croxtonhas on April 9, 2012
Sorry guys for absence. I'd like to introduce to you the all new H&H. Hasben has a new make over, yeah, I think he would agree he feels better with hair! Also, look for more new characters as well. Ive been busy writing new gags and making changes to the story. So, I hope you will enjoy the new Hasben and Hash! Thanks for watching!
croxtonhas at 2:06PM, March 6, 2017
Hey Guys, Been away for a while! I just got published with my children's book Larry's New Friend. My website is check it out!
jgib99 at 5:02PM, May 20, 2012
can't wait
darth_paul at 11:44AM, April 19, 2012
Glad I came back to read it just in time. 8-)
Luccia at 9:18PM, April 10, 2012
strokes the hair! =D
jerrie at 9:00PM, April 9, 2012
I look forward to the new stories!
ghostrunner at 8:08PM, April 9, 2012
sweet! youve gone all d.c. comics on us
houseofmuses at 7:32PM, April 9, 2012
Love the new look! :D
man in black at 6:41PM, April 9, 2012
great cover, welcome back
Peipei at 6:07PM, April 9, 2012
Welcome back! I'm looking forward to seeing some more Hasben and Hash soon :3
machinehead at 5:33PM, April 9, 2012
Can't wait!
PPPchairman at 1:00PM, April 9, 2012
By Sark's binary code...HAIR!
ayesinback at 12:33PM, April 9, 2012
I have to believe Hasben will be happier not having to shave his head anymore - after all, it's not like Hash ever appreciated the effort.
Banes at 7:11AM, April 9, 2012
nice page! feelin' the happiness! see you soon.