Chapter Six - Page 151
jgib99 on April 20, 2008
Salutations Waterfowl. Here's a new page. Its a couple of days late, I know. I apoligize again for the delay. Life has been a little busy for me lately. Hopefully things will calm down soon.
The cameo for this page is Spamacky Jones from BlueFlame_Studios' Autumn Blood. Go there. Read his comic. Stay the night. Eat all of his cookies.
In this page: Brenda is going to find Lucinda and tell her that she needs to go to the station. But it turns out that Luci's flown the coop. And left a strange lock on her door. We also see that Tina has colored her hair. This will be a common occurence as the story goes on. Tina doesn't like to stay with one style or color for too long.
I'll see you later (Hopefully Wednesday or Thursday). Things are going to get real interesting soon.
Rock on!!
Priceman at 12:24AM, March 7, 2009
This isn't looking good.
jgib99 at 2:26PM, April 26, 2008
[b]John the guard[/b]- No sweat. Heh, yep kids. Its a webcomic [i]AND[/i] a Public Service Announcement. :D [b]lapaix[/b]- Thanks!! [b]Peipei[/b]- And thank you!! New page!! Sunday 1 a.m. Eastern US Time. Be there!! ^_^
John the guard at 5:38AM, April 23, 2008
thank you for your reply from prevous page. and i have always been cautious of online dating services this chick is a great example. hahahaha she jacked somesones car oh man she is scared out of her mind
jgib99 at 9:51PM, April 22, 2008
Thanks for the comments and high fives everyone. [b]cameron11691[/b]- Thanks. [b]spiritmonkey[/b]- And thank you too. [b]DAJB[/b]- I agree. Now I'm really glad that I didn't go with the black haired emo Tina look. XD [b]amanda[/b]- Thanks. :) I'm finally starting to get a hang of the coloring thing...IMO. [b]Vakanai[/b]- That's another approval for the blue hair. I can't wait for chapter nine when she dyes her hair lime green with turquoise highlights. Mmmmaybe I shouldn't have said that yet. [b]xanos[/b]- Yep. ^_^ [b]PIT FACE[/b]- If you're talking about whats going on in the last panel. The next couple of pages should make things more clear...I hope. >.>
PIT_FACE at 2:37PM, April 21, 2008
xanos at 2:15PM, April 21, 2008
whoa... XD well she freaked now diddn't she?
Vakanai at 1:45PM, April 21, 2008
Love the blue hair look. Very...stylish, yeah.
amanda at 10:27AM, April 21, 2008
I like the sky in the final panel - and blue hair ftw!
DAJB at 3:06AM, April 21, 2008
Blue ... suits her somehow! ;-)