- Credits
- Acceptance Speech: Simply Sarah
- Acceptance Speech: Best Philosophical/Political Comic
- Acceptance Speech: Best Adult-Oriented Comic (NSFW...duh)
- Concession Speech: Best Antagoinist
- Acceptance Speech: Best Parody/Tribute
- After Party: Cleanup Crew
- Acceptance Speech: Best Use of Non-Traditional Medium
- Acceptance Speech: The Godstrain
- After Party: To Boldlygo
- Readers’ Choice Award presented by VinoMas (Part 2)
- Readers’ Choice Award presented by VinoMas (Part 1)
- The Create Your Own Award presented by Genejoke
- The User Awards presented by Zac
- Concession Speech: Most Improved Art
- Best Overall Comic Strip presented by bravo1102
- Best Overall Story Comic presented by fallopiancrusader
- Best Completed Comic presented by Banes
- Best Manga Comic presented by Niccea
- Most Improved Art presented by Infected Blood
- Best Horror Comic presented by Genejoke
- Best Plot Development presented by Call Me Tom
- Best Antagonist presented by fallopiancrusader
- Best Fantasy Comic presented by PBandJ (Part 2)
- Best Fantasy Comic presented by PBandJ (Part 1)
- Best Adventure Comic presented by Banes
- Extra Presentation: Best Action Within a Comic
- Best Action Within a Comic presented by Whirlwynd
- Best Use of Traditional Medium presented by usedbooks
- Best Anthropomorphic Comic presented by Niccea
- Best Comic Layouts presented by Niccea
- Best Sci-Fi Comic presented by bravo1102
- Best Parody/Tribute presented by Call Me Tom
- Best Humor Comic presented by Banes
- Best Protagonist presented by El Cid
- Best Philosophical/Political Comic presented by fallopiancrusader
- Concession Speech: Best Use of Non-Traditional Medium
- Best Adult-Oriented Comic presented by Banes (NSFW)
- Most Deliciously Offensive presented by Banes
- Best Drama presented by strixvanallen
- Extra: Awards Date (NSFW)
- Best Background Art presented by KimLuster
- Best All Ages Comic presented by KimLuster
- Best Mystery/Crime/Noir presented by Kim Luster
- Best Dialogue presented by fallopiancrusader
- Best Supporting Character presented by strixvanallen
- Best Use of Non-Traditional Medium presented by strixvanallen
- Best Character Design presented by VinoMas (Part 3)
- Best Character Design presented by VinoMas (Part 2)
- Best Character Design presented by VinoMas (Part 1)
- Best Superhero Comic presented by Call Me Tom
Best Community Project presented by Genejoke
- Extra: The Hitchhiker
- Extra: Security Detail
- Extra: Federation Fashion
- Finalists: Character Awards, User Awards, and the Big Ones
- Finalists: Technical Awards
- Finalists: Style Awards
Finalists: Genre Awards
- Tiebreakers!
- Vote Now! Banner
- FYC: High Fashion
- FYC: Moving In
- FYC: Hostage Situation
- FYC: WWII Greece
- FYC: Some Strings Attached
The 2015 Drunk Duck Awards (You're Invited)
- FYC: Get 'Em, Hecate
- FYC: Swept Under the Rug
- FYC: #Pageant
- FYC: Star Strip
- FYC: Scotty Beamed Me Twice Last Night
For Your Consideration: Introduction
- You're Invited!
FYC: WWII Greece
Niccea on July 9, 2015
by Tantz Aerine . You might not be able to see the comic under the label, but the categories are for Without Moonlight. Please also consider Brave Resistance for Best Adventure Comic, Best Comic Layouts, and Nikos for best supporting character. From Niccea: FYCs will be accepted until July 19th.
VinoMas at 8:10PM, July 12, 2015
This is awesome!
SnowTheHedgehog at 6:24AM, July 10, 2015
... HA! Greece! So topical.
bravo1102 at 1:40AM, July 10, 2015
Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria are also out of the running I hear. ;-)
usedbooks at 5:58PM, July 9, 2015
Hahaha. Duly noted. However, I just watched To Be or Not To Be and thought a theater in WWII could be fun, or it could be Inglorious Basterds. Hmm. Yeah, maybe we should just stay in present day and/or away from Europe.