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flipsidered on Oct. 16, 2010
WOAH GUYS WOAH a month! It's been a month since I updated! Hiii, anyone who's still reading. So I guess I should give you some sorta explanation? Yeah, let's do that.
I'm currently twelve weeks pregnant. :D My fiance and I are totally stoked, and it's going well, but FUCK SHIT DAMN. Every single moment I have free is spent with my head in a bucket/the toilet. When it's not I'm fast asleep or wandering around in this vague confusion, so I haven't really been wanting to draw much. Soz! Hopefully will be sorted eventually. For now, here's a page, blah blah, enjoy.
oh, and props to my friend Del for the comic pages! Go check her out, she's awesome. :D
houseofmuses at 4:40PM, Nov. 12, 2010
Congrats and hope you're feeling better by now. XD
Indybot at 4:47AM, Nov. 4, 2010
Well, THAT'S exciting. Good for you! I'd imagine that making a person takes a *bit* more time and energy than making a comic page, so don't worry about the delay. ^ ^ Keep us posted!
odlinra at 12:56AM, Oct. 31, 2010
Wow! Congrats!
Corbeau at 5:13AM, Oct. 30, 2010
Wooo, congrats :D
Ailorn at 12:15PM, Oct. 25, 2010
Congradulations! Many of my friends are preggers too so i know how it goes.
Yukilee at 6:56PM, Oct. 22, 2010
R Cain at 12:56PM, Oct. 21, 2010
Eek, congrats! That's so exciting! Except for the vomiting. The novelty of vomit wears off fast. It's cool how you work the city's political climate into the story. c:
Razzy Jazz at 12:43PM, Oct. 19, 2010
congragulations!! :) my pastor describes the three trimesters like this: the sick stage, the "fun" stage, and the "picking things up with your toes" stage again congragulations!
Mikolai515 at 12:19PM, Oct. 18, 2010
major congratulations! the sickness will be over soon. i remember the feeling when i was carrying my little monster. my husband used to pick up aloe vera drinks for me; that helped a lot!
foofums at 10:02PM, Oct. 17, 2010
Oh wow! Congratulations :D Totally understand the lack of updates, haha.
gp34 at 5:14PM, Oct. 17, 2010
Congrats on the baby ^-^ don't worry the sickness won't last long
Mutation at 5:08PM, Oct. 17, 2010
Congratulations, and hope the throwing up eases up for you!
Fritolay1546 at 2:21PM, Oct. 17, 2010
Congratulations! :D
XxVampNekoxX at 2:18PM, Oct. 17, 2010
Congrats :D
MeepLover at 1:39PM, Oct. 17, 2010
congrats on tha baby!
janice239 at 1:02PM, Oct. 17, 2010
Congratulations! :)
Roisin Dubh at 11:51AM, Oct. 17, 2010
YAY! You're alive!
thegypsy at 11:50AM, Oct. 17, 2010
congratulations! we really missed you. :)
rmccool at 11:20AM, Oct. 17, 2010
:) congrats on the good part and dang on the bad part.. hope it gets better.. after the first trimester the evil morning sickness part normal stops kicking ones tail..then one gets to enjoy ones body doing other "fun" stuff... but glad to see you back posting was starting to worry :)
the1truesushiboy at 10:36AM, Oct. 17, 2010
Hooray! And Congratulations.
Darthmolly at 10:08AM, Oct. 17, 2010
Congrats! Dang, hope the sickness eases up, it's never fun...
wii208 at 10:06AM, Oct. 17, 2010
JeSuisleMorse at 10:05AM, Oct. 17, 2010
Congrats love, I hope all goes well! Brilliant art as usual, keep up the amazing work.
Nanaga UnMinka at 8:08AM, Oct. 17, 2010
Totally know the feeling. I'm about 4 month into my pregnancy and I still spend time with my head in the toilet. Congrats!
leaving_a_comment at 8:00AM, Oct. 17, 2010
Awwww! Congratulations! Best excuse to not put out a comic page I must say.