- Shadows
- Someone is Falling
- Welcome Titus
- The New Stork
- I Needed a New Door
- Triple D and Dart
- Worship
- Headdress
- Sweet Dreams
- No Means No
- Don't Let Her Get Me
- Happy New Year 2024
- Something is Wrong
- How Summer got the Goblin Archipelico
- Merry Christmas 2023
- Discretion
- Spar’s angry Tattoo
- The Water is Rising
- Symptoms
- The Kraken
- Need a Hand?
- The Tauren Condition
- Mercedes' Date
- If I Have To
- Peace Offering
- Happy Thanksgiving 2023
- Briefing
- Stalkers
- Injured
- Punish the Otter
- Dragon Fan Girl
- To Bake or to Priest
- That Compulsion Thing Again
- Ominous
- Insurmountable Problem
- Life is Evil
- Kids
- Allergic to Feathers
- Curvy in the Armory
- Curvy’s Ghost
- Paper Butterfly
- Still Mad
- Nice Shooting
- Stelle Avenged
- I will be Avenged
- Special delivery
- Stay with me
- I have a Gun
- Break Those Chains
- Compelled
- Wrong Boat
- She harms me every day
- Only Females
- I have Work for You
- Cranky
- Enter Cerberus
- So Dumb
- No Book Learnin’
- It is a Genie
- Sing your Jingle
- I am Content
- Twins to the Rescue
- More Room, Tugboat
- My Dress Smells
- Time Diner
- The Dinosaurs Run for it
- EOU droid makeover
- I'm Really Smart
- Love at First Bite
- Bitten
- We get to eat you
- Mister’s Nightmare
- Foot Print
- Cyclone has a Problem
- Ironkeel Girls are Cute
- Interest in Profit
- Sumerbuck’s of the Tree.
- Here’s Grandma.
- Tea Cures All
- Honeymoon
- I Love Her
- Your Majesty
- Don’t be an Ass
- I Pronouce you Wives
- Hen Party
- Will you Marry Me?
- Dwarfs in Lust
- Sticker Lady Birthday
- Empty my Pistol
- Biological Grandmother
- So Disappointed
- Compulsion
- Tusker and Didi Team up
- Tusker Saves a Bird
- Dragons, Cat, Cyclops, and Orc
- Sharon Returns
- Battle Mateing Form
- Goblins Arrive
- Orc from behind
- Cowabunga
- No Sleeves
- Broken Water
- Senior Rider
- Guys Help
- Swabby what did you do.
- Happy New Year 2023
- Swabby’ s Solution
- Roommate
- Merry Christmas 2022
- Do you have a Bomb?
- I’m Robbing Them
- I Don’t Care
- Badger Iceberg
- Slow Cooker Magic
- Rubber Band Bird
- Tourist
- Don’t be a Princess
- The Legend of Cuda
- Metal Memory
- Happy Thanksgiving 2022
- Food
- Seaville’s Champion
- Old Glamor
- Not Just Elves
- I’ll get it
- Convent Departure
- Shrinking Clothes
- The Goddess Owes You
- Vow of Chastity
- Sister in Flight
- Gossip
- Just Nuns
- A Guest
- The Unicorn’s Revenge
- Slave Witch
- Alive when I Left
- Like Skobel
- The Ship is Mine
- The Danger Within
- Alljaws
- Spell Books
- Three Decker
- Morning flight
- Sunrise Scouting
- Get a Room
- I want to be a Nun
- Don’t eat me!
- Cyclone
- Vampire
- Unicorn Magic
- The Time Tourist vs the Time Goddess
- What did you do
- Slavers in the Rain
- Me too
- Summerbuck’s Coffee
- The Goblin Trading Post
- Pooka Head
- I didn’t ask their Names
- Sage KAM
- Mage Power
- Courting Doom
- Size comparison: Buell, Windy, and Stormy
- Scotch and Whiskey
- Pennies for the Ferryman
- My Turn
- Night Flight
- What are we up Against?
- Cheese it the Cops
- Acid for the Win
- The Dragons are Here
- Quiche and Boom
- Fiancé
- Puberty
- Aged Princess Storm
- Oh Two Levels
- Time Demons
- HK Fantasy Unchained pose challenge.
- Miranda Alverez
- Curse you Whisper Song
- Vacation
- All Present and Accounted For
- Our Daughter
- Frank and Evelyn
- Time to Make the Donuts
- Pesky Heartbeat
- A Little Problem.
- Game Night
- After Party
- Pillowcases
- Donut-a-geddon
- Windy a Wandering
- Target Rich Enviroment
- I Am Happy
- The Detective
- Begin Again
- Five Claw’s Place
- A New Home
- Frost Serpent
- Making Omlets
- You are Free
- Happy New Years 2022
- Cabin Cleaning
- The Hat comes Back
- Merry Christmas 2021
- Arula and Pup
- Say Cheese
- Trick my Dragon Taught Me
- That’s a big Dragon
- Feeling my Way.
- Missing Soul
- Grounded for Life
- Little Misfits
- A Boy in my Bed
- What Horns?
- Visiting the Wizard Fortress
- We had a Quest
- Thanks for Killing Me
- All Souls are Different
- Eternal Grounding
- Pooka to the Rescue
- Dig a Hole
- Buried Alive
- I’ll take this Reap
- Taco Givings
- Big Dragon, Little White Thing
- Dragon Scream
- Battle Form
- Gomee
- HK at the Beach
- Sorry
- Knock Yourself Out
- Customer Retention
- Ogre Bos to the Rescue
- HK and Triple D
- Ashes Ashes all Fall Down
- S’mores
- Side Effect
- Slimed
- Raise you Three
- They can Fly
- Return of Terran Scout
- Getting Organized
- And now the Bad News
- Sharp Beak Explains
- Bad Start
- Ping Sized Stow-aways
- Disaster
- The Rooftop in the Underworld
- Friends and Blueprints
- Banishment, a Family Tradition
- Honor Bound
- HK vs Cinala
- Dancer’s Killer
- Five Claw and Seelensucher
- Charm Shop
- The Sphinx goes Home
- Baldy
- Horse Trading
- Sphinx Problem
- Tea with the Charm Maker
- The Charm Maker
- Warranty Expired
- Have a Cookie
- Have Rune will Travel
- Kill the Captain
- Family Business
- Free Enterprise
- Lana tells a Story
- Lan Hades
- Sphinx Cimala
- Holiday at Dog Island
- Seelesucher
- Another Wing Spike
- A Little Prejudiced
- Quirk
- The Lie
- That was my Job
- Subtle
- Landing
- Watch out for the Trees
- Swamp of the Lost
- Steer for the Trees
- Proud Momma
- One Thing off the List
- Sunday Special: Mixup
- Hard Left Rudder
- River Styx
- Sick to my Stomach
- Sunday Special: Skeleton Key
- Tattoo
- Zero-G Shower
- Worn Out Welcome
- Mother
- Loose Ends
- Cookies
- Neato
- A Small Favor
- Requiem for Ashes Kreig
- Sunday Special
- Crickets, Cockroaches, and Mini Bats
- Make a Deal
- Ask Fast Please
- Snipers
- Totally Worth It
- Honorable Scars
- Get a Haircut
- Void Kreig finds a Hat
- Fire Hose
- Job Interview
- Re–equipped
- Close Enough
- Hammer Time
- A Special Reap
- The Wedding
- More Repercussions
- Repercussions
- HK’s Fingers
- Music Restored 2021
- Demon Taint
- Merry Christmas 2020
- Addicts
- Begone
- Ping Pong Leads the Way
- Overwhelmed
- What the Hell
- Can We Step it Up?
- A Sad Dragon’s Tale
- Premature Departure
- The Mages are Wrong
- Goodnight Kiss
- Drum Lessons
- The Dance goes on
- Getting Married
- Moonlight Dance
- Everybody Dance
- The Guests Arrive
- Free Admission
- The Big Party
- Shopping
- Tea Party
- Halloween 2020
- Metal Porn
- A Special Request
- Condescend Much?
- Death’s Emissary
- A Special Favor
- What’s This?
- Dispatched
- Ask Her
- The Dispatcher’s Tower
- Ice Reaper
- I Heard a Lie
- Kreigs in Turmoil
- Hard Headed
- Mine is Bigger
- New Trick
- Traveling Soul
- Time to Go
- Hell of a Day
- Dumb Kid
- The End is Near
- HK and Double Duce
- HK vs Dancer
- Paladin
- Sharkface and Harpoon
- Wrecking Ball
- Please Shut Up
- One Way or Another
- He’s Dead
- Dance
Return to Service
- Nightingale
- Just Keep Hitting Him
- Triumphant Return
- Fox Fur Concept
Transport Betty
- Unmasked
- Class One
- Fox Fur and Lazer
- Fox Fur and Lazer
- Fox Fur Dragon Riding Medic
- Finally the Cruiser
- The Last Word.
- Dissolve to Black
- Mini's End
- Leadership
- Jurisdiction
- Tatooing
- What's Going On.
- I Gotta Go
- I Warned Her
- Major Sublime
- Federation Cruiser in the Wrong Hands
- All My Fault
- Happy New Year 2018
- Calling in Sick
- I'm Pretty Sure
- Reporting In
- Death Riders
- New Friends
- Two Pennies
- Live Ones
- Niggle
- Prejudice
- Apex Reaper Update
- Flight Leader is Pissed
- The Villain Unmasked
- Tattoo
- That's a Big Ogre
- Yet Another Reaper
- How to Fight a Warrior
- Warrior in the Dark
- Missed Some
- Once Upon a Time
- Suzy
- Salvage Runes
- Rune Writing
- Teach me More.
- Crick in my Neck
- Oz
- Just a Scan
- Runes
- Who's the Boss
- Servicing the Rogue
- Swabby Takes Charge
- New Boss
- Swabby gets Fired
- A Visit
- Perspective
- Redemption of Puddin
- The Ghost of Roger
- Radio Ping Pong
- Warmwind
- Lots of Souls
- Mage Stewart
- The Reaper Totem
- The Pillar
- Pushing Through
- The Plot Thickens
- The Wall
- Puddin
- Spirit of Vengence
- You Broke Another Reaper
- Don't Touch the Blade
- Death Rattle
- Lana"s Looking Glass
- The Reaper's Freedom
- Nap
- Payday
- Shut Up
- No Tipping
- Betrayal
- The Offer
- The Reapers Tavern
- Meeting of Reapers
- Souls
- Coup de Grace
- Get Him
- We Didn't Call
- What a Stink
- I made it up
- Statue
- Odds and Ends
- Guilt Trip
- Point Blank
- Blunderbuss
- Summoned
- Silver Stripe tells a Secret
- Your Liking This
- You're Liking This
- Got a Minute Foxy?
- Follow Tusker
- Bankrupt
- Skull Dugger's Birthday
- Spooky
- Abandoned Tunnels Again
- Not his Fault
- Bone Bag
- Defrost the Pooka
Hindu Kush's Quest
- Happy New Year 2017
- Farewell Princess
- Paladin Assault Boat
- Merry Christmas 2016
- Subject Study
- Introduce Mom
- Seeing our Buddy Off
- Stripes
- Banjo
- Tone Deaf
- Sergeant Report
- And now for the Dwarf
- Paladin Alphawen
- Rescue Fail
- Art and Music
- Dating the Paladin
- A Present for the Bosses
- Return of the Dragon Riders
- Wind Siren
- Dust on the Wind
- Hanging Around
- Collapse
- Organize the Rescue
- Fox Fur Kidnapped
- Art Store
- Mother and Daughter
- Shaman Old Stripes
- Angry Cat
- Tell Us
- Dragon Pilot
- Who's Flying my Ship?
- There you are
- You Did not Kill Granma
- You killed Grandma
- Tree Trimming
- Dark Eyes Mom
- Call for Help
- The Trees
- Exit at a Rush
- Grandma and Grandpa
- I'm Back
- Be Seein' Ya
- Sister Saves Sister
- Lost Panel
- Not Interested
- Underworld
- Bat Family Tree
- Grandpa
- Reflect a Moment
- Say Yes Say Yes
- Night Shopping
- Think Differently
- Maginess
- My Best Freind
- The Charter
- Angry Healer
- Silver Stripe's new Duds
- Dragon-in-Law
- Dragon-in-Law
- What is a Dragon Rider
- Shadow
- I"m Keeping Him
- The Nursery
- Crazy Aunt
- Dirk Whip
- Dread
- Frightening Sight
- Don't be so Silver Stripe
- Sister's Boy Friend
- Drunk Bat
- Anger and Power
- Silver Stripe Debute
- Secrets Revealed
- Three Sisters
- What Happens to Me?
- Dragon Rider Saves Dragon Riders
- Magic Onset
- Those Chains
- Family Reunions
The Return
- Kiss a Merman
- A Sinking Feeling
- Hard Choice
- Hey Sally
- Cabin Girl
- Where's my Sister
- Mary and Amy
- Weather is a Changin'
- Sleepy Dragon Rider
- New Friends
- Dlanor Rides Again
- Stinky Clue
- Farley Smells Something
- Forgive
- Obstacles
- The Forgotten Dragon
- You're Fox Fur
- Rider Jewel
- Oh it's you
- Snow Slave
- Blood on the Snow
- Snowstorm
- I have my Secrets too.
- Another Kind of Work
- Am I in Trouble
- Happy New Year 2016
- Doing Their Sums
- Merry Christmas 2015
- Not Loving her Work
- Recruiting at Bountiful
- Wander and Lana
- Politics
- The Inn at Bountiful
- First Day on the New Job
- The Dwarfs and the Dragon Slayer
- Preparation
- Dragon Slayer It's Official
- Regret
- Oops Sorry
- Superheroes
- Home Owner's Association
- Reunion
- I Didn't Mean It.
- Behind the Wall
- Astral Girl Talk
- Impact
- Spelunking
- Wish we were Real
- What is That?
- Wrong Problem
- Cowboys and Crossovers
- Angry Little Bear
- Young Wheels
- The Doctor
- Another Blast from the Past
- Wayward Wings Destroyed
- Briefing the Crew
- Time to Act
- Raining Magic
- Summerbucks Check
- Outcast Krieg
- The Brothers Krieg
- Daddy's Little Girl
- Excuse
- Ghost Stands her Ground
- Ghost Tested
- Being Krieg
- The Trial of Ghost
- Druid Enhancements
- High Elf King
- Honor thy Mother
- White Hand
- Paladin Sergent
- Rogues and Paladins
- Fury Save the King
- Unicorn Music
- My Chair
- Master
- Bagaa
- Hilltop Refuge
- I Forget
- Bitsy
- Unsatisfactory Performance
- The Stick
- Ironkeel Marine Ships
- Ping Pong
- Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015
- Enough
- Getting Small
- Cameo Comic
- Not Hot Enough
- Go
- On Your mark, Get set...
- Final Preperations
- Empathy
- Working it Out
- Moving On
- Roll Over Fast
- Shelterville Connection
- Land of Riley
- Terran Defender
- Shortages
- It's a Trap of Course
- Terran Explorer Found
- Awaiting the Cutter
- Arrival at the Nebula.
- Mission of Mercy, Mission of Vengence
- Happy New Year 2015
- Now What
- Merry Christmas 2014
- Big Blue Ambulance
- Story in Wood episode One
- Busy Morning
- Escape from the Hill Region
- Dragon Fire
- Silent Shroud takes the Wheel
- The Other Necromancer
- Mausoleum
- Lana and Skull Dugger
- Infiltration
- Teams A and B
- Post Thanksgiving 2014
- Wizards Meeting Table
- The Order Expands
- Squee
- End Game Begins
- We're not Complaining
- The Fight Begins
- The Response
- Summer Sells Ornaments
- Of Fingers and Saws
- Who Would Attack
- Painful Memory
- Happy Halloween 2014
- A Healer's Story
- Second Sight
- Related Events
- The Eyes Have It.
- Meet the Landlord
- Pumping the Paladin
- First Patient
- Fury's Apprentice
- Good News... Sorta
- Bat Room
- Dragon Talk
- And then there were Four
- Royal Mother Revives
- Attempted Murder
- Noisy Dragons
- Aftermath
- The Fiveclaw Factor
- Finding Spar
- A Dragon Slain
- The Archer
- Baby Dragons Join in.
- A Bunch of Healers
- Ride Didi Ride
- Versa at the Gate
- Underground Snowstorm
- Didi to the Rescue
- Tusker and Wirley
- Mystery of the Crack
- Graduation Flight
- Lunch
- Mage Staff
- Illicit Flight
- Sisters
- Tribute
- The Dress Maker and the Jeweler
- Loot
- Not as Dead as Expected
- Final Battle the Third
- Is it Dead?
- Magic Leach
- Askook
- Departing the Milkyway
- Pooped Dragon Rider
- Is the Parking Brake on?
- Granny the Space Dragon
- No Range
- Expanded View
- Travel Arrangements
- I have to go
- Druid Writings
- Informant
- Ogre Bos' Place
- Speedy Delivery
- Stump
- Witchwood Tree
- What was That?
- Angry Druids
- Oath Breaker
- First Mission
- A New Order
- Zanhorn
- Exodus
- Presenting Fury
- Elder Druid
- Off to meet the Druids
- Naked Centaurs
- Wheels is Missing
- I'm Bat Pooka
- Babies Flying x3
- Examining the Evidence
- Tracking the Bug
- Medical Advice
- Grandparents
- New Game
- Job
- Personal Vendetta Mortal
- Cory's Despair
- Home at Last
- For Curvy
- He's Here
- Boris Fails the Audition
- Boris M Wobblewheels
- Seeker Return
- Lament
Sad News
- Boo's Story Part 2
- Boo's Story Part 1
- H.G. Aidneus
- Pursue the Culprit
- Damn Pooka
- The Whitehouse
- Room 77
- Introspective
- Backhanded Compliment
- Doc for the Win
- Bail Out!
- Enter Doll
- Ground Pounders
- I have the Helm
- Brawler
- Ships
- Too Much!
- Into the Fire
- Show me your Ass
- Raise Shields
- Assault on the Cruiser
- No rain
- Necromancers
- Roll Call
- Ghosts
- Pizza!
- Rock Troll
- Hands and Fist Bump
- Nightingale
- Love at First Sight
- Don't Stop
- Daughters
- Worst Case Scenario
- The Warriors turn to Watch
- Loop de Loop
- Popcorn
- Mist Vs Giggles. The Finale
- Little Alfred Tactician
- Santa Man and the Replacements
- The Druid' Team
- Coming to a Head
- Doc's Discovery
- Character
- I'll Kill You!
- Wander's Protege
- Sleepy Time
- Gurl Fren
- Mist's Power
- Mist by Cleat
- Flying
- Pursuit
- Lana's Butt
- Cleat's Contribution
- Destiny
- Stretch them Out
- It's Me!
- He's Dead
- It's Lost!
- Bad Advice
- Pillow Talk
- Cleat be Nice
- Too Late
- Slept too Long
- Curvy Tiger Triumphant
- Good Bye Curvy Tiger
- Tree House Escape, For Some
- Tree House Pact
- Pooka PhoneCon
- Moving Out
- Muscles
- Mammal Tricks
- I'm Not Brave
- Mammal
- Shower and a Nap
- A Piece of Bone
- Steel Reinforced Concrete for the Win
- Mom's Voice in my Head
- Thanks Mom
- Battle Bear meets the General
- Monitor Duty
- No Males
- Not Complicated
- Intel Brief
- Big Thinker Disappointed
- Attack the Logistics
- The Rage of Mist
- General Recall
- Greedy Lana
- Not Trained
- First Kill
- Debut
- Mist Lives!
- Warriors not Heros
- Lana gone Wild
- Clothing makes the Centaur
- Sally
- Mist Speaks
- Re-Group
- Hard or Soft?
- Shirt off of her back
- The Villians
- Sympathy for Cory
- Big Gun
- Rolling down the highway.
- I Hate Zombies
- Kill Cory. Please!
- Giggles
- Naked and Out Cold
- Something's coming fast
- The Death of Mist and Magic Man
- Replacements Assemble
- Curvy Tiger
- Spoil Sport, Death's Daughter, Tech Support and Doc
- Twin Tricksters
- Mist, Dragon Girl and Battle Bear
- Persausion
- Knock Knock
- Step Overboard
- Big Mouth Dragonling
- Rendezvous
- Time Cop
The Replacements
- sort of random
- old guy 14
- old guy pg 13
- old guy pg 12
- old guy pg 11
- old guy pg 10
- old guy pg 9
- old guy pg 8
- old guy pg 7
- old guy pg 6
- old guy adventures page 5
- old guy adventures page 4
- old guy adventurs..page 3
- oga page 2 Daisey's choice
- old guy adventurs..
- Meanwhile back at the Ranch
- Something
- The Walk
- 4th of July 2012
- 4th of July 2012
- Not on the Lable
- Disappointed Dwarf
- Hailing
- Of Course you are
- Emerge
- Something to do
- We're in Arizona Now
- where are we
- Retired
- Hero Pooka
- One Fatality
- Reboot
- Rough Ride
- Here we Go.
- Proud
- Loyalty
- Command Decision
- Google it
- First Kiss
- Worried Momma
- In over his head
- The Protector Mage
- A gift from Wheels
- Be Mad
- Screw Ups
- A Lifetime
- Robert Returns
- Something Changed
- report
- Darn
- cat fight
- hailing
- no way....right...
- Dupe
- PK Arrives
- what montigo did..
- Pedal to the Metal
- Montiego's Idea
- Shake Down Cruise
- Hard Decision
- Angry Bat
- Advice
- Failure
- Merry Christmas 2011
- The Crash
- Treachery All Around
- Ghost's Story
- Curse of the Alien Green Crystal
- Wander Scared
- Just a Mechanic
- Of Pookas and Ghosts
- A New Day
- Spooky God Mother
- Spooky God Mother
- While the Pookas Slept
- A New Mystery
- Mermaid Bones
- Sledge makes a Splash
- Discovered
- Terrible Blessing
- Healed
- Sorry
- Nudge
- Seeker
- Happy Halloween 2011
- Robert and the Grand Wizard
- Delicate Matter
- Roberts Plan
- Bats
- Calender Plug
- Girl Talk
- New Digs
- Boo Talks to Herself
- Running Blindly
- Just Friends
- Hi Bobby
- The Sentence
- Triplet Concept Art
- Courtroom Action
- Courtroom Drama
- The Last Breakfast
- The Blood Loss Talking
- Second Chance
- Dead
- Slammer Girls
- Bad Girls
- Ghost Sitter
- Never Forget
- Surrender
- Fight Dirty
- Rage
- Mommy
- Street Fight
- Greetings
- Footprints
- shadows
- Anchor and Lana
- Smoking in the Dark
- Nothing but the Truth
- Goodbye Drunken Scribblings
- How did they get there
- Opening Argument The Defense!
Opening Argument The Prosecution!
- Model it Lana
- Check Six
- Love at First Sight
- Now we can go Home
- What are you Wearing?
- Thank You Robert
- A cup of Mini Gnomes
- Unloading the Ghost
- Weekend Scheme
- Happy Father's Day
- Grow a Spine
- Complete with Ghost
- Not a Boat Boo
- meanwhile
- eat bugs
- smuglers cave
- Hole in the Ground
- Island of Mysteries
- Parenting Advice
- here comes the judge
- where is everyone going
- roberts room..
- planning
- lan vs wheels..
- let me help
- arch enemy
- cory steps over the line
- Donna takes over
- bad news..
- respect or fear..
- pudding
- unfinished
- he did what..
- never said I failed..
- could of if only..
- Lana figures it out... or not..
- Dead Duck
- Digit and Wheels..
- just a test...
- think i can.....
- not imaginary
- daizi slips up,,
- return of the cat
- skinned knee two..
- skinned knee
- big mosquito; part 2
- misuse of magic
- with a little help from...
- thanks whisper song... :)
- Lan and Whisper song
- ouch
- no dishes for heros..
- where is Boo
- Victory Party‏
- try to remember
- explenations
- the fixer and his friends
- time ship to the rescue
- help on the way
- more room out of control
- the gods talk
- hang on...
- its a huge...
- you don;t know my mom
- a few demerits
- wrong word..
- a malfunction
- Happy New Year...
- new orders..
- merry christmas..2010
- big Guy..
- better hurry..
- I'll remember the pass word..
- father and son and Lana too..
- raise you a baby brother
- ready to go home
- bunch of misfits and muts
- unreliable witness
- Legal Disclaimer
- your seeing things..
- duck... duck centaur..
- Robert's Mother Knows
- Roberts mom knows
- so what happened to robert
- wish
- easy as pie..
- Missed Something Cool
- little cave of horrors
- traps,, ice and pass..
- blue red dragon or frosty
- normal...
- did it...and a big question
- the fun part..
- and one more thing..
- trust the wind..
- meanwhile...
- bang
- Lana
- underway
- got a message..
- better then a map
- left right and up
- not a butterfly
- invaders..
- something fishy..
- looking for a boat
- i got a map
- not really here
- enter the wizard
- Stowaway Rescue
- message in a bottle
- more room
- this is big
- inconspicuas
- unicorn magic
- see the point..
- speaking pooka
- got it..
- cory
- make a deal..
- the kids take over...
- So Long for Now
- Wayward Wings
- Love Ogre Style
- Sharp Beak takes a Turn
- Mage Siblings
- Dragon Riding Sister
- Unlikely Friends
- Relay for Life
- Tanks
- Hanging Around
- Petersens Spy
- Things Have changed
- Excuses
- Moving Day
- Freedom
- Atom Bomb
- Can't Remember Why
- Reunion
- Relay for Life
- Contact
- Doll Makes Good
- Pick A Victim
- Impatient
- Dossier
- Fantasy Squad
- 1000
- Challeng
- Get Well Soon Jim
- Introduction
- Showdown
- She looks Good
- Gift Curse
- Time Travelers
- Mizzen Ironkeel
- Talented Arm
- Baby Day
- The Artist
- Installing Clyde
- First Day
- Arrival
- The Ogre Mage
- One Short
- Breaking Ties
- Recognition
- A New Path
- Miss Punch and Stab
- Deadly Dance
- Fox Fur
- How Whisper Song got Home Part Two
- How Whisper Song got Home Part One
- Final Exam
- That's What Friends are For.
- Stormy Overwelmed
- Mage Ironkeel
- Stormy's Dad
- No Suspicion
- Valentine's Day 2010
- Security
- Crimson Garden
- Dinner and a Show
- The Return
- Tempest and Clyde
- Night Flyer Towing and Salvage
- Reunion
- Buisness Meeting
- Coffee
- Old Home Day
- Warning Shots
- Wander Official Greeter
- Return of the Humans
- Convoy
- Assessing the Situation Part Two
- Assessing the Situation Part One
- Asassin
- Happy New Year 2010
- For Wheels
- Thinning the herd
- Santa's Secret
- Hello Wander
- Cold Excuse
- Biff Blam Boom‏
- Repel Boarders
- Pre Op
- The Assassin Arrives
- Paradox Decision
- Dr. White Wings McAndrew
- Tug Pegasus
- Rearrangeing Planets
- Syssia Learns the Truth
- Surrender or Die
- Big Rock
- Amplifing Lens
- Tatoo
- The Ceremony
- The Chamber
- Spirits
- The Doors Open
- Happy Halloween 2009
- Pirate Ship Venom
- Hit-n-Run
- Captain's Meeting
- The Bug Fights Back.
- Big Doors
- Magical Cavern
- Hogan Investigations II
- Think Pink
- Treason for a Good Cause
- Hobby
- Jumped
- Secret Armory
- It Works!
- Robert is Brilliant
- Sooper Guy
- The Ghost's Bad
- Mommy
- Something in the Works
- Magnate
- Clean Up Aisle Four
- Flyboy
- No Teleporting!
- Protector's Planet
- Comforts of Home
- Waiting on Wheels
- First Mutiny
- Isolating the Bug
- 900
- Nytedge Calls
- Story Interrupted
- Plague Fleet
- Mystery Number 2
- Getting her Thoughts together
- Introspective
- A Fine Mess
- I liked the dream better
- Boo
- Story Delayed
- We're Rich!
- Prisoner Transfer
- Welcome Home Robert
- Fury blows her lines.
- Mystery Ship
- Almost Terran Scout
- Spoiler
- Brian's DNA
- I'm Back
- Running with trouble
- Hiding among friends
- Chaos in Hell's Kitchen!
- Tea For Two... and a Boy Waiter
- Robert Teddy Bear
- Wheels on the road...
- Time to let the robe fall...
- Batman... go home!
- You should see the toaster then...
- Vacational escape!
- Dark Eyes Runs Away
- Worry
- Lord Wander
- Baby Robert
- The Naming
- Whisper Song's Gift
- Alternate Treatment
- The Treatment
- Wander Steps Up
- Dark Eyes Collapses
- Scales Gift
- Presentation of the Gifts XII
- Presentation of the Gifts XI
- Presentation of the gifts X
- Little Sisters Rule!
- Presentation of the gifts IX
- Presentation of the Gifts VIII
- Presentation of the Gifts VII
- Presentation of the Gifts VI
- Presentation of the Gifts V
- So far so good
- April Fools 1
- Presentation of the Gifts IV
- Wander's Invitation
- Presentation of the Gifts III
- Presentation of the gifts II
- Presentation of the Gifts
- Hogan Investigations
- What to do about the Males
- The Guests Fly In.
- Surprise
- Ron's Revenge on KAM
- Baby Shower Plot
- The Journey Home
- Don't Worry
- Left Turn
- Freighter World Emerges
- Starworth Comes to Life
- I don't get it
- Coming to Life
- Ascend
- Three Years old
- Happy Birthday Donna 2009
- Naah
- Destroy Freighter World
- The Control Center
- Spool up to Jump
- Turn on
- Long Eye
- Longshot
- Rats And the Sinking Ship
- Spies
- Mysterious Hero
- Skunked
- Filler for 7Jan
- Turning the Tables
- Rescue Dark Eyes
- Preview
- Dark Eyes BANDITS
- Dark Eyes' Treasure
- Royal Mother steps in
- The Ironkeel Christmas 2008
- Christmas 2008
- Secret Santa
- Little Old Ladies
- Planning to save the World
- Terran Scout starts a war
- Bored Bat
- Misfit Trek
- Day off again!
- 800
- Hair
- The Great Space Escape
- Save both Worlds
- Grin-n-Spirit Whisper Song
- Fess and George Under Arrest
- Houskeeping
- Space Magic Resumes
- Kids Plot
- The Telling Resumes
- The Library is Saved
- halloween 2008 The end some more
- Halloween 2008 The End
- Rear ended
- Halloween 2008 Almost Home
- Slacker
- Halloween 2008 Scale
- Halloween 2008 Bobby points out the exit.
- Halloween 2008 Ta Da
- Halloween 2008 Cameos Complete
- Halloween 2008 Little Alfred learns a new Trick
- Halloween 2008 Mistaken Identity
- Halloween 2008 Zombie Gnomes
- Halloween 2008 Dark Eyes
- Halloween 2008 Wander and Brian
- Halloween 2008 Terrible Request
- Halloween 2008 Make a Road
- Halloween 2008 Smile
- Halloween 2008 Brainssss
- Halloween 2008 Baby's Cloak.
- Halloween 2008 Whisper Song's Audience
- Halloween 2008 Evil Released!
- Halloween 2008 Recriminations
- Halloween 2008 Early Defeat
- Halloween 2008 Oh no Baby!
- Halloween 2008 Good Intelligence
- Halloween 2008 Skull Dugger Rescued
- Halloween 2008 Cookies
- Halloween 2008 Mean while back at the Institute
- Halloween 2008 Xade
- Halloween 2008 First Cameo
- Halloween 2008 When are we?
- Halloween 2008 Arrival
- Magical Misfits Join the Halloween Cameo Caper 2008
- Enter the Heros
- Misfits to Arms!
- Ogre Bob fights alone
- Ironkeels Right Arm Returns
- Come Uppance
- Glowing Belt
- Lana's Pouch
- Floor
- Wheels gets the News
- Rush
- Lame excuse again
- Little Kids
- Vine & Ice
- Cold Trail
- One Million Views
- Flying Rickshaw
- Scary Sisters x3
- Old Acquaintance
- Awww Doll
- Excuses
- Boggles
- Enter the Drow
- Favor
- Life and times of Tam
- Mutton for Stewart
- By the Gnome's Red Glare
- Restraint
- Gossipy Girls!
- Things they are a Changing
- Embarrassing Question
- Celibacy
- Hello Little Girl
- Sox's New Body
- Sledge Help!
- Pop goes the .........
- Bob's on Board
- No Party
- Welcome Home
- Farewell Drake
- Hoping forGood Guys
- Pick a Fight
- Cook Alfredo
- Perplexed
- Two New Mages
- Wet the Bed
- Pink Ribbon
- Lame Excuse
- The Gifts
- Slumber Party
- Wanderlust
- Big Cat
- Pet Project
- Doll's Disgrace
- Doll finds PK
- Where's Panzer Krieg
- Heart to Heart
- Rare Entertainment
- Dancer goes Home
- Dancer's Contract
- Dancer's Surprise
- The New Fortress
- Bad Guys Disposition
- The last three Wizards
- The worm turns
- Boat Looses it
- Wheels Conceeds
- It's All Legal
- Deed to the Institute
- Dancer and Sniper
- Sorry
- Breakfast is Served
- Goblin Chow
- Prepare
- One Schooner
- The Girls Talk
- Diagnosis
- Knocked-up
- Shelterville The End
- Shelterville Party
- Shelterville Rail
- Shelterville Dog
- Shelterville Building
- Stalling the Hiatus Bomb
- Shelterville Cameo Comic
- Shelterville KAMics
- Shelterville reborn
- Shelterville Mr. Wander
- Shelterville Cheats Death
- Shelterville Pursuit II
- Shelterville Pursuit
- Happy Birthday Donna
- Shelterville Rogue
- Shelterville Final Attack
- Shelterville Factory
- Shelterville Dead
- Shelterville Scales Armor
- Shelterville Assault
- Shelterville Cavalry
- 2yrs
- Shelterville Theory
- Shelterville Scout
- Summer Coffee
- Summer Wanted
- Shelterville Alamo
- Shelterville Mayday!
- Shelterville Valkeries
- Coffee for Dwarfs
- Shelterville Thinker
- Shelterville Droids
- Shelterville Reroup
- Shelterville Shootout
- Shelterville Revisited
- Happy New Years 2008
- Ski Bumbs
- Return to Shelterville
- Christmas 2007
- Crossover wars Finally done.
- Windstar and Stewart are Back
- Star's Cure
- meanwhile.....
- Return of the Hiatus Bomb
- Paradox
- Staring into the Magic
- Arriving at Paradox
- Heavy Cruiser is done
- Rumble in Space
- Combat Siblings
- Something is Wrong!
- Running and Playing
- Granny Pursued
- Happy Thanksgiving 2007
- Farewell to Royal Mother
- Star did it
- Bollard Found
- Eternal Life
- Misunderstanding
- Xade
- Cat Fight
- Falling out.
- Rule the World
- Bollard and Too Too
- Turning Point
- Departing the Party
- It's a Halloween Party!
- Inebriated Mallard
- Olaf to the Rescue
- Lan's defender
- Mr. Gogo
- The Last Casulty of war
- Two Dragons
- Hearing
- Summer's Agent
- Chill
- Little Secret
- Dragon Lair
- Suspended Animation
- 600
- Wander's Surprise
- The Return
- Three days a week
- Crossover Epilogue
- Ouch
- Deception Falls
- Planning the Distraction
- The Key
- Best Seller
- Sorry again
- Nice Move Uncle Wander
- Narcans Plan
- Wander's Strange Trip
- Air Wander
- The Spirits Join in
- EOU Droids Bio
- Beb vs the Muppets!
- Spar's Trouble
- Crossover Wars Final Battle
- Cameo Comic 173
- A Little Stressed
- Star Drake
- Panzer Krieg
- Nice Manners
- Egg Chamber
- Dragon Flight
- The Hatching
- Triangle
- Farewell
- Dragon Rider Bio
- The Funeral
- Crossover Wrap up
- Officers
- Great Day
- Intel Report
- Fly with me
- Revelation Investigator
- Recovering Beb
- Fool the arrow
- Dragon Secret Revealed
- Dozer Bio
- Bears
- Blood
- Of Ogres and Archers
- Star and Stewart to the Rescue
- Lana's Plan
- The Tired King
- Queen Hanna Bio
- Options
- The Priest spills his guts.
- Walnuts
- The Priest
- Mad House
- Healers assemble
- Lana Fiveclaw Bio
- Sailor Jib
- Rock Troll Oath
- Night Flyer
- Brand New Hospital
- Healing Lana Five Claw
- Princess Fury
- Sorry Gang
- Skull Dugger
- Lana Fiveclaw
- King Nor resubmit
- King Nor
- Royal Archer
- Three Arrows to the heart.
- passers by
- Rumble in the Queen's Chambers
- The King stands his ground
- The Queen
- The Kings Homecoming
- Figure it out
- The King's Name
- The New King
- King of the Lake region
- Robot Chuck
- Mens Room
- Wake up call 4
- wake up call3
- Wake up Call
- Hiatus Bomb
- Hiatus Bomb
- Cleat Hardbottom
- Redemption
- Kitten
- Gogo saves the world
- Special Delivery
- Face off
- Good Ridance Solution
- Gogo vs Solution
- Locked Out
- Last Stand
- Whoops
- Bad Acting
- The Misfits strike Back
- Zings Despair
- Summer shopping
- Gambit
- DH 855 returns
- Blam
- Eou Headquarters
- Redemption
- Big Cookie
- Broom
- Binical's First Born
- Baby's Regret
- Distilled Magic
- Goodbye Zortic
- Bottleing
- Cookies Stradegy
- New Look for Dark Eyes
- Kitchen paint
- Planning
- Ron, Donna, Goat and AK Brando
- She-who-must-be-obeyed
- Cookie leads
- Misfits never stand alone
- WCA vortex
- Gogo Power
- Feast
- Granny to the Rescue
- Zortic
- Happy Mothers Day
- Rescue Mission
- Scramble the Starship
- Scale calls
- Unification
- Fall of the Fortress
- Just a Little
- Catch up Sunday
- Strange Enrollment
- Family
- Assets
- Regrets
- Tragedy
- Ironkeel's Right Arm
- Lizardmen
- getting organized
- Doomedd44
- Possibilities
- Solution
- The Bad News Begins
- The Battle is Joined
- Little Alfred
- The Winged Fleets
- Gogo's Warning
- Gogo confronts Wander
- Goats Toon's
- New Leaf
- Wander's Porn
- Expidite
- Scale's Farewell
- The Tour
- Scale Recruits the Misfits!
- Scale gets Healed.
- Scale Arrives
- Agatha
- Vision
- Earthlings
- Memories
- Death
- Fatal Jump
- Captain Harddom 155
- Freighter World
- Realities
- Crossover Wars First Shot
- Surrender
- Tauren
- Bunsen's Gambit
- Turning the Tide
- Technological Toys
- Repel Boarder
- Well that's new
- Baby Gift
- The Gnomes
- Sucker
- Hero
- Check Six
- Uglies!
- Destroyer
- Rude Interuption
- Granny
- Granny at the Waypoint.
- Granny's Comming
- Daisy Mae
- Subspace 101
- Satisfying Boom
- Stealth
- Wood Elf FAQ
- Way Point
- Kophoid Porn
- Here's Where we came in
- What happened to the Humans
- The Story Begins
- Tug Pegasus
- Ironkeel Tree
- Boat Story Teller
- 400
- Binical arrives
- Part of the Gang
- Public Humiliation
- Breaker Breaker
- Baby Bio
- Lan's Wish
- What?
- Escape from New York
- Starworth
- Things in the dark
- Holland Tunnel
- Wander
- Paladin
- Worthy
- Paladin Inductee
- The Kids Contribute
- Summer's Golum
- Skeletons
- Oppenhiemer's Bio
- sue
- Rachel
- Boredom
- Paladin Jib Sail
- Taxi
- Warm Wind takes the lead.
- Jib Sail Bio
- Old New York
- Angel Zombie's last act.
- Getting set up.
- Important Planning
- Entrance to the city of Dead
- Confront the Idiot
- Plug Bio
- Dead but not Gone
- Zombie
- Router RIP ?
- Narcan makes Noise
- Summer to the Rescue
- Man Overboard
- Router
- Casulty
- Angels
- Night Attack
- Punch It
- Baby's Diagnosis
- Life Signs
- The Prince
- Part time Ogre
- Scary Voice
- Teleport Sickness
- The Ironkeel Vacation
- Good Bye Bec
- Happy New Year.
- Narcan Bio
- Stealthy
- The Love Boat
- CSI Misfits
- Troll Dhow
- Presents
- Happy Holidays 2006
- Engadgement Present.
- Show Off
- Lan in Love.....again
- Wander's Reward
- Warmwind Looses it!
- Plate
- Executive Producer
- Setting the terms
- Audition
- run
- Santa Man
- bats
- Gathering Supplies
- Riley's Turn
- Lan's off the hook
- Lan Summer and Warmwind
- Finding Boat
- Ones and Zeros
- Self Aware
- Goblin Junk
- Boat's Bio
- Camp Cook
- The new Gnome Quest
- The Truth Hurts
- Jib Sail's story
- A friend in deed
- The Investigation
- Dark Eyes Bio
- Sisters
- Star takes charge
- Disapointment
- Hildegard's Plan
- Find a Healer
- Jib Sail
- Hildegard's Bio
- Anchor's Retirement Job
- More hiring
- Otto's Reward
- Mega Chair
- 300
- Apprentice Beb
- Star and Stewarts Profile
- Administrator
- Druid Training
- Girl Talk
- Jenna cuts the Crap
- New Status
- Status Revolked
- Moonlore Bio
- Juvenile Delinquents
- Rude Awakening
- Shelterville Stowaway
- Homecoming
- Those Damn Bulgarians
- Dance Dance Dance
- Gogo to the rescue
- Centaur Dancing
- Hogan
- Prime Directive
- Wild West Air
- Crazy Tauren
- Life and Death
- Bulgarians
- Circus Circus
- Kams Armor
- The Great Halloween Cameo Crossover Challenge!
- The Kiss
- Will you Marry Me.
- Boat he means You
- Graceful Exit
- Lasagna
- Cheating a Little
- PK and Baby
- Cookie's profile
- P.K. Arrives
- Salute to Betsy
- Jenna Revealed
- Jenna's Realm
- Where is Wheels
- What is Baby?
- Wizard Gogo
- Despair
- Bec's Mad
- Bec to the Rescue
- Dire Circumstances
- Revelation
- oooh Chocolate Chip
- Save Oppenhiemer
- End of the Techno Dwarfs
- Wheels Ironkeel
- Dark Eyes Levels!
- Screwed
- Kill Something
- Flying Dwarfs
- almost Last Stand.
- Kam's Fault
- Dire News
- Baby Fails
- Blunt Force Trauma
- Roc
- Antidote
- OK Let's Dance
- Crash Landing
- Sharp Beak
- Ice in your Eye
- Misfits Outgunned!
- Battle Stations
- WOW Wheels
- Wander's Plea
- Good Friends
- Dwarvin Ale
- Misconception
- A Fate Worse than Death
- Transportion for Anchor
- About that Dad
- Anchor Ironkeel
- Boat's Mace
- Snack
- Cookie's Panel
- Aftermath Barfight
- Dog's Eye View Fan Art
- Dwarf Pluto
- Bar Fight
- Wheels with Hair
- Evil Space Aliens
- Kam's Trunk
- Together at Last
- Brilliant
- Wander's Complaint
- Universal Translator
- Lecherous Healer
- Wander Summoned
- What are Friends for?
- Passing the Buck
- Nut and Bolts Timing
- Torch and Scorch
- Nude
- Dishonor
- Hildegard's Rage
- 200
- Orions Nose
- Go Sally Go
- Good Friends
- Interior Decorator
- The Old Gang
- Heat Wave.
- Moving
- Annoucement
- Sally to the Rescue
- Bomb shell
- Bad Hair
- High and Dry
- Kids Quest Rejoined
- Ogre Ogre
- Fighter
- Landing Party
- Quest Cross
- Send off
- Big Magic
- Oculus Wrap up.
- Dangerous Instructions
- Generals
- Color me Blue
- Patch
- Paladin Spirits
- 4th of July 2006
- Rixxi Triumphant
- Consultation
- Oculas Gel
- Fess Enraged
- Rixxi in pain
- Uh Oh Rixxi
- And they lived.....
- The Goddess Enraged
- The Magic Returns
- Once upon a Time
- Ogre Bob
- Belief system
- Back to a Library
- Boat and Rixxi's Quest Begins
- Agatha's Help
- Witchwood.
- Gossip
- Gogo's Staff
- Hildegard and the Dragonlings
- VIP Suite
- Over Zealous
- Changes
- Stolen Property
- Robot Arm
- Otto the Hero
- Turning Point
- Battle Cont
- Battle for the Institute
- Adorable
- Wheels Ironkeel Lives!
- Fess
- Like Old Times
- Bad Move
- Dead and gone to Hell
- Subtle
- Wizard Ships
- Allies
- Clarity
- repercussions
- Pants
- Gadget Rising
- Splash splash
- Victory
- Bishop Fish Rout
- Dryer
- Ichthycentaur
- Bishop Fish
- Gadjet found.
- Juno NOOO!
- Fleet
- x3022
- Big Scaly with Sharp Teeth
- Retirement Plan
- Bug on her back.
- Dragon Rider's Secret
- Dragonlings
- Porsche Matches and Bunsen
- Whity Thighty
- Porsche
- Good Stew
- Second Best
- Teleport Rune
- Feed and Protect
- The Jump
- Drop Zone
- Polymorph
- Fire Drakes
- Wheels Magic
- Quest Reveled.
- Time to Go
- Ironkeel Sword
- Plot revealed
- Hunch
- 100
- High Elf Politics
- Weapons Training.
- Baby Steps
- Stern Talk
- Kids Talk
- Congrats Joff
- Concern.
- Animal form
- Filler
- Ancient Blade
- Assassin
- oops
- Major Change
- Kids' Quest
- Research
- Tea with Death 1 April
- Where to Start?
- Equip the Quest
- Quite Talk
- Rixxi tells Wheels
- The Quest Giver
- Rixxi
- Retired Paladin
- Ogre Beb
- Dishwasher
- Art Dept.
- Another Cardboard Choo Choo
- aftermath!
- The Scam 2
- The Scam
- Bait
- The Warning
- 512 Gnomes
- Gnomes' Story
- Gnomish Steam Ship
- Stars Choice
- Princess Fury's Punishment
- Training Aids
- Baby Enraged
- Rixxi Makes her Move
- Boats Romance
- Stars Story.
- Stewart Goes to College.
- The Prince and Plug Sound the Alarm.
- Family Reunion
- Star and Stewart.
- Night Flight
- The Otto Solution
- Overload
- 50
- Boat's Favor
- The Kids
- Healer's secret
- Friends
- Hire Rixxi
- The Plot Revealed
- Paladins!
- Nytedge
- Wander Strikes Again
- Regroup
- School is in Session
- Driving with the Ironkeels
- Dwarfs to the Rescue
- Rescue Part 2
- Flare
- Rescue
- Moonlore and Gogo
- Stowaway
- Good and Evil
- Dark Eyes gets her Book
- Dark Eyes Hired
- Healers
- Easy to make Happy
- Gas
- Pre- arrival.
- Underway!
- Knew We Forgot Something
- Weapons Ready
- Boat's Going Too!
- Wheels' Closet.
- Fairwell Wander
- The Cure :Part II
- Wander on Ice
- Wander & Baby
- Wander at Last
- Wander Arrives
- Resume'
- D&D Misfit Style
- Urinal
- The Cure
- Baby
- Ship
- Cookie
- Gogo
- Pinto
- Community Hot Tub
- Hot Tub
- Hildergard Arrives
- Wheels & Boat
magicalmisfits on Dec. 2, 2024
Sorry about the less-than-normal updates. I am having problems staying seated Arthritis sucks and I do not recommend it i will try to do better. so here I go killing Riley's creations. I asked first. Say farewell to Nabob the kids are going to miss you.
Damoinion at 7:42PM, Feb. 7, 2025
Pink Floyd "One of These Days" Pink Floyd "Dogs of War" Pink Floyd "Run Like Hell
artdude2002 at 7:13AM, Jan. 10, 2025
What are they? They're bad news for you assassins. Very bad news.
Opus the Poet at 4:08PM, Jan. 4, 2025
This does not look good for our inept band of assassins. I would say their depleted numbers are no match for their target, their numbers were marginal to take on this target before they were attacked by Nabob.
questaduc at 11:05AM, Jan. 1, 2025
Happy New Year, too!!
skobel at 6:26AM, Dec. 25, 2024
Merry Christmas Ron
AK_Brando at 9:56AM, Dec. 19, 2024
Alas, poor Nabob, we barely knew thee....
Nutster at 1:17AM, Dec. 10, 2024
The term you are looking for is "Mugging the Monster," or maybe "Beware of what you wish for; you just might get it." The backlight is being provided by an armed spaceship.
Alden M at 9:30AM, Dec. 5, 2024
Looks like Topaz leading the pack there front row center. Why am I hearing Slade's 'Run Runaway' playing in the background?
Xade at 2:02PM, Dec. 3, 2024
poor naboo
Ozmandious at 8:17AM, Dec. 3, 2024
That, Mr. Ninja's, is what your personal End Times looks like.
kaliyabittybat at 7:57AM, Dec. 3, 2024
This is where the DOOM music kicks in. Forget the adults, it is the children they should be terrified of.
blade2814 at 12:33AM, Dec. 3, 2024
I'm pretty sure that two of them are Wander and Go-Go, along with the ones already named.
hkmaly at 9:54PM, Dec. 2, 2024
"Sanction"? What do they want to do to those kids?
Forewarned at 8:27PM, Dec. 2, 2024
*"You say run" starts to play*
skobel at 5:15PM, Dec. 2, 2024
KAM at 12:21PM, Dec. 2, 2024
It's nothing, ninjas, don't worry about it. ;-)
artdude2002 at 3:41AM, Dec. 2, 2024
Whatever they are, they aren't happy.
mhalpern at 3:01AM, Dec. 2, 2024
Dark Eyes, Ava, Danek, I'm guessing Silver Stripe, Unless they freed Fox Fur from the Dragon Layer, all the kids though
Opus the Poet at 3:44AM, Dec. 6, 2024
I count 14 pairs of eyes, you're missing a few names.
zorro362 at 10:59AM, Dec. 2, 2024
Forgot foxfur was being imprisoned by the flight leader. Can’t even imagine the sheer levels of rage she is gonna have when she wakes up. The flight leader REALLY did not think that one through very well.
Dragonfire10503 at 3:00AM, Dec. 2, 2024
Poor Nabob
mhalpern at 11:48AM, Dec. 2, 2024
They know several necromancers, and a few reapers, its possible this isn't the last of her, the last one who made a last stand protecting kids is now part of HK's crew.
zorro362 at 2:13AM, Dec. 2, 2024
Those guys are so screwed if even half those silutetes are who I think they are!