012. Ring Trick
usedbooks on Dec. 5, 2008
My apologies for tons o' delays. I have this comic on an undefined schedule for a very good reason, after all. Slowness (possibly even a pause) will continue for the holiday season. Aside from holiday madness, I also have just been getting over my UB artist/writer block, and so I focus my energies there until I lose momentum. (Plus, this comic exists solely to be a reservoir for all the crazy ideas that fill my head and cause UB writer's block…) I've also been busy giving tours of our museum to preschoolers. /excuses
I was tired of inventing random people for extras, so today's comic contains two cameos, Lia from Salt the Holly and Fred from The Mighty Warlord. (Amanda, Lia will be returned to you with a complementary roll of scotch tape. ;-) ) Amanda and LanceDanger left the first comments on Gelotology. I will probably be using more cameos in the future if no one minds.
plymayer at 4:16AM, June 28, 2010
Loud_G at 6:05AM, Jan. 30, 2009
heheh, nice one :D
usedbooks at 1:19PM, Dec. 9, 2008
@amanda: Yeah, those dendrophiles try your patience sometimes. XD @n_y_japlander: The interesting thing about any specialist (in this case, a dendrochronology specialist) is that they are so focused on the methods of their specialty that other methods simply don't occur to them... ;-) @Hogan: *Groan* (I love a "groaner" joke. XD)
Hogan at 12:00PM, Dec. 9, 2008
So she will not only get a part in the show, she will get TWO parts! :P *rimshot*
n_y_japlander at 8:26AM, Dec. 8, 2008
(Oo) Ewwwwwwwwww... might have been less messy to look at a driver's license.... but your way is funnier! (^U^)
amanda at 10:31AM, Dec. 6, 2008
Haha, that's AWESOME! I am pleased to say that I got the joke without looking it up (as I love to shout "dendrophilia!" at people when the situation calls for it). ^.~ *claps* Yay Scotch tape!
usedbooks at 7:32AM, Dec. 6, 2008
@patrick That's not Lia. It's a rare Screaming Lia Oak! ~_^ Actually, dendrochronology is an interesting field. The age determination thing is just a small part of it. The cool thing is using the color, width, chemistry, and other features to find out all about the weather, environment, and other factors from that long-ago time -- often hundreds of years ago. (They don't usually cut trees in half. They'll drill into the tree and take a small core -- but that isn't half as fun a concept for a comic. XD.)
patrickdevine at 12:06AM, Dec. 6, 2008
I needed wikipedia for this joke too. After I looked up what dendrochronology was everything else fell into place though. Clever title pun too. But wouldn't just asking Lia how old she is get the same job done with less mess?
ghostrunner at 11:25PM, Dec. 5, 2008
no minds at all >_> wait a minute...