Chapter Six - Page 160
jgib99 on June 23, 2008
Hello Quackers. Here's a brand spanking new page for ya'. Hope you like it. As you can see. Steve and Luke are about to catch up to Lucin…er, Rihanna. Of course, they don't know what's happening to her. But judging from the apocalyptic light show, they have a pretty good idea that they're heading into trouble.
The cameos for this page come courtesy of Antony from AQua_ng's webcomicking stroke of genius Naive. Aeric Summers from the insanely talented Hal Jones and his comic Beyond Human. And last but not least, Thomas Slugo from Warpedwenger's very entertaining comic Wakon Yosai. If you haven't seen these webcomics yet. Please check them out. They are quite good.
One more thing. I've just started a brand new webcomic called Hitting Rock Bottom With The Creedys. Its a change of pace from HU as this will be a full-blown comedy comic. So please check it out. :D I have just one page so far. But I'll have two more up this week.
I'll see you later on. Maybe sooner than you think. ;)
jgib99 at 9:12PM, June 27, 2008
[b]krisikas, Walrus, and croxtonhas[/b]- Thanks!! Next page is, as of this writing, coming in another 47 minutes. See ya'.
croxtonhas at 1:06PM, June 27, 2008
krisikas at 3:55AM, June 27, 2008
hip-hip-hoorayyyyyyy(for getting this comic featured)
jgib99 at 9:48PM, June 26, 2008
[b]Whezzy, Priceman, dgriff13, and legacyhero[/b]- Thank you!! :D
legacyhero at 7:14PM, June 26, 2008
Congrats on the feature!! Prepare for legions of new fans!!
dgriff13 at 5:06PM, June 26, 2008
hey hey! Check out the new tasty featured goodness!!! congrats, man!
Priceman at 3:37PM, June 26, 2008
Congratz on the feature man! You deserve it!
Whezzy at 12:31PM, June 26, 2008
Not enough words... best summed up as: SQUEEE!!!!AWESOME!!!
jgib99 at 9:47AM, June 26, 2008
[b]mlai, JustNoPoint, HalJones, spiritmonkey, and amanda[/b]- Thanks. Just found out that HU is featured. Thanks DD!!
amanda at 8:18AM, June 26, 2008
Wow, congrats on your feature! *high five* Long time coming, JGib.
spiritmonkey at 8:03AM, June 26, 2008
Congratulations on the feature! It was well deserved!
HalJones at 7:09AM, June 26, 2008
Aeric Summers! My guy's in here! Congrats on the feature
JustNoPoint at 5:13AM, June 26, 2008
Woohoo big congrats on your feature!
mlai at 3:54AM, June 26, 2008
Am I the first to say congrats on the Feature? Congrats! The woman reminds me of... Kaori Sakiyama. Brrrr.
jgib99 at 10:36AM, June 25, 2008
[b]Warpedwenger[/b]- No problem, man. [b]Vakanai[/b]- Sweet!!
Vakanai at 11:33PM, June 24, 2008
Warpedwenger at 7:01PM, June 24, 2008
Whoot! Thanks for the kind words and the cameo!
jgib99 at 11:14AM, June 24, 2008
[b]amanda[/b]- Thank you much. ^_^ Light shows rule. [b]BetaJess[/b]- Wow! Better than ice cream!! That's a serious compliment in my book. :D [b]spiritmonkey[/b]- Burn baby, burn, burn. Disco Inferno!! [b]Peipei[/b]- Unless of course you're the one causing the body flying and exploding. Then its all good! [b]DAJB[/b]- Yep. Rihanna isn't what you would call a people person. [b]John the guard[/b]- Thanks. :) [b]slimredninja[/b]- Thanks, slim. Thanks for the comments and high fives everyone.
slimredninja at 8:21AM, June 24, 2008
Great looking page the story arc is great
DAJB at 6:53AM, June 24, 2008
Cow warriors? Now, that's just rude!
Peipei at 3:45AM, June 24, 2008
Woah o.o Flying bodies and explosions! Not good xD.
spiritmonkey at 11:39PM, June 23, 2008
Maybe it's a disco light show?
BetaJess at 10:25PM, June 23, 2008
Have I told you how much I love this comic? No. I love this comic more than... ice cream. Yeah, I admit it.
amanda at 10:12PM, June 23, 2008
Apocalyptic or not, it's still a really cool light show! Nice job