- Credits
- Blooper: Double Presentation
- After Party: Everyone to the Bar!
- Acceptance Speech: Most Improved Art, Best Supporting Character
- Acceptance Speech: Best Completed Comic
- Blooper: Red Carpet Interview
- Acceptance Speech: Best Philosophical/Political Comic
- Acceptance Speech: Readers' Choice Award
- Acceptance Speech: Best Fantasy Comic, Best Overall Comic Strip
- Acceptance Speech: Best Adult-Oriented Comic, Best Parody Tribute
- Readers’ Choice Award presented by Genejoke
- Best Completed Comic presented by Banes
- Best Overall Comic Strip presented by Niccea
- Best Overall Story Comic presented by fallopiancrusader
- Acceptance Speech: Best Plot Development, Most Supportive Reader
- User Awards presented by fallopiancrusader
- Best Supporting Character presented by PBandJ (Part 2)
- Best Supporting Character presented by PBandJ (Part 1)
- Best Antagonist presented by PBandJ (Part 2)
- Best Antagonist presented by PBandJ (Part 1)
- Best Protagonist presented by PBandJ (Part 2)
- Best Protagonist presented by PBandJ (Part 1)
- Acceptance Speech: Best 3D/Poser Comic
- Best Adult-Oriented Comic presented by PBandJ (Page 2)
- Best Adult-Oriented Comic presented by PBandJ (Page 1)
- Most Deliciously Offensive Comic presented by Banes
- Best Horror Comic presented by Banes
- Acceptance Speech: Best Mystery/Crime/Noir
- Acceptance Speech: Best Action in a Comic
- Best Mystery/Crime/Noir Comic presented by Banes
- Best Plot Development presented by gene hole
- Best 3D/Poser Comic presented by AnisykesComics
- Best Parody/Tribute Comic presented by KimLuster
- Best Dialogue presented by Niccea
- Best Comic Layouts presented by Zac
- Best Romance in a Comic presented by VinoMas
- Best All Ages Comic presented by Genejoke
- Most Improved Art presented by Dragonaur
- Best Superhero Comic presented by shastab24
- Best Action Within A Comic presented by jgib99
- Best Philosophical/Political Comic presented by Genejoke
- Acceptance Speech: Best Community Project
- Best Fantasy Comic presented by Asbin
- Best Anthropomorphic Comic presented by shastab24
- Best Character Design presented by shastab24
- Best Adventure Comic presented by Call Me Tom
- Best Sci-fi Comic presented by Banes
- Best Use of Medium presented by KimLuster
- Best Humor Comic presented by lopriest
- Best Background Art presented by lopriest
Best Community Project presented by Strixvanallen
- Finalists - Characters, Users, and the Big Ones
- Finalists - Technical Awards
- Finalists - Style Awards
The Finalists - Genre Awards
- Tie Breakers! Vote Now
- For Your Consideration: Conclusion (Knocking Some Back)
- FYC: What the Duck?! (Part 3)
- FYC: Space Station (Part 2)
- FYC: Nice To See 'Ya Niccea (Part 1)
- FYC: I Don't Understand a Symbol You're Saying
- FYC: Its A Hoax
- FYC: Big Fish
- FYC: Times Like This
- FYC: Body Double
- FYC: Imagine Some Epic Music
- FYC: A Questing We Will Go
- The 2014 Drunk Duck Awards (You're Invited)
- Vote for the Design the Awards Contest
- FYC: We found Niccea?
- FYC: Nobody is Beating Me!
- FYC: Aren't We Supposed to be Looking for Someone?
FYC: Where is Niccea?
You're Invited
Best Use of Medium presented by KimLuster
Niccea on Sept. 16, 2014
Congratulations to Capefall . Your banner: This presentation was made by KimLuster .Critics Acclaim The lines are sharp and well-defined. Though it is not a traditional medium for superhero comics, it works pretty well. The artwork reminds me of eastern-style prints, especially complimented by the canvas texture.
KimLuster at 5:06AM, Sept. 21, 2014
@PaulEberhartd: *huge smile* Thank you! I suggested a 'Best Presentation' award in the Judges forums, to be voted on after all presentations are complete. There's already several I'd vote for over mine, but I do like my rendition of the Long-Island Medium (or at least what the duck did to her). It should be obvious I'm BIG fan of her ;) *end sarcasm*
PaulEberhardt at 4:39AM, Sept. 21, 2014
Nice one! Congrats to Capefall! And this pun-tastic presentation should get a "Best Use of Mediums" award, too. :)
El Cid at 5:05PM, Sept. 19, 2014
He slapped my psychic friend! Congrats to Capefall! Another tough category.
strixvanallen at 7:52PM, Sept. 17, 2014
I laughed out lound when I read "use of a medium". And congrats for Capefall, it's really a wonderful comic.
Mr Kaos at 2:05PM, Sept. 17, 2014
hah. xD congrates
ironhand at 1:50PM, Sept. 17, 2014
Very well deserved! I love CapeFall and have been lucky enough to catch it in it's early days, too! Hats off to all the other runner-ups, too!
Panman at 11:23AM, Sept. 17, 2014
Oh wow thanks for this! Great presentation page too!
jgib99 at 8:56PM, Sept. 16, 2014
Congrats to Capefall. And a great presentation.
SnowTheHedgehog at 2:08PM, Sept. 16, 2014
Congrats, and grand presentation! I love it!
usedbooks at 12:30PM, Sept. 16, 2014
Congrats! So much interesting diversity in this category's finalists.
Tantz_Aerine at 11:54AM, Sept. 16, 2014
Congrats! Though the text WAS a little hard to read, the art was hilarious.
KimLuster at 10:38AM, Sept. 16, 2014
Congratulations! Hmmm... I have a hard time reading my text in the presentation - did anyone else?
Banes at 8:26AM, Sept. 16, 2014
Congratulations! haha, cool idea for a presentation too!
Genejoke at 7:15AM, Sept. 16, 2014
plymayer at 5:34AM, Sept. 16, 2014