- Easy Listening
- (S)Elf Destruction
- An Open Book
- It's A Delicacy
- Safehold
- Air Rescue
- Deer Stalker
- Shake Hands With Danger
- Maybe The Shirt Isn't That Lucky...
- What's Normal Now, Anyhow?
- Honorary Family Reunion
- My Fairy Laddy
- Starlight Stroll
- Well, How Did I Get Here?
- Go Ahead, Make Mye's Day
- The Real Thing
- Safe Landing
- Caught Purple-Handed
- Heads Will Roll
- Prince Of Lies
- Gotta Hand It To Her
- Zerlocke's Fursona
- Rose Retinue
- Sorcery Forgery
- End Of The Trail
- Shields Deployed
- Honk If You Love Ursequinnes
- Super Monkey Weasel Ball
- Sidhe Who Must Be Obeyed
- The Other Shoe Drops
- It's All Downhill
- A Pale Rider
- Double Date Disaster
- Biting Back
- Resurfacing
- Communication Breakdown
- Trash Or Treasure
- Royal Retreat
- Making Friends Isn't Easy
- He's Your Problem Now
- It's More Likely Than You Think...
- Sales Pitch
- Behind the Curtain
- You Are Not Immune To Propaganda
- The Proof Is In The Blood
- Spoiled Blood
- Royal Repose
- Vamp Ire
- Undesignated Couple
- Unfashionably Late Father
- Sixth Senseless
- A Haunted Tail
- Easily Handled
- Stick It To 'Em
- Help From Above
- Baton Pass
- Rough Landing
- Lost In The Dark
- Armed and Dangerous
- Addressing The Werewolf In The Room
- Lost Boy
- Like Grandfather, Like Grandson
- His Superhero
- Reawakening
- The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
- A Bundle Of Stress
- Family Tree
- Family Drama
- Broken Oath
- Tattle-Tree
- Just Acorn To Know
- Blue Acorn
- Diss Of The Vampire
- Rear Window
- You Win Some, You Loot Some
- That's What Sidhe Said
- The Edge Of Ruin
- Suspicious Minds
- Trashed
- Sharp-Edged Wit
- The Justiciars
- Old Friends
- He Knows The Muffin Man
- A Touch Too Much
- Coffee, Tea, or Apology?
- Search Pattern
- Deepest Regrets
- Final Moment
- Final Request
- Nurse Rabbit
- So Much Hate
- Change From Within
- Causing Confusion
- Breaking Point
- Fake Plastic Pandas
- Unsuccessfully Coping
- Flirting Like Hotcakes
- Ready To Roll
- A Bounty Of Information
- In-terror-gation
- Troll Follower
- Gathering Intelligence
- Strange Changeling
- Who Goes There?
- The Mourner
- My Deer Friend
- Familiar Resemblance
- Synchronicity
- Memorial
- Getting Cold Feet
- We Need To Talk About Zeno...
- Angst, Rinse, Repeat
- Stream Of Conscience
- Fading Away
- Clothes Make The Mannick
- Introspection
- Your Doctor Is In Another Laboratory
- Reading Glasses
- Something Familiar
- The Gloves Are Off
- Watcher In The Woods
- Break Down
- Forgotten Magic
- Not Lichen It
- Dance Magic Dance
- Battle Pet
- Two For One
- Samrick's Offer
- A Thoughtful Reply
- Going On A Rant
- Your Reputation Precedes You
- An Elf In King Samrick's Court
- A Mannick That Wears Many Hats
- Taking Responsibility
- A Tale Of Two Zombies
- The Other Story
- Keeping the Memory
- A Lot On His Mind
- A Girl's Best Friend
- Listening In
- Intrusive Thoughts
- Hug It Out!
- Your Soul Is Mine
- You Chose a Lovely Place to Die
- Cancel Your Meeting
- Tactile Postcognition
- Lights Out
- Hitting a Wall
- K'ale, K-O
- Up A Tree
- Going Nowhere
- Fairy Persistent
- Tender Loving Carriage
- Playing Dress-up
- Going Off Road
- Anger Flare
- Radio Chatter
- A Horrible Epiphany
- Magic Stick Fight
- A Challenger Approaches!
- What she saw in him...
- Further Explanation
- The Broken One
- Time Warped
- Let Him Do The Talking
- Friends in Crawlspaces
- #999
- #998
- #997
- #996
- #995
- #994
- #993
- #992
- #991
- #990
- #989
- #988
- #987 Room for one more
- #986
- #985 I can't pilot a horse!
- #984
- #983 Sunny Day Indeed
- #982
- #981
- #980
- #979 There's something about Mara...
- #978
- #977
- #976
- #975
- #974 W.Y.S.I.N.W.Y.G.
- #973 For MAGIC!
- #972
- #971
- #970
- #969
- #968 Enter the Market
- #967 Weak Will
- #966 Hot Drinks Really Get You Going
- #965
- #964
- #963
- #962 We'll Need a Guinea Pig...
- #961
- #960
- #959
- #958
- #957 An elf in wolf's clothing
- #956
- #955
- #954
- #953
- #952 This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!
- #951
- Prepare for trouble, make it quadruple!
- #949
- #948 Cliffhanger
- #947 Who Let the Hogs out?
- #946 Cue the Yakkity Sax
- #945 Keep Calm and Carry On
- #944
- #943
- #942
- #941
- #940
- #939
- #938
- #937
- #936
- #935
- #934 Forced Apologies
- #933 Mood Whiplash
- #932
- #931
- #930
- #929
- #928 Got nothing better to do!
- #927
- #926
- #925 Up Before the Dawn
- #924
- #923 Kahn was right...
- #922 Gonna have a montage
- #921
- #920
- #919 Mad With Power
- #918 Speech!Speech!Speech!
- #917: The Scent of Temptation
- #916
- #915 You remind me of the babe...
- #914
- #913 Follow Your Nose...
- #912
- #911
- #910 Good. Bad. I'm the one with a wand!
- #909
- #908 Fridge Horror
- #907
- #906
- #905 Bicycle Kick
- #904
- #903 Rude Awakening
- #902 Freud Rage
- #901 Browbeaten
- #900 The Escort
- #899 Puppetry
- #898 Mother of Nightmares!
- #897
- #896 Talking Dirty
- #895 The Wandslinger
- #894 Maniac to Maniac Advice
- #893 Bughouse
- #892 Moment of Doubt
- #891
- #890
- #889
- #888 Fowl Deeds
- #887 Metal Poles and Posture
- #886 Vampire Pyramid Schemes
- #885
- #884 Scars
- #883 Self Abuse
- #882
- #881Best of the Wurst Situation
- #880
- #879 Revenge Backfire
- #878 Fade To Black
- #877
- #876 Help Yourself
- #875 A Cake In The...
- #874 You keep using that word...
- #873
- #872
- #871
- #870 Made With Love
- #869 Gossip
- #868 The Decision
- #867 Escape Plot
- #866 Wishing for an Escape
- #865 Alphabetical Disorder
- #864 Reflection
- #863 Heartbreaker
- #862
- #861
- #860
- #859 Dangerous Monotony
- #858 Caffiend
- #857 Identity Crisis
- #856 A Friend with Benefits
- # 855 Blaine the Monobrow
- #854
- #853
- #852
- #851
- #850
- #849 What's in its Pocketses?
- #848 Claire and Present Danger
- #847
- #846 The Taste of Your Own Medicine
- #845
- #844
- #843 Immortals are the whiniest
- #842
- #841
- #840
- #839
- #838 Blame the Stranger
- #837
- #836 Space Case
- #835 Sick Little Monster
- #834 Gift that keeps on Giving
- #833
- #832 Boxers or...
- #831
- #830
- #829 I Bet You A Nickel...
- #828 Talking Head-aches
- #827
- #826
- #825 Bug Problem
- #824
- #823 At Death's Door
- #822 Meanwhile, Downtown...
- #821 Eating the Evidence
- #820 Every Picture Tells a Story
- # 819 Cradle to the Grave
- #818
- #817 Sweet Dreams
- #816 Feed the Kitty
- #815 Regifter
- #814 Birthday Cake!
- #813 Side Effects...
- #812 Deal or no?
- #811
- #810 Wino Tasting
- #809 The Sour of Discontent
- #808 That Guilty Feeling
- #807
- #806 Mutually Assured Destruction
- #805 Taking Damage
- #804 Saying all the wrong things
- #803 A wonderful, awful Idea
- #802 Hello me, it's me again
- #801 Magic Touch
- #800
- #799 Biology Lessons
- #798 Trust
- #797 File this, Lackey!
- #796 Going Underground
- #795 Or was that Guilt?
- #794 Stolen Heart
- #793 Go Fetch
- #792 Make a Wish
- #791 Trumped by a Chump
- #790 Where's Tony?
- #789 Trash Talker
- #788 Getting the Picture
- #787 Bad Cookie
- # 786 Chickening Out
- #785
- #784 Dream of Yiska
- #783 Hand Puppets
- # 782 The Bureau, Alp Division
- #781 Mindscapes
- #780 We don't need no stinking badges!
- #779 Teaser
- #778 Two Chickens to Paradise....
- #777 Charm Schoolin'
- #776 Shifty Business
- #775 Rude Awakener
- #774 Set Up- Let Down
- #773 Near Meltdown
- #772 An Eyefull
- #771 It's not the Size of the Hat...
- #770 Fairies Wear Boots
- A Sense of Dread
- Kavonn's Journal
- (Bonus page)
- This Party's OVER!
- #765 Special Requests
- LaBelle Smash!
- #763 All ears
- #762 Bad News
- #761 Sharing of Minds
- #760 Trust
- #759 This meeting's OVER!
- #758 Putting it together
- #757
- #756
- #755 Lost Identity
- #754 Shadow Agent
- #753 No Incentive
- #752 Royal Spy
- #751 Secret Meeting
- #750
- #749 Out of the Garden
- #748 The Keys to Power
- #747
- #746 Helping Himself By Helping Others
- #745 Spectators
- #744 That's it?!
- #743 Stubborness
- #742 It has its ways of communicating
- #741 Outburst
- #740 Speaking ill of the Dead
- Bad Movements
- #738
- Mye Wises up
- Not the Proudest Moment
- Showing Appreciation
- Coming up Short
- #733 Romantic Locales
- #732
- Drinkin' in the Boy's Room
- Fixing a Problem
- Finding Beauty in the Beast
- Interventions
- The Thrashing of an Unlifetime
- Big Darn Hero
- His Hook is His Jury....
- Distractive Behavior
- Animal Control
- Male Bonding Rules
- Crawling Back
- #720 Ensnared
- Out of the Hat
- Chews Your Friends Carefully...
- Tormenting Hostages
- He's not in a good mood...
- History against her story
- Gut Feelings
- Bad luck, Charby.
- Terms and Conditions
- Right on Q
- Hanging around
- Reckless Enthusiasm
- School's in Session
- Payback Time X2
- Meet the Elites
- Getting Carried Away
- Hard Lessons
- Disaster's Cookbook
- Hare-brained Schemes
- Mind Assassin
- The party has...moved on?
- Father Knows Best!
- Excuse me, Princess!
- Over the Edge
- Fairy Evil
- The one who (doesn't) wear the pants
- On Opposite Tracks
- Hapless Romantic
- Like Moths to a Lantern
- In Hiding
- #690
- Frustration!
- Before we continue....
- #687 Blending In
- Ballroom Ditz
- Scars from the Past
- Psychic Samrick?
- Table Manners
- #682
- Scapegoat Victor
- Alp-Drunken
- #679 Mouthy Princess
- Evil is Afoot!
- Safe, for now?
- Who's chasing whom now?
- Brother-Bother
- Impending doom....
- #673 Long Time Gone
- Hearing Voices
- #671 Dressing Up
- #670 Fairy Rude!
- #669 Killer Party
- #668 Decorative Planning
- #667 Double Standard
- #666 Punch Drunk
- #665 Rude Pointing
- Now the King Bows?
- Dance Dance Revulsion
- #662: Flirting with Disaster
- Having a Blast
- Comic May Contain Nuts
- Dignity in the Dirt
- Princess Pain
- Dude looks like a lady
- Get Up and Dance!
- Luck, Be A Lady?
- No Exceptions
- He who laughs first...
- A Spell for Disaster
- Freudian Slip, Downhill Slide
- Tailgater
- What, me worry?
- Party Crashers
- Party Animal
- Thunder Lizard
- Starting the Night
- Right Back Atcha
- Party Mood!
- Traveling in Style
- All dressed up, nowhere to go.
- Gawk Repellant
- A Lesson Interrupted
- Death of the Party
- Brotherly Bonding
- Novice
- Friendly Reminder
- Uninformed Voter
- Wild Party
- Hearts Aflame
- Puppy Love
- Modern Inconvenience
- Just Like a Nut
- Raining on his Parade (or Party)
- Intrusion
- Bottled Up
- Rear View
- Wallflower Power
- Don't ask...
- Faint Impression
- Dance Partner
- Mad Magic
- Good Little Helper
- Lame Ideas
- #617 Curiosity Kills...
- Haircut
- Bugging Out
- #614: Without Anesthesia
- #613: Hairdos and Don'ts
- A Little Whine With Your Lunch
- Family Resemblance
- Teamwork
- Hat Hair
- Returning the Favor
- Pessimist Fishboy
- Amnesia
- In Honor of a Friend
- Question Time?
- Aftermath
- Figuratively, Emotionally...
- And to the Winner...
- Bad Time for Help...
- Not through yet
- Life on the Outside
- Finding Focus
- Enchanting Creature
- Keeping out of the Way...
- Crowded Thoughts
- Not to be Forgotten...
- Mind Wrecking
- Fighting from the Inside
- Manipulation
- Released
- Pile the Guilt on Thick
- Modern Convenience
- Nailed
- Taking Chances
- Delusional Princess
- Mouth to Mouth
- Parting Gift
- Spoiled Appetite
- Perceptive, Claire
- Mommy Dearest
- Buzzed
- More Tasty Comparison
- Burning Down the House
- A Big Fish Tale
- Duty Calls
- Taking Risks
- Special Delivery
- Cooking up Trouble
- Unfriendly Reminder...
- Girly Club
- Self Testing
- Think of Sour Apples
- Dragon's Basement
- Undignified
- Attraction
- Relentless Flirt
- Bright Ideas
- Coming Undone
- Making things better
- Censorship
- Sucker for Love
- Feeling Low
- Another Invitation
- Bad Medicine
- Tall Cool One
- Double Teamed
- Tricks
- New Pet
- Madness
- Time Waster
- Zerlocke Gets a Break
- How you like them apples...
- Go jump in a lake!
- Desperation
- A Tad Overdone
- Arachnaphobia
- Real Smooth
- Sisters In Arms
- #540 Snagged
- Hair Raiser
- Little Old Lady from Kellwood
- Detached
- Stubborn
- Hell in a Shopping Basket
- Understanding
- Heads Will Roll
- Seething Rage...
- Shot down in flames
- #530 Reality versus Fantasy
- Winging it
- Derailing the Thought
- Bad Reputation
- The worst part of waking up...
- Taking Advice?
- Big Teaser
- Loudmouth
- Wrath of Hexavier
- A Nightmare Creature's Dreams
- #520 He's used to it...
- Worse Than a Sneeze
- Ruining Plans...
- Back in the Days...
- Family Reunion
- Home Again, Home again.
- With Friends like These...
- Hungry Hearts
- Another Shirt Bites The Dust
- New Plans
- #510 Buying Friendship
- Love for Dummies
- Wakeywakey!
- Gee Wiz
- Strange Friendships
- Over His Head
- Hitting the Jackpot
- Tears Of A Vampire
- Bad Chemistry
- Lovesickness
- #500 Sweet Dreams, Act 2
- Convincing Liar
- Mind Games
- Keeping Occupied
- Company Policy
- Things Coming to an End
- Problems
- Underfoot
- Coming up Short
- Bad Little Vampire...
- #490 Vampire Slaying
- Tree Hugger
- (Slave) Labor of Love
- Twin Trouble
- Role Reversal
- Betrayal
- Party Plans
- Roomies!
- Resting it Off
- Schooltime!
- #480 Monster Business
- The Hat Improves Gameplay!
- Wolf in Grandma's Clothing
- Suspicious Questions
- Bad Puns
- Lessons Learned the Hard Way
- Intimidation
- Too Late?
- Shoot First, Avoid Questions
- Crazy Thing
- #470 Romance and Sunsets
- Family Shame
- Creature Comforts
- Saving Grace
- Comfort of Friends
- A World of Pain
- Uptight Elf
- Surprizing Findings
- Confusion
- Fairy Failure
- #460 Family Beatings
- Shock
- Magic Failure
- Literally!
- Conscience Conundrums
- Tempting Danger
- A Penny for Your Two Cents?
- Naptime!
- Chance Meetings
- All About Image
- #450 With A Little Bit of Luck...
- Disowned
- Home Again
- Power Trip
- Trouble Wits der Dames
- Sickeningly Sweet
- Nothing to Sneeze at
- Quite Handy
- Innocent Facades
- Nice Hair!
- #440 Making a break for it
- No Sale!
- She meant it about pick-ups...
- Crazy Teacher Zerlocke Petrucci
- Sweet Rewards
- Suspicious Purchases...
- A little Help from a Friend
- The Dismal Future for Elites...
- The Mouth of the Forest
- Self Control
- #430 Sweet Ladies
- Dreamland
- Hat Problems...
- Guilty Pleasure
- Meanwhile...
- Hitting Rock Bottom
- Crispo loves Nachos
- Tastes like Regret
- Punchlines
- Adios, Amiga.
- #420 Abreast of the Situation
- Mood Trapeze
- Captive Audience
- Storytime
- Plotting...
- Mouthwash
- Eating dirt
- Tuning it out
- The Chase continues...
- Bad Morning....
- #410 Major Discomfort
- Strange Changes
- Wolf "Moon"
- Iceblock Shoulderpads
- Cheesy Greetings
- Arrogance
- Know how ta whistle, dontcha?
- An Embarrassment...
- Special Help...
- Good puppy...
- Could do worse...
- Heart Mending
- Sweet Revenge
- Watch your back...
- Wardrobe Malfunctions
- Poor Support
- Demonic Powers
- Biting Back
- Captured
- Blame
- Zapped
- Burning Stare
- No way home...
- Left Behind
- Can't get a break
- Lemme Axe you somethin'...
- An Eye Opener
- The Eyes have it
- Confrontation
- NightyNight!
- Chain Pain
- Like a Dream
- Confusing the Beast
- Unbearable
- To save the day...
- Jealousy and Mean Spirit
- Attentions Turn
- She'll regret this...
- This won't end well...
- Dangerous Minds
- Regrouping
- Bad Axe Zerlocke
- Truth in Advertizement
- Keep it Under Your Hat...
- Big Bad Wolf
- Product Placement
- A Handful of Trouble
- That can't be good...
- Typical Wolf...
- Treasure Hunt
- Abandoned
- Finally got what he wanted
- What a Ripoff
- Sending the Message
- Crocodile Tears
- Apologies?!
- Evil Plans
- A Small Surprize
- Identity Issue
- Twisting Arms
- Shifty Girl
- More Misunderstandings...
- A Fiend Indeed
- She Sells T-Shirts!
- Hurt and Healing
- Room Service
- Unraveled
- Traps in the Forest
- Group Hug, not "grope" hug...
- Conversation
- Purgatory Panic!
- Another One Bites the Dust
- Sadness
- Magic and Madness
- Calming the Beast
- Power Surge
- Mistakes
- And the Fight goes on...
- Intervention?
- Boy was he wrong
- Recall this?
- It was inevitable...
- Hat Thief
- Self Esteem
- Eye for an Eye
- Oh Brother...
- Guilt
- What's in a name?
- Pickup after a Fall
- Lunar Activity
- Sneaky Dog!
- Wild like an Animal
- Abduction
- Payback's a...
- Fishboy Extortion
- Down to Earth
- Ingrate
- Heart to Understand
- Freakout!
- Kiss the Curse away
- Tradeoff
- Portal Parasite
- Playing with Fire
- Pet Peeves
- Anger Management (or lack thereof)
- Lighthearted Fun
- Mannick vs. Depressive
- Might be a Nightmare...
- Bad Ideas
- And another Message ...
- Problems Persist
- Obsession
- Never Ask your Enemy for Help
- Heads up!
- You are What they Eat
- A Dangrerous Bar...
- Fairy Annoying
- Brought to you by...
- Easily Swayed
- Hats Off To ya
- Time for a Talkie
- Losing Heads
- A Bad End
- Apologies
- Hitting a Nerve
- Attack of the Weinerwolf
- Moonlighting
- History For Kavonn
- Lactose Intolerance
- Happy Returns
- Broken Heart
- Hatfull of Horror
- Shattered
- Mind Games
- Ditch and Run
- Cut Down
- Failures
- Minions are Expendable
- Cell Talk
- Trading Places
- Shoulda known better....
- Confrontations
- Go Speed 'Motey
- Painful Transformations
- A Revenging we will go
- Dog Breath
- Just her Luck
- Is The Thing Housetrained?
- Another Giant Blue Monster
- Firewall
- Never Trust Bar Chicks...
- Decency vs. Beans
- To the Rescue
- Wabbit Hunting
- Bad Writing
- Easter Egg Hunt
- En Flambe
- Inner Conflict
- Runaway
- Second Time Around
- Recognization
- A Tale of Farmboys and Vampiresses
- Evil Woman
- Predators in the Woods
- Dreams and Nightmares
- Back to Trouble
- She's no Angel
- Guilt trip
- Taking a licking
- Spellbinding
- Stop and Smell the Flowers
- A little Creepy?
- Meet the Sisters
- New Employment
- Plant Life
- Pain in the Hat
- Residence: Evil
- Someone's in the Kitchen with Menu...
- Rabbit Ears
- Lovely Crazy
- Opportunist
- Disarming
- Firestarter
- Fighting Back
- Armpit Travel
- The Kelwood Orycalope Massacre!
- Tug of war
- Bunnies!
- Fairy Crazy
- Head over Heels
- Rabbitnapped
- Suspicious Meal
- It's a deal!
- Alliance?
- Suicide Attempt
- Leaving Home
- Begging Forgiveness
- Bad Timing
- Evil Escape
- Hypnotic Eyes
- Evil Intentions
- Asking for Trouble
- That's Inspiring...
- Information!
- Hard Hitter
- Assault with Pepper
- Lost in Thought
- Rest and Relapsation
- Cereal Killer
- Tmid Little Rabbit
- #200 Magical Misunderstanding
- Hair Raising
- Hairy Ordeal
- Putting it Frankly
- Problematic
- #195 Wear your heart on your sleeve
- Bang.
- #193 Finding the Trigger
- Crossover: Funny feelings
- Crossover 11
- Crossover 10
- Crossover 9
- Crossover 8
- Crossover 7
- Crossover page 6
- Crossover pg. 5
- Crossover pg 4
- Crossover pg 3
- Crossover page 2
- Crossover: New Spin on things
- #180 Water you Doing here?
- Mouthy Wolf
- Farewells
- Double Visions
- Screwloose
- Run for the Hills
- Misunderstandings
- No Trade...
- What lurks in the shadows
- Surrender, Surrender...
- #170 A Hunting We Will Go
- Of Thorn Removal
- Oh No He Didn't!
- Training
- Polar Bar
- Monkey Around
- Appetite Loss
- Phineas to the Rescue
- Cat's Play
- Sometimes you Never Win
- #160 Makeover Takeover
- Food for Thought
- Only as old as you look
- Dream Raider
- Bar Fight
- Staring Daggers
- DHA pg 6: Hero Zeno
- DHA pg 5: Too much to bear
- DHA pg 4: Running Away
- DHA pg 3: Charming Charby
- #150 DHA pg 2:Playing Dead
- Demon Hunting Adventure!
- The Huntress
- Enter Fishboy!
- Bad Reception
- Dog Days
- Dog's night out
- Wolf Moon Madness
- Weinerwolf
- Drunken Fools
- #140 Send in the Clones
- Hypnopuppy
- You Goth to be kidding!
- The Demon Scythe
- Bridge Babe
- Checkup
- Questions, questions.
- Dinner Disaster
- Sending a Message
- Going Hungry
- Alliance
- Choking on the Words
- Vic Vs. The Lemuro
- You Goth It
- A Letdown
- Unexpected.
- Hypocrites
- Mystery Friends page 8
- Mystery Friends Page 7
- Mystery Friends Page 6
- Mystery Friends page 5
- Mystery Friends page 4
- Mystery Friends page 3
- Mystery Friends, page 2
- The Mystery Friends!
- Weird Science!
- Charby Makes Friends
- Fair-weather Fiend
- Simply Irresistible
- Drinking Away Sorrow
- Lazy Man's Troubles
- cop-5
- crossover page 4
- Crossover, page 3
- Crossover, page 2
- Crossover!
- Foodmart Mayhem
- Mending The Injuries
- Fighting Again
- Bad Bee-havior
- #100: Z Note
- Sentimental Charby
- Hairy Situation
- Surprize!
- Love Hurts
- Sappy Love Story
- Fine Night for a Swim
- The Quickest Way to a Werewolf's Heart...
- Trouble with the Cops
- Returned to Sender
- Thorns in His Side
- Fight!
- Bait & Switch
- Bear Witness
- Dentist, the Menace
- Donut of Love
- Love Potion
- Home Run
- Breakfast 2
- Breakfast at Grandma's
- Sunny Disposition
- New and Improved!
- Mort And Glen, Professional Jerks
- Deception
- Mye, how you've grown!
- Sweet Dreams
- Getting Dirty
- Mye Oh Mye
- Apple of Mye Eyes
- Have a Knife Day!
- The Blackest of Sheep
- Never Insult His Shirt
- First Impressions
- The Maiming of the Shrew
- Scouting for Cookies
- Traitor
- Charby Meets Mrs. Annabelle Marlowe
- More Bathroom Humor
- And the Winner is...
- Charby Vs The Vampire Killer
- Tunnel Vision
- Nada
- Girl Power?
- Dark Moods
- Sugarbuns
- Kitchen Encounter
- Pain in the Mouth
- Room for More
- A Short Tail
- A Mad House
- Concert Discontent
- Welcome Home
- What's on the Menu
- Bet That Smarts!
- Strike 2
- Feeling Antsy
- Chicken Ripoff
- Hair of the Dog
- Backfiring
- They always come back
- Bathroom Problems
- Justice, served with butter
- Snap Crackle Pop
- Rivalry
- Dinner Date
- Werewolf Romance
- Purple, but Not like Barney
- Chivalry: Dead, but twitching
- Blue Moonshine
- Freakshow
- Bad Bear( or beer?)
- Charby meets a Girl
- See how they run
- Darn Vandals
- Fishy Business
- Canine Carnage
- Wake up call
- Angel of Dogness
- Dork Ninja 2
- Dork Ninja
- Oh Baby
- Chicken Surprize
- Seedy side of town
- Pirate days. page 16
- pirate Days page 15
- Pirate Days, page 14
- pirate days page 13
- Pirate days, page 12
- Pirate days, page 11
- Pirate Days, page 10
- Pirate days, page nine
- Pirate days, page 8
- Pirate Days, page seven
- Pirate Days, page six
- Pirate Days, page 5
- Pirate Days, page 4
- Pirate Days, page three
- Pirate days, page 2
- Pirate Days, page one
- Introductions!
Amelius on Oct. 30, 2008
We gots guests! First up is Tsubiui from Ishi Alliance ,(there'll be a few more too ^_^)which is by darkryuu and X Daggers Our other guest (or pest!) is Wonkedo DePest,from the comic Wonkedo who looks to have put out Foomy! (by the way if you haven't looked at the comic yet I suggest you do, there's someone familiar there hinthint!) Just a reminder, if you're interested in helping my career out you can pre-order the Night School book here This is a link! . Seriously, if you want to help us out this is one of the best ways. If you cannot order the book because of location, Nick and I can help out and deliver it to you if you have paypal or something, it can be arranged. And Happy Halloween, all last minute-like!
TatteredandTorn at 9:21PM, Nov. 29, 2011
Not sure if you read your old comments, Amy, but in panel 9 (where Zerlocke is thinking of Mye), I believe you made a small error. Unless you meant to put "I perhaps I". Just thought I'd point it out...
Biosoldier853 at 11:13AM, Aug. 24, 2011
pyramid head for the win
Draco Rincewind at 2:59PM, March 10, 2011
Mannik dressed as the Mad Hatter and Tony as Freddy Kruger are perfect matches for them. Thou I am not sure about the connection between Daray and Pyramid Head.
Jety Lefr at 6:36PM, Dec. 30, 2010
Zeno looks awesome as Eiko!
NightReflection at 1:23PM, Oct. 6, 2010
Poor Zerlocke. Dunno why he doesn't just tell them to shove their elite umm... nevermind. Yay Wonkedo, loved the crossover, must read the whole comic sometime. I can see how a lot of the characters would pick that costume. Zeno is such a mamma's boy in both. Hmm.. would explain a lot of his personality and why I relate so much.
Cpixie at 8:50PM, Sept. 2, 2010
Yay Barf! I love that movie. I like Tony as Freddy it totally works seeing as they both feed on dreams. Mannick is definetly my favorite though ^.^
Canuovea at 1:16AM, July 30, 2010
The mad hatter is brilliant.
janice239 at 7:25PM, June 20, 2010
Mannik as the mad hatter... Whohuddathunkit? It totally works tho Luv it! :P
the1truesushiboy at 5:47PM, May 10, 2010
"I perhaps I"...? I like mannick's outfit the best... Also, Ico was indeed a good game.
Chuckee at 3:59AM, May 9, 2010
Phinny looks adorable and Mannick as The Hatter is just awesome! As for Freddy down there, though... Doesn't quite work for me.
Skullls at 1:05PM, Nov. 11, 2009
daray is really cool as the silent hill guy
_Sound_ at 8:57PM, Sept. 25, 2009
My god I love the halloween picture. Mannick is perfect for the mad hatter. Charby as Aku made me laugh, oh the memories.
anonymous at 3:34PM, Sept. 25, 2009
When i first saw the pic, i thought bunny mye was the pyramid head.LOL!
jrockerkei at 5:41AM, Aug. 3, 2009
Daray makes a hotttt pyramid head ;D Haha, I thought Charby was a gremlin from the movie Gremlin! You know, the super evil little guy XD
Lifon at 4:03PM, May 23, 2009
Haha, I love this halloween picture! Tony as Freddy, Mannick as the mad hatter... good stuff!
Firewolf2007 at 3:51PM, May 22, 2009
OMFG! frakinng scary!!!! halooween pic X_X
CryForE at 11:16AM, April 2, 2009
Great page, but have to say the Halloween picture is even greater!! :O
Mr_Suinrev at 4:14PM, March 16, 2009
Hah, I love the costumes. Should be ashamed I didn't figure out Menu's before reading the comments, it's so obvious now.
Gordon CSA at 3:35PM, Feb. 12, 2009
Akkuuuu!!!... I love how Zeno just looks confused at the end.
Vovk at 9:42PM, Dec. 25, 2008
new discussion... can we classify freddy kruger as an alp on steroids?
Amelius at 12:25PM, Nov. 11, 2008
Okay I'll give youse guys some visual reference, I'm glad to see a lot of you guys got the right answers! Menu: [url=http://www.spaceballcity.de/spaceballs/images/barf2.jpg]Barf the Mog[/url] from the movie Spaceballs Zeno: [url=http://www.porkrind.org/reviews/ico.jpg]Ico[/url] from the game Ico. I was pleasantly surprised that some of you recognized him! But ugh, can't I find good pictures that aren't on someone's stupid Flickr account? Rar! Charby: [url=http://www.ojgames.com/ezimagecatalogue/catalogue/variations/150x500/201528-150x500.jpg]Aku[/url] from Samurai Jack, sorry the image is kinda small, the better image I found was much, much too large. Daray:[url=http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/images/sh2_pyramid_head.jpg] Pyramid Head[/url] from the game Silent Hill 2. Kind of a crappy picture, but you get the idea. Tony:[url=http://www.kweb.be/images/stories/News/freddy_krueger2.jpg]Freddy Krueger[/url] (I think this one was obvious though! ^_^) Mannick: [url=http://www.wellesley.edu/Chemistry/Chem101/news/newspicts/mad-hatter.gif]The Mad Hatter[/url] from Alice in Wonderland. I played with it and put a playing card in his hat instead of a sizing tag, if you can't tell it's the "joker" card. Mye: Bride of Frankenstein (actually bride of Frankenstein's MONSTER, not Frankenstein, he's the doc! Pet peeve of mine, hehe) For some reason I can't find a good picture that isn't someone's dorky cosplay picture, but I'm sure you guys know what her hair looks like well enough.
Sakura_Lisel at 9:23PM, Nov. 10, 2008
Oh... BUStED Zerlocke. *lol* Cool Halloween picture. But who or what is the person wearing a brown outfit with a GIANT butcher knife supposed to be?
Tsuki Sho at 11:21AM, Nov. 9, 2008
I just can't figure out who Menu and Zeno are >
Ancy_baby at 2:35PM, Nov. 7, 2008
Love the halloween post ^_^
flipsidered at 8:24AM, Nov. 6, 2008
PYRAMID HEAD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH D8DL'KMF if I were a guy I'd be gay for Nikodemus. Oh wait I guess that just makes me a fangirl. *crawls all over him*