- One Million Views
- Flying Rickshaw
- Scary Sisters x3
- Old Acquaintance
- Awww Doll
- Excuses
- Boggles
- Enter the Drow
- Favor
- Life and times of Tam
- Mutton for Stewart
- By the Gnome's Red Glare
- Restraint
- Gossipy Girls!
- Things they are a Changing
- Embarrassing Question
- Celibacy
- Hello Little Girl
- Sox's New Body
- Sledge Help!
- Pop goes the .........
- Bob's on Board
- No Party
- Welcome Home
- Farewell Drake
- Hoping forGood Guys
- Pick a Fight
- Cook Alfredo
- Perplexed
- Two New Mages
- Wet the Bed
- Pink Ribbon
- Lame Excuse
- The Gifts
- Slumber Party
- Wanderlust
- Big Cat
- Pet Project
- Doll's Disgrace
- Doll finds PK
- Where's Panzer Krieg
- Heart to Heart
- Rare Entertainment
- Dancer goes Home
- Dancer's Contract
- Dancer's Surprise
- The New Fortress
- Bad Guys Disposition
- The last three Wizards
- The worm turns
- Boat Looses it
- Wheels Conceeds
- It's All Legal
- Deed to the Institute
- Dancer and Sniper
- Sorry
- Breakfast is Served
- Goblin Chow
- Prepare
- One Schooner
- The Girls Talk
- Diagnosis
- Knocked-up
- Shelterville The End
- Shelterville Party
- Shelterville Rail
- Shelterville Dog
- Shelterville Building
- Stalling the Hiatus Bomb
- Shelterville Cameo Comic
- Shelterville KAMics
- Shelterville reborn
- Shelterville Mr. Wander
- Shelterville Cheats Death
- Shelterville Pursuit II
- Shelterville Pursuit
- Happy Birthday Donna
- Shelterville Rogue
- Shelterville Final Attack
- Shelterville Factory
- Shelterville Dead
- Shelterville Scales Armor
- Shelterville Assault
- Shelterville Cavalry
- 2yrs
- Shelterville Theory
- Shelterville Scout
- Summer Coffee
- Summer Wanted
- Shelterville Alamo
- Shelterville Mayday!
- Shelterville Valkeries
- Coffee for Dwarfs
- Shelterville Thinker
- Shelterville Droids
- Shelterville Reroup
- Shelterville Shootout
- Shelterville Revisited
- Happy New Years 2008
- Ski Bumbs
- Return to Shelterville
- Christmas 2007
- Crossover wars Finally done.
- Windstar and Stewart are Back
- Star's Cure
- meanwhile.....
- Return of the Hiatus Bomb
- Paradox
- Staring into the Magic
- Arriving at Paradox
- Heavy Cruiser is done
- Rumble in Space
- Combat Siblings
- Something is Wrong!
- Running and Playing
- Granny Pursued
- Happy Thanksgiving 2007
- Farewell to Royal Mother
- Star did it
- Bollard Found
- Eternal Life
- Misunderstanding
- Xade
- Cat Fight
- Falling out.
- Rule the World
- Bollard and Too Too
- Turning Point
- Departing the Party
- It's a Halloween Party!
- Inebriated Mallard
- Olaf to the Rescue
- Lan's defender
- Mr. Gogo
- The Last Casulty of war
- Two Dragons
- Hearing
- Summer's Agent
- Chill
- Little Secret
- Dragon Lair
- Suspended Animation
- 600
- Wander's Surprise
- The Return
- Three days a week
- Crossover Epilogue
- Ouch
- Deception Falls
- Planning the Distraction
- The Key
- Best Seller
- Sorry again
- Nice Move Uncle Wander
- Narcans Plan
- Wander's Strange Trip
- Air Wander
- The Spirits Join in
- EOU Droids Bio
- Beb vs the Muppets!
- Spar's Trouble
- Crossover Wars Final Battle
- Cameo Comic 173
- A Little Stressed
- Star Drake
- Panzer Krieg
- Nice Manners
- Egg Chamber
- Dragon Flight
- The Hatching
- Triangle
- Farewell
- Dragon Rider Bio
- The Funeral
- Crossover Wrap up
- Officers
- Great Day
- Intel Report
- Fly with me
- Revelation Investigator
- Recovering Beb
- Fool the arrow
- Dragon Secret Revealed
- Dozer Bio
- Bears
- Blood
- Of Ogres and Archers
- Star and Stewart to the Rescue
- Lana's Plan
- The Tired King
- Queen Hanna Bio
- Options
- The Priest spills his guts.
- Walnuts
- The Priest
- Mad House
- Healers assemble
- Lana Fiveclaw Bio
- Sailor Jib
- Rock Troll Oath
- Night Flyer
- Brand New Hospital
- Healing Lana Five Claw
- Princess Fury
- Sorry Gang
- Skull Dugger
- Lana Fiveclaw
- King Nor resubmit
- King Nor
- Royal Archer
- Three Arrows to the heart.
- passers by
- Rumble in the Queen's Chambers
- The King stands his ground
- The Queen
- The Kings Homecoming
- Figure it out
- The King's Name
- The New King
- King of the Lake region
- Robot Chuck
- Mens Room
- Wake up call 4
- wake up call3
- Wake up Call
- Hiatus Bomb
- Hiatus Bomb
- Cleat Hardbottom
- Redemption
- Kitten
- Gogo saves the world
- Special Delivery
- Face off
- Good Ridance Solution
- Gogo vs Solution
- Locked Out
- Last Stand
- Whoops
- Bad Acting
- The Misfits strike Back
- Zings Despair
- Summer shopping
- Gambit
- DH 855 returns
- Blam
- Eou Headquarters
- Redemption
- Big Cookie
- Broom
- Binical's First Born
- Baby's Regret
- Distilled Magic
- Goodbye Zortic
- Bottleing
- Cookies Stradegy
- New Look for Dark Eyes
- Kitchen paint
- Planning
- Ron, Donna, Goat and AK Brando
- She-who-must-be-obeyed
- Cookie leads
- Misfits never stand alone
- WCA vortex
- Gogo Power
- Feast
- Granny to the Rescue
- Zortic
- Happy Mothers Day
- Rescue Mission
- Scramble the Starship
- Scale calls
- Unification
- Fall of the Fortress
- Just a Little
- Catch up Sunday
- Strange Enrollment
- Family
- Assets
- Regrets
- Tragedy
- Ironkeel's Right Arm
- Lizardmen
- getting organized
- Doomedd44
- Possibilities
- Solution
- The Bad News Begins
- The Battle is Joined
- Little Alfred
- The Winged Fleets
- Gogo's Warning
- Gogo confronts Wander
- Goats Toon's
- New Leaf
- Wander's Porn
- Expidite
- Scale's Farewell
- The Tour
- Scale Recruits the Misfits!
- Scale gets Healed.
- Scale Arrives
- Agatha
- Vision
- Earthlings
- Memories
- Death
- Fatal Jump
- Captain Harddom 155
- Freighter World
- Realities
- Crossover Wars First Shot
- Surrender
- Tauren
- Bunsen's Gambit
- Turning the Tide
- Technological Toys
- Repel Boarder
- Well that's new
- Baby Gift
- The Gnomes
- Sucker
- Hero
- Check Six
- Uglies!
- Destroyer
- Rude Interuption
- Granny
- Granny at the Waypoint.
- Granny's Comming
- Daisy Mae
- Subspace 101
- Satisfying Boom
- Stealth
- Wood Elf FAQ
- Way Point
- Kophoid Porn
- Here's Where we came in
- What happened to the Humans
- The Story Begins
- Tug Pegasus
- Ironkeel Tree
- Boat Story Teller
- 400
- Binical arrives
- Part of the Gang
- Public Humiliation
- Breaker Breaker
- Baby Bio
- Lan's Wish
- What?
- Escape from New York
- Starworth
- Things in the dark
- Holland Tunnel
- Wander
- Paladin
- Worthy
- Paladin Inductee
- The Kids Contribute
- Summer's Golum
- Skeletons
- Oppenhiemer's Bio
- sue
- Rachel
- Boredom
- Paladin Jib Sail
- Taxi
- Warm Wind takes the lead.
- Jib Sail Bio
- Old New York
- Angel Zombie's last act.
- Getting set up.
- Important Planning
- Entrance to the city of Dead
- Confront the Idiot
- Plug Bio
- Dead but not Gone
- Zombie
- Router RIP ?
- Narcan makes Noise
- Summer to the Rescue
- Man Overboard
- Router
- Casulty
- Angels
- Night Attack
- Punch It
- Baby's Diagnosis
- Life Signs
- The Prince
- Part time Ogre
- Scary Voice
- Teleport Sickness
- The Ironkeel Vacation
- Good Bye Bec
- Happy New Year.
- Narcan Bio
- Stealthy
- The Love Boat
- CSI Misfits
- Troll Dhow
- Presents
- Happy Holidays 2006
- Engadgement Present.
- Show Off
- Lan in Love.....again
- Wander's Reward
- Warmwind Looses it!
- Plate
- Executive Producer
- Setting the terms
- Audition
- run
- Santa Man
- bats
- Gathering Supplies
- Riley's Turn
- Lan's off the hook
- Lan Summer and Warmwind
- Finding Boat
- Ones and Zeros
- Self Aware
- Goblin Junk
- Boat's Bio
- Camp Cook
- The new Gnome Quest
- The Truth Hurts
- Jib Sail's story
- A friend in deed
- The Investigation
- Dark Eyes Bio
- Sisters
- Star takes charge
- Disapointment
- Hildegard's Plan
- Find a Healer
- Jib Sail
- Hildegard's Bio
- Anchor's Retirement Job
- More hiring
- Otto's Reward
- Mega Chair
- 300
- Apprentice Beb
- Star and Stewarts Profile
- Administrator
- Druid Training
- Girl Talk
- Jenna cuts the Crap
- New Status
- Status Revolked
- Moonlore Bio
- Juvenile Delinquents
- Rude Awakening
- Shelterville Stowaway
- Homecoming
- Those Damn Bulgarians
- Dance Dance Dance
- Gogo to the rescue
- Centaur Dancing
- Hogan
- Prime Directive
- Wild West Air
- Crazy Tauren
- Life and Death
- Bulgarians
- Circus Circus
- Kams Armor
- The Great Halloween Cameo Crossover Challenge!
- The Kiss
- Will you Marry Me.
- Boat he means You
- Graceful Exit
- Lasagna
- Cheating a Little
- PK and Baby
- Cookie's profile
- P.K. Arrives
- Salute to Betsy
- Jenna Revealed
- Jenna's Realm
- Where is Wheels
- What is Baby?
- Wizard Gogo
- Despair
- Bec's Mad
- Bec to the Rescue
- Dire Circumstances
- Revelation
- oooh Chocolate Chip
- Save Oppenhiemer
- End of the Techno Dwarfs
- Wheels Ironkeel
- Dark Eyes Levels!
- Screwed
- Kill Something
- Flying Dwarfs
- almost Last Stand.
- Kam's Fault
- Dire News
- Baby Fails
- Blunt Force Trauma
- Roc
- Antidote
- OK Let's Dance
- Crash Landing
- Sharp Beak
- Ice in your Eye
- Misfits Outgunned!
- Battle Stations
- WOW Wheels
- Wander's Plea
- Good Friends
- Dwarvin Ale
- Misconception
- A Fate Worse than Death
- Transportion for Anchor
- About that Dad
- Anchor Ironkeel
- Boat's Mace
- Snack
- Cookie's Panel
- Aftermath Barfight
- Dog's Eye View Fan Art
- Dwarf Pluto
- Bar Fight
- Wheels with Hair
- Evil Space Aliens
- Kam's Trunk
- Together at Last
- Brilliant
- Wander's Complaint
- Universal Translator
- Lecherous Healer
- Wander Summoned
- What are Friends for?
- Passing the Buck
- Nut and Bolts Timing
- Torch and Scorch
- Nude
- Dishonor
- Hildegard's Rage
- 200
- Orions Nose
- Go Sally Go
- Good Friends
- Interior Decorator
- The Old Gang
- Heat Wave.
- Moving
- Annoucement
- Sally to the Rescue
- Bomb shell
- Bad Hair
- High and Dry
- Kids Quest Rejoined
- Ogre Ogre
- Fighter
- Landing Party
- Quest Cross
- Send off
- Big Magic
- Oculus Wrap up.
- Dangerous Instructions
- Generals
- Color me Blue
- Patch
- Paladin Spirits
- 4th of July 2006
- Rixxi Triumphant
- Consultation
- Oculas Gel
- Fess Enraged
- Rixxi in pain
- Uh Oh Rixxi
- And they lived.....
- The Goddess Enraged
- The Magic Returns
- Once upon a Time
- Ogre Bob
- Belief system
- Back to a Library
- Boat and Rixxi's Quest Begins
- Agatha's Help
- Witchwood.
- Gossip
- Gogo's Staff
- Hildegard and the Dragonlings
- VIP Suite
- Over Zealous
- Changes
- Stolen Property
- Robot Arm
- Otto the Hero
- Turning Point
- Battle Cont
- Battle for the Institute
- Adorable
- Wheels Ironkeel Lives!
- Fess
- Like Old Times
- Bad Move
- Dead and gone to Hell
- Subtle
- Wizard Ships
- Allies
- Clarity
- repercussions
- Pants
- Gadget Rising
- Splash splash
- Victory
- Bishop Fish Rout
- Dryer
- Ichthycentaur
- Bishop Fish
- Gadjet found.
- Juno NOOO!
- Fleet
- x3022
- Big Scaly with Sharp Teeth
- Retirement Plan
- Bug on her back.
- Dragon Rider's Secret
- Dragonlings
- Porsche Matches and Bunsen
- Whity Thighty
- Porsche
- Good Stew
- Second Best
- Teleport Rune
- Feed and Protect
- The Jump
- Drop Zone
- Polymorph
- Fire Drakes
- Wheels Magic
- Quest Reveled.
- Time to Go
- Ironkeel Sword
- Plot revealed
- Hunch
- 100
- High Elf Politics
- Weapons Training.
- Baby Steps
- Stern Talk
- Kids Talk
- Congrats Joff
- Concern.
- Animal form
- Filler
- Ancient Blade
- Assassin
- oops
- Major Change
- Kids' Quest
- Research
- Tea with Death 1 April
- Where to Start?
- Equip the Quest
- Quite Talk
- Rixxi tells Wheels
- The Quest Giver
- Rixxi
- Retired Paladin
- Ogre Beb
- Dishwasher
- Art Dept.
- Another Cardboard Choo Choo
- aftermath!
- The Scam 2
- The Scam
- Bait
- The Warning
- 512 Gnomes
- Gnomes' Story
- Gnomish Steam Ship
- Stars Choice
- Princess Fury's Punishment
- Training Aids
- Baby Enraged
- Rixxi Makes her Move
- Boats Romance
- Stars Story.
- Stewart Goes to College.
- The Prince and Plug Sound the Alarm.
- Family Reunion
- Star and Stewart.
- Night Flight
- The Otto Solution
- Overload
- 50
- Boat's Favor
- The Kids
- Healer's secret
- Friends
- Hire Rixxi
- The Plot Revealed
- Paladins!
- Nytedge
- Wander Strikes Again
- Regroup
- School is in Session
- Driving with the Ironkeels
- Dwarfs to the Rescue
- Rescue Part 2
- Flare
- Rescue
- Moonlore and Gogo
- Stowaway
- Good and Evil
- Dark Eyes gets her Book
- Dark Eyes Hired
- Healers
- Easy to make Happy
- Gas
- Pre- arrival.
- Underway!
- Knew We Forgot Something
- Weapons Ready
- Boat's Going Too!
- Wheels' Closet.
- Fairwell Wander
- The Cure :Part II
- Wander on Ice
- Wander & Baby
- Wander at Last
- Wander Arrives
- Resume'
- D&D Misfit Style
- Urinal
- The Cure
- Baby
- Ship
- Cookie
- Gogo
- Pinto
- Community Hot Tub
- Hot Tub
- Hildergard Arrives
- Wheels & Boat
Catch up Sunday
magicalmisfits on May 5, 2007
Evil_Overlord's Crossover_Wars. . and also Fantasy_wars Today I would have given up and gone to bed. I was exausted but this is a big week for Magical Misfits and the Wars. I will say we join the WCA_Hunt don't want to give away to much. And I absolutely needed to stay on schedule. Hence catch up Sunday instead of a Bio. The artsy fartsy drawing style is the result of being too tired to clean up the art. Tomorrow will be better. (I hope)
magickmaker at 9:13PM, May 6, 2007
You should totally get some rest. You deserve it for updating everyday.
Joff at 5:01PM, May 6, 2007
This is the toughest right arm in the business
NarcanGoat at 1:59PM, May 6, 2007
I swear, it' s like a bad 70's horror flick...beware..the Crawling Arm!! mwhahahh! Wander/Destrey G.
ProfessorF at 1:26PM, May 6, 2007
That WD 40 line is awesome
slimredninja at 12:07PM, May 6, 2007
to cool gore nice action great story love it!!
TEXAS at 8:42AM, May 6, 2007
I like the rugged drawing style! THIS is going to get INTERESTING!
Brogan at 7:47AM, May 6, 2007
Nice page!
artdude2002 at 6:10AM, May 6, 2007
Radmetalmonk at 5:37AM, May 6, 2007
Pass me a pint of that 40 too.
doomedd44 at 5:13AM, May 6, 2007
hahahahahaha, pass the wd 40,,, thats gold! :) cheers for the message about dasiy, id thought id seen her before, just didnt remember
Squared at 12:15AM, May 6, 2007
For a moment I thought the bots were speaking 1337 2p34k. Heh. That'd be cool heh. And what did ya do different in these? Pencil? Looks cool. B.
AK_Brando at 11:11PM, May 5, 2007
Wheels now has a nemesis.... and it's name is I.R.A. (Ironkeel's Right Arm). Too bad about the droids though, might have been interesting to have self-aware droids running around the institute. ;-)
Lonnehart at 11:03PM, May 5, 2007
Okay... I guess it wants to be reunited with Wheels? :)