- I guess this is how that story ended
- Frank and Vinny #something and three
- Frank and Vinny #something and two part 3
- Frank and Vinny #something and two part 2
- Frank and Vinny #something and two
- Frank and Vinny #something
- Frank and VInny #159 - The meaning of christmas
- Frank and Vinny #158 - Home alone
- Frank and Vinny #157 - CIN
- Frank and Vinny #156 - Change
- Frank and Vinny #155 - Lolvista
- Frank and Vinny #154 - Kors Wurk
- Frank and Vinny #153 - Zetta slowpoke!
- Frank and Vinny #152 - DD awards
Yay filler guest strip thing!
- Frank and Vinny #151 - Quiz
- Frank and Vinny #150 - 493
- Frank and Vinny #149 - Depression
- Frank and Vinny #148 - Donkey Konq!
- Frank and Vinny #147 - Brawl
- Frank and Vinny #146 - Tinnitus
- Frank and Vinny #145 - Birthday
- Frank and Vinny #144 - Summer
- Frank and Vinny #143 - Something wicked this way comes...
- Frank and Vinny #142 - Performance
This donkey shoe is not very lucky at all...
- Frank and Vinny #141 - Barbers
- Frank and Vinny #140 - Shoeboxes
- Frank and Vinny #139 - Leaving
- Frank and Vinny #138 - Party trick
- Frank and Vinny #137 - Rocks
- Frank and Vinny #136 - SNAP
- Frank and Vinny #135 - Fund raiser
- Frank and Vinny #134 - Story 6
- Frank and Vinny #133 - Story 5
- Frank and Vinny #132 - Story 4
- Frank and Vinny #131 - Story 3
- Frank and Vinny #130 - Story 2
- Frank and Vinny #129 - Story
- Frank and Vinny #128 - Hurf
- Frank and Vinny #127 - Imposter! :O
- Frank and Vinny #126 - A simple equasion
- Frank and Vinny #125 - Witty title
- Frank and Vinny #124 - Turn it off by the button!
- Frank and Vinny #123 - YOINK!
- Frank and Vinny #122 - ...
- Frank and Vinny #121 - Celebration
- Frank and Vinny #120 - The process of making Frank and Vinny 2.0
- Frank and Vinny #119 - Updates!
- Frank and Vinny #118 - Contest
- Frank and Vinny #117 - Title
- Frank and Vinny #116 - Empty
- Frank and Vinny #115 - Skin grafts
- Frank and Vinny #114 - March...?
- Frank and Vinny #113 - April...?
- Frank and Vinny #112 - Copyrighted
- Frank and Vinny #111 - Third best!
- Frank and Vinny #110 - Wild Frank appears!
- Frank and Vinny #109 - Twinkle and Jenny
- Frank and Vinny #108 - The science of Frank and Vinny #5
- Frank and Vinny #107 - Greeeeeeen!
- Frank and Vinny #106 - RE: Me whining
- Frank and Vinny #105 - Bocaj
- Frank and Vinny #104 - Staring contest
Bocaj's guest comic
- Frank and Vinny #103 - Still ill!
- Frank and Vinny #102 - A aDVeNtURe
MOAR FILLER!!!!!1!!!!!one!!!!!ELEVEN!!!!!!!
- Frank and Vinny #101 - Arc over!
1 Year Anniversary
- Frank and Vinny #99 - Fish and chips 12
- Frank and Vinny #98 - Fish and chips 11
- Frank and Vinny #97 - Fish and chips 10
- Frank and Vinny #96 - Fish and chips 9
- Frank and Vinny #95 - Fish and chips 8
- Frank and Vinny #94 - Fish and chips 7
- Frank and Vinny #93 - Fish and chips 6
- Frank and Vinny #92- Fish and chips 5
- Frank and Vinny #91 - Fish and chips 4
- Frank and Vinny #90 - Fish and Chips 3
- Frank and Vinny #89 - Fish and chips 2
- Frank and Vinny #88 - Fish and chips
- Frank and Vinny #87 - 1 to 10
- Frank and Vinny #86 - Frank's exams
- Frank and Vinny #85 - Lateness!!!!one!1
- Frank and Vinny #84 - Boredom
- Frank and Vinny #83 - Migraine
- Frank and Vinny #82 - Cake
- Frank and Vinny #81 - The lost episodes of Frank and Vinny
- Frank and Vinny #80 - The science of Frank and Vinny #4
- Frank and Vinny #79 - Garfield lol
- Frank and Vinny #78 - IRC
- Frank and Vinny #77 - Monty Python
- Frank and Vinny #76 - Happy 2008!
- Frank and Vinny #75 - Goodbye 2007!
- Frank and Vinny #74 - Scrooge
- Frank and Vinny #73 - Super-Frank!
- Frank and Vinny #72 - I forgotted...
- Frank and Vinny #71 - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!1
- Frank and Vinny #70 - Meated'd!
- Frank and Vinny #69 - Frank's present
- Frank and Vinny #68 - SANTA!
- Frank and Vinny #67 - The Nile
- Frank and Vinny #66 - Christmas eve!
- Frank and Vinny #65 - Yay corny jokes!
- Frank and Vinny #64 - Science can be fun too! (not really)
- Frank and Vinny #63 - Filler
- Frank and Vinny #62 - Writer's block...
- Frank and Vinny #61 - Hell the what
- Frank and Vinny #60 - The science of Frank and Vinny #3
- Frank and Vinny #59 - A 3-Day Weekend!
- Frank and Vinny #58 - BZZZAP!
- Frank and Vinny #57 - Xmas lights
- Frank and Vinny #56 - Good news everyone!
- Frank and Vinny #55 - Behind the scenes!
- Frank and Vinny #54 - Ot oh, spaghetti-os!
- Frank and Vinny #53 - The science of Frank and Vinny #2
- Frank and Vinny #52 - Vegetarians
- Frank and Vinny #51 - Thanksgiving
- Frank and Vinny #50 - Cameos!?
- Frank and Vinny #49 - I can't think of a name for this comic :(
- Frank and Vinny #48 - Frank's hypothesis Part 3
- Frank and Vinny #47 - Frank's hypothesis Part 2
- Frank and Vinny #46 - Frank's hypothesis part 1
- Frank and Vinny #45 - PWN1NG T1M3!
- Frank and Vinny #44 - The science of Frank and Vinny #1
- Frank and Vinny #43 - Fat
- Frank and Vinny #42 - Chilli
- Frank and Vinny #41 - Cookies!!!!!1
- Frank and Vinny #40 - Jack-o-lantern
- Frank and Vinny #39 - Happy Halloween dudes and dudettes!
- Frank and Vinny #38 - HORROR MOVIE!
- Frank and Vinny #37 - Litter
- Frank and Vinny #36 - An apple a day...
- Frank and Vinny #35 - Phantom Hourglass!
- Frank and Vinny #34 - Mr. Rage
- Frank and Vinny #33 - Outta milk
- Frank and Vinny #32 - Happy Birthday Vinny!
- Frank and Vinny #31 - Vinny's birthday soon!
- Frank and Vinny #30 - Clones?
- Frank and Vinny #29 - Knock Knock
- Frank and Vinny #28 - Your FaV comic!
- Frank and Vinny #27 - Nosebleed
- Frank and Vinny #26 - Fake Money!
- Frank and Vinny #25 - Backgrounds
- Frank and Vinny #24 - EXTREMELY strong mints!
- Frank and Vinny #23 - COKE!
- Frank and Vinny #22 - The process of making Frank and Vinny
- Frank and Vinny #21 - Skins
- Frank and Vinny #20 - The Virus
- Frank and Vinny #19 - Bad cop
- Frank and Vinny #18 - Shark fishing
- Frank and Vinny #16 - Too true
- Frank and Vinny #15 - HOMEWORK!
- Frank and Vinny #14 - Experimenting
- Frank and Vinny #13 - something...Frank's sayin'...
- Frank and Vinny #12 - Uhh...the prank
- Frank and Vinny #11 - Are we late?!
- Frank and Vinny #10 - Twinkle the fairy!
- Frank and Vinny #9 - JOHN!
- Frank and Vinny #8 - Smart Spleak
- Frank and Vinny #7 - I hate that tricky stickman!
- Frank and Vinny #6 - work experience
- Frank and Vinny #5 - Invasion of the body snatchers!
- Frank and Vinny #4 - The Wii
- Frank and Vinny #3 - Fanmail
- Frank and Vinny #2 - Frank's Special Brick
- Frank and Vinny #1 - The Joke
Frank and Vinny #105 - Bocaj
crocty on March 11, 2008
It's Bocaj ! I made him look like his character from GIADC . I don't have much to say except my braces were tightened. And it's hurrrrrting… … Crocty out.
Azeth at 3:04PM, May 26, 2008
There's another secret message! it's in panel 2!
GTLB at 5:20AM, March 13, 2008
Good one.. but where is F&V?
crocty at 12:42AM, March 13, 2008
D= My braces....They....They became invisible...
TheMidge28 at 3:42PM, March 12, 2008
love the disappearing and reappearing braces! :) Congrats to Bocaj...but wear are the teeth on his costume?
spiritmonkey at 3:23PM, March 12, 2008
And now for a rating
spiritmonkey at 3:23PM, March 12, 2008
U has no braces! agen! :O I like how the eyes on his costume have expressions too
crocty at 3:12PM, March 12, 2008
Ah yes, regarding the size. I put you in this comic as GIADC, not you. And GIADC is, if I'm not mistaken, about 10 years younger than me. :3 I'll reply to everyone else's comments later...
Bocaj at 3:11PM, March 12, 2008
It occurred to me that it is ironic that I am shorter than you in this, because I am older, and from what i can tell, taller.
BlkKnight at 3:10PM, March 12, 2008
Crimson Al at 2:31PM, March 12, 2008
To say he was honoured by appearing in a Frank and Vinny comic, does no one else find it weird that neither Frank nor Vinny were in it... Makes you think... lol
Copy and Paste at 1:37PM, March 12, 2008
You're like supewr tall compared to him. have you been taking ?
Chameleon Kid at 1:03PM, March 12, 2008
*lol* The eye-shine really looks nice. =D It gives it a special polish! Thumbs up for Bocaj! Braces sux. X{
Kimhura at 12:20PM, March 12, 2008
And this is why I don't do guest strips for people 8D (Along with being extremely lazy) *Points and laughs at Bocaj* Also, I find the art quite lovely on this page, wonderful job Crocty!
antcomics at 11:39AM, March 12, 2008
Owwwch. I feel so lucky never to have had braces. Yayyy Bocaj!! :) :D D: :p
Bocaj at 10:52AM, March 12, 2008
You're hurting, I am happy as a cannible. Thanks man, great comic.
Black Daisy at 10:24AM, March 12, 2008
Love that last panel! Sorry ur hurting.