More Updates (Some Involving Due East)!

dueeast on June 26, 2020

The Due East comic itself may have concluded, but that doesn't mean everything about it is over.

What do I mean by that? Well for starters, I made a video trailer for the webcomic a few months ago (click the graphic below all the text to see it).

In addition to that, my wife Angel and I have some plans to do a YouTube series about Due East on my YouTube channel in the near-future! It would be kind of like a re-watch series, but with a few extra things to spice it up. I'll give more details when we've prepared enough episodes to get underway.

I hope everyone is doing well. Between COVID-19 and the current US racial issues, it's been a tough time for so many. My family and I are alright and in good health. All things considered, we've been pretty blessed, so no complaints.

One of the ways I've spent my time during COVID-19 is writing a new book. It's called The Former Things and it's a Christian slice-of-life novel. I did an author interview on The Brian Shepard Show this week. I talked a little about the book and more. Click that graphic below all the text to see the short video.

I've also got a new book being released this Fall. It's called Jordan's Deliverance. You can see its cover here in the update. It's Book 3 in the Jordan of Algoran series. It's a Christian Science-Fantasy being published by Ambassador International.

Click this link to see the book trailer for Jordan's Deliverance

That's all for now. See you soon!

- Allen aka dueeast