
Yatsu Seiteki on Aug. 17, 2007

Ok, so… I haven't been uploading in a while cuz of 2 resons:
1. my and my bf's birthdays
2. I was out of town xD

now… why I made a filler like that? cuz on my b-day my bf proposed to me xD we's gonna get married when we're 21 (3 years till then) aaand.. he gave me a wedding dress as a joke (the scary thing was It actually fits 0o) and anyways, about this page:

Mrs Red is currently 25 and had a wedding dress in her closet. ((heard about those passing down generation to generation wedding dress things? this is one of them >.0)) and Ryukuu found that dress. he thought it was pretty so he put it on xD and he found some make up too xD …