- Easy Listening
- (S)Elf Destruction
- An Open Book
- It's A Delicacy
- Safehold
- Air Rescue
- Deer Stalker
- Shake Hands With Danger
- Maybe The Shirt Isn't That Lucky...
- What's Normal Now, Anyhow?
- Honorary Family Reunion
- My Fairy Laddy
- Starlight Stroll
- Well, How Did I Get Here?
- Go Ahead, Make Mye's Day
- The Real Thing
- Safe Landing
- Caught Purple-Handed
- Heads Will Roll
- Prince Of Lies
- Gotta Hand It To Her
- Zerlocke's Fursona
- Rose Retinue
- Sorcery Forgery
- End Of The Trail
- Shields Deployed
- Honk If You Love Ursequinnes
- Super Monkey Weasel Ball
- Sidhe Who Must Be Obeyed
- The Other Shoe Drops
- It's All Downhill
- A Pale Rider
- Double Date Disaster
- Biting Back
- Resurfacing
- Communication Breakdown
- Trash Or Treasure
- Royal Retreat
- Making Friends Isn't Easy
- He's Your Problem Now
- It's More Likely Than You Think...
- Sales Pitch
- Behind the Curtain
- You Are Not Immune To Propaganda
- The Proof Is In The Blood
- Spoiled Blood
- Royal Repose
- Vamp Ire
- Undesignated Couple
- Unfashionably Late Father
- Sixth Senseless
- A Haunted Tail
- Easily Handled
- Stick It To 'Em
- Help From Above
- Baton Pass
- Rough Landing
- Lost In The Dark
- Armed and Dangerous
- Addressing The Werewolf In The Room
- Lost Boy
- Like Grandfather, Like Grandson
- His Superhero
- Reawakening
- The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
- A Bundle Of Stress
- Family Tree
- Family Drama
- Broken Oath
- Tattle-Tree
- Just Acorn To Know
- Blue Acorn
- Diss Of The Vampire
- Rear Window
- You Win Some, You Loot Some
- That's What Sidhe Said
- The Edge Of Ruin
- Suspicious Minds
- Trashed
- Sharp-Edged Wit
- The Justiciars
- Old Friends
- He Knows The Muffin Man
- A Touch Too Much
- Coffee, Tea, or Apology?
- Search Pattern
- Deepest Regrets
- Final Moment
- Final Request
- Nurse Rabbit
- So Much Hate
- Change From Within
- Causing Confusion
- Breaking Point
- Fake Plastic Pandas
- Unsuccessfully Coping
- Flirting Like Hotcakes
- Ready To Roll
- A Bounty Of Information
- In-terror-gation
- Troll Follower
- Gathering Intelligence
- Strange Changeling
- Who Goes There?
- The Mourner
- My Deer Friend
- Familiar Resemblance
- Synchronicity
- Memorial
- Getting Cold Feet
- We Need To Talk About Zeno...
- Angst, Rinse, Repeat
- Stream Of Conscience
- Fading Away
- Clothes Make The Mannick
- Introspection
- Your Doctor Is In Another Laboratory
- Reading Glasses
- Something Familiar
- The Gloves Are Off
- Watcher In The Woods
- Break Down
- Forgotten Magic
- Not Lichen It
- Dance Magic Dance
- Battle Pet
- Two For One
- Samrick's Offer
- A Thoughtful Reply
- Going On A Rant
- Your Reputation Precedes You
- An Elf In King Samrick's Court
- A Mannick That Wears Many Hats
- Taking Responsibility
- A Tale Of Two Zombies
- The Other Story
- Keeping the Memory
- A Lot On His Mind
- A Girl's Best Friend
- Listening In
- Intrusive Thoughts
- Hug It Out!
- Your Soul Is Mine
- You Chose a Lovely Place to Die
- Cancel Your Meeting
- Tactile Postcognition
- Lights Out
- Hitting a Wall
- K'ale, K-O
- Up A Tree
- Going Nowhere
- Fairy Persistent
- Tender Loving Carriage
- Playing Dress-up
- Going Off Road
- Anger Flare
- Radio Chatter
- A Horrible Epiphany
- Magic Stick Fight
- A Challenger Approaches!
- What she saw in him...
- Further Explanation
- The Broken One
- Time Warped
- Let Him Do The Talking
- Friends in Crawlspaces
- #999
- #998
- #997
- #996
- #995
- #994
- #993
- #992
- #991
- #990
- #989
- #988
- #987 Room for one more
- #986
- #985 I can't pilot a horse!
- #984
- #983 Sunny Day Indeed
- #982
- #981
- #980
- #979 There's something about Mara...
- #978
- #977
- #976
- #975
- #974 W.Y.S.I.N.W.Y.G.
- #973 For MAGIC!
- #972
- #971
- #970
- #969
- #968 Enter the Market
- #967 Weak Will
- #966 Hot Drinks Really Get You Going
- #965
- #964
- #963
- #962 We'll Need a Guinea Pig...
- #961
- #960
- #959
- #958
- #957 An elf in wolf's clothing
- #956
- #955
- #954
- #953
- #952 This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!
- #951
- Prepare for trouble, make it quadruple!
- #949
- #948 Cliffhanger
- #947 Who Let the Hogs out?
- #946 Cue the Yakkity Sax
- #945 Keep Calm and Carry On
- #944
- #943
- #942
- #941
- #940
- #939
- #938
- #937
- #936
- #935
- #934 Forced Apologies
- #933 Mood Whiplash
- #932
- #931
- #930
- #929
- #928 Got nothing better to do!
- #927
- #926
- #925 Up Before the Dawn
- #924
- #923 Kahn was right...
- #922 Gonna have a montage
- #921
- #920
- #919 Mad With Power
- #918 Speech!Speech!Speech!
- #917: The Scent of Temptation
- #916
- #915 You remind me of the babe...
- #914
- #913 Follow Your Nose...
- #912
- #911
- #910 Good. Bad. I'm the one with a wand!
- #909
- #908 Fridge Horror
- #907
- #906
- #905 Bicycle Kick
- #904
- #903 Rude Awakening
- #902 Freud Rage
- #901 Browbeaten
- #900 The Escort
- #899 Puppetry
- #898 Mother of Nightmares!
- #897
- #896 Talking Dirty
- #895 The Wandslinger
- #894 Maniac to Maniac Advice
- #893 Bughouse
- #892 Moment of Doubt
- #891
- #890
- #889
- #888 Fowl Deeds
- #887 Metal Poles and Posture
- #886 Vampire Pyramid Schemes
- #885
- #884 Scars
- #883 Self Abuse
- #882
- #881Best of the Wurst Situation
- #880
- #879 Revenge Backfire
- #878 Fade To Black
- #877
- #876 Help Yourself
- #875 A Cake In The...
- #874 You keep using that word...
- #873
- #872
- #871
- #870 Made With Love
- #869 Gossip
- #868 The Decision
- #867 Escape Plot
- #866 Wishing for an Escape
- #865 Alphabetical Disorder
- #864 Reflection
- #863 Heartbreaker
- #862
- #861
- #860
- #859 Dangerous Monotony
- #858 Caffiend
- #857 Identity Crisis
- #856 A Friend with Benefits
- # 855 Blaine the Monobrow
- #854
- #853
- #852
- #851
- #850
- #849 What's in its Pocketses?
- #848 Claire and Present Danger
- #847
- #846 The Taste of Your Own Medicine
- #845
- #844
- #843 Immortals are the whiniest
- #842
- #841
- #840
- #839
- #838 Blame the Stranger
- #837
- #836 Space Case
- #835 Sick Little Monster
- #834 Gift that keeps on Giving
- #833
- #832 Boxers or...
- #831
- #830
- #829 I Bet You A Nickel...
- #828 Talking Head-aches
- #827
- #826
- #825 Bug Problem
- #824
- #823 At Death's Door
- #822 Meanwhile, Downtown...
- #821 Eating the Evidence
- #820 Every Picture Tells a Story
- # 819 Cradle to the Grave
- #818
- #817 Sweet Dreams
- #816 Feed the Kitty
- #815 Regifter
- #814 Birthday Cake!
- #813 Side Effects...
- #812 Deal or no?
- #811
- #810 Wino Tasting
- #809 The Sour of Discontent
- #808 That Guilty Feeling
- #807
- #806 Mutually Assured Destruction
- #805 Taking Damage
- #804 Saying all the wrong things
- #803 A wonderful, awful Idea
- #802 Hello me, it's me again
- #801 Magic Touch
- #800
- #799 Biology Lessons
- #798 Trust
- #797 File this, Lackey!
- #796 Going Underground
- #795 Or was that Guilt?
- #794 Stolen Heart
- #793 Go Fetch
- #792 Make a Wish
- #791 Trumped by a Chump
- #790 Where's Tony?
- #789 Trash Talker
- #788 Getting the Picture
- #787 Bad Cookie
- # 786 Chickening Out
- #785
- #784 Dream of Yiska
- #783 Hand Puppets
- # 782 The Bureau, Alp Division
- #781 Mindscapes
- #780 We don't need no stinking badges!
- #779 Teaser
- #778 Two Chickens to Paradise....
- #777 Charm Schoolin'
- #776 Shifty Business
- #775 Rude Awakener
- #774 Set Up- Let Down
- #773 Near Meltdown
- #772 An Eyefull
- #771 It's not the Size of the Hat...
- #770 Fairies Wear Boots
- A Sense of Dread
- Kavonn's Journal
- (Bonus page)
- This Party's OVER!
- #765 Special Requests
- LaBelle Smash!
- #763 All ears
- #762 Bad News
- #761 Sharing of Minds
- #760 Trust
- #759 This meeting's OVER!
- #758 Putting it together
- #757
- #756
- #755 Lost Identity
- #754 Shadow Agent
- #753 No Incentive
- #752 Royal Spy
- #751 Secret Meeting
- #750
- #749 Out of the Garden
- #748 The Keys to Power
- #747
- #746 Helping Himself By Helping Others
- #745 Spectators
- #744 That's it?!
- #743 Stubborness
- #742 It has its ways of communicating
- #741 Outburst
- #740 Speaking ill of the Dead
- Bad Movements
- #738
- Mye Wises up
- Not the Proudest Moment
- Showing Appreciation
- Coming up Short
- #733 Romantic Locales
- #732
- Drinkin' in the Boy's Room
- Fixing a Problem
- Finding Beauty in the Beast
- Interventions
- The Thrashing of an Unlifetime
- Big Darn Hero
- His Hook is His Jury....
- Distractive Behavior
- Animal Control
- Male Bonding Rules
- Crawling Back
- #720 Ensnared
- Out of the Hat
- Chews Your Friends Carefully...
- Tormenting Hostages
- He's not in a good mood...
- History against her story
- Gut Feelings
- Bad luck, Charby.
- Terms and Conditions
- Right on Q
- Hanging around
- Reckless Enthusiasm
- School's in Session
- Payback Time X2
- Meet the Elites
- Getting Carried Away
- Hard Lessons
- Disaster's Cookbook
- Hare-brained Schemes
- Mind Assassin
- The party has...moved on?
- Father Knows Best!
- Excuse me, Princess!
- Over the Edge
- Fairy Evil
- The one who (doesn't) wear the pants
- On Opposite Tracks
- Hapless Romantic
- Like Moths to a Lantern
- In Hiding
- #690
- Frustration!
- Before we continue....
- #687 Blending In
- Ballroom Ditz
- Scars from the Past
- Psychic Samrick?
- Table Manners
- #682
- Scapegoat Victor
- Alp-Drunken
- #679 Mouthy Princess
- Evil is Afoot!
- Safe, for now?
- Who's chasing whom now?
- Brother-Bother
- Impending doom....
- #673 Long Time Gone
- Hearing Voices
- #671 Dressing Up
- #670 Fairy Rude!
- #669 Killer Party
- #668 Decorative Planning
- #667 Double Standard
- #666 Punch Drunk
- #665 Rude Pointing
- Now the King Bows?
- Dance Dance Revulsion
- #662: Flirting with Disaster
- Having a Blast
- Comic May Contain Nuts
- Dignity in the Dirt
- Princess Pain
- Dude looks like a lady
- Get Up and Dance!
- Luck, Be A Lady?
- No Exceptions
- He who laughs first...
- A Spell for Disaster
- Freudian Slip, Downhill Slide
- Tailgater
- What, me worry?
- Party Crashers
- Party Animal
- Thunder Lizard
- Starting the Night
- Right Back Atcha
- Party Mood!
- Traveling in Style
- All dressed up, nowhere to go.
- Gawk Repellant
- A Lesson Interrupted
- Death of the Party
- Brotherly Bonding
- Novice
- Friendly Reminder
- Uninformed Voter
- Wild Party
- Hearts Aflame
- Puppy Love
- Modern Inconvenience
- Just Like a Nut
- Raining on his Parade (or Party)
- Intrusion
- Bottled Up
- Rear View
- Wallflower Power
- Don't ask...
- Faint Impression
- Dance Partner
- Mad Magic
- Good Little Helper
- Lame Ideas
- #617 Curiosity Kills...
- Haircut
- Bugging Out
- #614: Without Anesthesia
- #613: Hairdos and Don'ts
- A Little Whine With Your Lunch
- Family Resemblance
- Teamwork
- Hat Hair
- Returning the Favor
- Pessimist Fishboy
- Amnesia
- In Honor of a Friend
- Question Time?
- Aftermath
- Figuratively, Emotionally...
- And to the Winner...
- Bad Time for Help...
- Not through yet
- Life on the Outside
- Finding Focus
- Enchanting Creature
- Keeping out of the Way...
- Crowded Thoughts
- Not to be Forgotten...
- Mind Wrecking
- Fighting from the Inside
- Manipulation
- Released
- Pile the Guilt on Thick
- Modern Convenience
- Nailed
- Taking Chances
- Delusional Princess
- Mouth to Mouth
- Parting Gift
- Spoiled Appetite
- Perceptive, Claire
- Mommy Dearest
- Buzzed
- More Tasty Comparison
- Burning Down the House
- A Big Fish Tale
- Duty Calls
- Taking Risks
- Special Delivery
- Cooking up Trouble
- Unfriendly Reminder...
- Girly Club
- Self Testing
- Think of Sour Apples
- Dragon's Basement
- Undignified
- Attraction
- Relentless Flirt
- Bright Ideas
- Coming Undone
- Making things better
- Censorship
- Sucker for Love
- Feeling Low
- Another Invitation
- Bad Medicine
- Tall Cool One
- Double Teamed
- Tricks
- New Pet
- Madness
- Time Waster
- Zerlocke Gets a Break
- How you like them apples...
- Go jump in a lake!
- Desperation
- A Tad Overdone
- Arachnaphobia
- Real Smooth
- Sisters In Arms
- #540 Snagged
- Hair Raiser
- Little Old Lady from Kellwood
- Detached
- Stubborn
- Hell in a Shopping Basket
- Understanding
- Heads Will Roll
- Seething Rage...
- Shot down in flames
- #530 Reality versus Fantasy
- Winging it
- Derailing the Thought
- Bad Reputation
- The worst part of waking up...
- Taking Advice?
- Big Teaser
- Loudmouth
- Wrath of Hexavier
- A Nightmare Creature's Dreams
- #520 He's used to it...
- Worse Than a Sneeze
- Ruining Plans...
- Back in the Days...
- Family Reunion
- Home Again, Home again.
- With Friends like These...
- Hungry Hearts
- Another Shirt Bites The Dust
- New Plans
- #510 Buying Friendship
- Love for Dummies
- Wakeywakey!
- Gee Wiz
- Strange Friendships
- Over His Head
- Hitting the Jackpot
- Tears Of A Vampire
- Bad Chemistry
- Lovesickness
- #500 Sweet Dreams, Act 2
- Convincing Liar
- Mind Games
- Keeping Occupied
- Company Policy
- Things Coming to an End
- Problems
- Underfoot
- Coming up Short
- Bad Little Vampire...
- #490 Vampire Slaying
- Tree Hugger
- (Slave) Labor of Love
- Twin Trouble
- Role Reversal
- Betrayal
- Party Plans
- Roomies!
- Resting it Off
- Schooltime!
- #480 Monster Business
- The Hat Improves Gameplay!
- Wolf in Grandma's Clothing
- Suspicious Questions
- Bad Puns
- Lessons Learned the Hard Way
- Intimidation
- Too Late?
- Shoot First, Avoid Questions
- Crazy Thing
- #470 Romance and Sunsets
- Family Shame
- Creature Comforts
- Saving Grace
- Comfort of Friends
- A World of Pain
- Uptight Elf
- Surprizing Findings
- Confusion
- Fairy Failure
- #460 Family Beatings
- Shock
- Magic Failure
- Literally!
- Conscience Conundrums
- Tempting Danger
- A Penny for Your Two Cents?
- Naptime!
- Chance Meetings
- All About Image
- #450 With A Little Bit of Luck...
- Disowned
- Home Again
- Power Trip
- Trouble Wits der Dames
- Sickeningly Sweet
- Nothing to Sneeze at
- Quite Handy
- Innocent Facades
- Nice Hair!
- #440 Making a break for it
- No Sale!
- She meant it about pick-ups...
- Crazy Teacher Zerlocke Petrucci
- Sweet Rewards
- Suspicious Purchases...
- A little Help from a Friend
- The Dismal Future for Elites...
- The Mouth of the Forest
- Self Control
- #430 Sweet Ladies
- Dreamland
- Hat Problems...
- Guilty Pleasure
- Meanwhile...
- Hitting Rock Bottom
- Crispo loves Nachos
- Tastes like Regret
- Punchlines
- Adios, Amiga.
- #420 Abreast of the Situation
- Mood Trapeze
- Captive Audience
- Storytime
- Plotting...
- Mouthwash
- Eating dirt
- Tuning it out
- The Chase continues...
- Bad Morning....
- #410 Major Discomfort
- Strange Changes
- Wolf "Moon"
- Iceblock Shoulderpads
- Cheesy Greetings
- Arrogance
- Know how ta whistle, dontcha?
- An Embarrassment...
- Special Help...
- Good puppy...
- Could do worse...
- Heart Mending
- Sweet Revenge
- Watch your back...
- Wardrobe Malfunctions
- Poor Support
- Demonic Powers
- Biting Back
- Captured
- Blame
- Zapped
- Burning Stare
- No way home...
- Left Behind
- Can't get a break
- Lemme Axe you somethin'...
- An Eye Opener
- The Eyes have it
- Confrontation
- NightyNight!
- Chain Pain
- Like a Dream
- Confusing the Beast
- Unbearable
- To save the day...
- Jealousy and Mean Spirit
- Attentions Turn
- She'll regret this...
- This won't end well...
- Dangerous Minds
- Regrouping
- Bad Axe Zerlocke
- Truth in Advertizement
- Keep it Under Your Hat...
- Big Bad Wolf
- Product Placement
- A Handful of Trouble
- That can't be good...
- Typical Wolf...
- Treasure Hunt
- Abandoned
- Finally got what he wanted
- What a Ripoff
- Sending the Message
- Crocodile Tears
- Apologies?!
- Evil Plans
- A Small Surprize
- Identity Issue
- Twisting Arms
- Shifty Girl
- More Misunderstandings...
- A Fiend Indeed
- She Sells T-Shirts!
- Hurt and Healing
- Room Service
- Unraveled
- Traps in the Forest
- Group Hug, not "grope" hug...
- Conversation
- Purgatory Panic!
- Another One Bites the Dust
- Sadness
- Magic and Madness
- Calming the Beast
- Power Surge
- Mistakes
- And the Fight goes on...
- Intervention?
- Boy was he wrong
- Recall this?
- It was inevitable...
- Hat Thief
- Self Esteem
- Eye for an Eye
- Oh Brother...
- Guilt
- What's in a name?
- Pickup after a Fall
- Lunar Activity
- Sneaky Dog!
- Wild like an Animal
- Abduction
- Payback's a...
- Fishboy Extortion
- Down to Earth
- Ingrate
- Heart to Understand
- Freakout!
- Kiss the Curse away
- Tradeoff
- Portal Parasite
- Playing with Fire
- Pet Peeves
- Anger Management (or lack thereof)
- Lighthearted Fun
- Mannick vs. Depressive
- Might be a Nightmare...
- Bad Ideas
- And another Message ...
- Problems Persist
- Obsession
- Never Ask your Enemy for Help
- Heads up!
- You are What they Eat
- A Dangrerous Bar...
- Fairy Annoying
- Brought to you by...
- Easily Swayed
- Hats Off To ya
- Time for a Talkie
- Losing Heads
- A Bad End
- Apologies
- Hitting a Nerve
- Attack of the Weinerwolf
- Moonlighting
- History For Kavonn
- Lactose Intolerance
- Happy Returns
- Broken Heart
- Hatfull of Horror
- Shattered
- Mind Games
- Ditch and Run
- Cut Down
- Failures
- Minions are Expendable
- Cell Talk
- Trading Places
- Shoulda known better....
- Confrontations
- Go Speed 'Motey
- Painful Transformations
- A Revenging we will go
- Dog Breath
- Just her Luck
- Is The Thing Housetrained?
- Another Giant Blue Monster
- Firewall
- Never Trust Bar Chicks...
- Decency vs. Beans
- To the Rescue
- Wabbit Hunting
- Bad Writing
- Easter Egg Hunt
- En Flambe
- Inner Conflict
- Runaway
- Second Time Around
- Recognization
- A Tale of Farmboys and Vampiresses
- Evil Woman
- Predators in the Woods
- Dreams and Nightmares
- Back to Trouble
- She's no Angel
- Guilt trip
- Taking a licking
- Spellbinding
- Stop and Smell the Flowers
- A little Creepy?
- Meet the Sisters
- New Employment
- Plant Life
- Pain in the Hat
- Residence: Evil
- Someone's in the Kitchen with Menu...
- Rabbit Ears
- Lovely Crazy
- Opportunist
- Disarming
- Firestarter
- Fighting Back
- Armpit Travel
- The Kelwood Orycalope Massacre!
- Tug of war
- Bunnies!
- Fairy Crazy
- Head over Heels
- Rabbitnapped
- Suspicious Meal
- It's a deal!
- Alliance?
- Suicide Attempt
- Leaving Home
- Begging Forgiveness
- Bad Timing
- Evil Escape
- Hypnotic Eyes
- Evil Intentions
- Asking for Trouble
- That's Inspiring...
- Information!
- Hard Hitter
- Assault with Pepper
- Lost in Thought
- Rest and Relapsation
- Cereal Killer
- Tmid Little Rabbit
- #200 Magical Misunderstanding
- Hair Raising
- Hairy Ordeal
- Putting it Frankly
- Problematic
- #195 Wear your heart on your sleeve
- Bang.
- #193 Finding the Trigger
- Crossover: Funny feelings
- Crossover 11
- Crossover 10
- Crossover 9
- Crossover 8
- Crossover 7
- Crossover page 6
- Crossover pg. 5
- Crossover pg 4
- Crossover pg 3
- Crossover page 2
- Crossover: New Spin on things
- #180 Water you Doing here?
- Mouthy Wolf
- Farewells
- Double Visions
- Screwloose
- Run for the Hills
- Misunderstandings
- No Trade...
- What lurks in the shadows
- Surrender, Surrender...
- #170 A Hunting We Will Go
- Of Thorn Removal
- Oh No He Didn't!
- Training
- Polar Bar
- Monkey Around
- Appetite Loss
- Phineas to the Rescue
- Cat's Play
- Sometimes you Never Win
- #160 Makeover Takeover
- Food for Thought
- Only as old as you look
- Dream Raider
- Bar Fight
- Staring Daggers
- DHA pg 6: Hero Zeno
- DHA pg 5: Too much to bear
- DHA pg 4: Running Away
- DHA pg 3: Charming Charby
- #150 DHA pg 2:Playing Dead
- Demon Hunting Adventure!
- The Huntress
- Enter Fishboy!
- Bad Reception
- Dog Days
- Dog's night out
- Wolf Moon Madness
- Weinerwolf
- Drunken Fools
- #140 Send in the Clones
- Hypnopuppy
- You Goth to be kidding!
- The Demon Scythe
- Bridge Babe
- Checkup
- Questions, questions.
- Dinner Disaster
- Sending a Message
- Going Hungry
- Alliance
- Choking on the Words
- Vic Vs. The Lemuro
- You Goth It
- A Letdown
- Unexpected.
- Hypocrites
- Mystery Friends page 8
- Mystery Friends Page 7
- Mystery Friends Page 6
- Mystery Friends page 5
- Mystery Friends page 4
- Mystery Friends page 3
- Mystery Friends, page 2
- The Mystery Friends!
- Weird Science!
- Charby Makes Friends
- Fair-weather Fiend
- Simply Irresistible
- Drinking Away Sorrow
- Lazy Man's Troubles
- cop-5
- crossover page 4
- Crossover, page 3
- Crossover, page 2
- Crossover!
- Foodmart Mayhem
- Mending The Injuries
- Fighting Again
- Bad Bee-havior
- #100: Z Note
- Sentimental Charby
- Hairy Situation
- Surprize!
- Love Hurts
- Sappy Love Story
- Fine Night for a Swim
- The Quickest Way to a Werewolf's Heart...
- Trouble with the Cops
- Returned to Sender
- Thorns in His Side
- Fight!
- Bait & Switch
- Bear Witness
- Dentist, the Menace
- Donut of Love
- Love Potion
- Home Run
- Breakfast 2
- Breakfast at Grandma's
- Sunny Disposition
- New and Improved!
- Mort And Glen, Professional Jerks
- Deception
- Mye, how you've grown!
- Sweet Dreams
- Getting Dirty
- Mye Oh Mye
- Apple of Mye Eyes
- Have a Knife Day!
- The Blackest of Sheep
- Never Insult His Shirt
- First Impressions
- The Maiming of the Shrew
- Scouting for Cookies
- Traitor
- Charby Meets Mrs. Annabelle Marlowe
- More Bathroom Humor
- And the Winner is...
- Charby Vs The Vampire Killer
- Tunnel Vision
- Nada
- Girl Power?
- Dark Moods
- Sugarbuns
- Kitchen Encounter
- Pain in the Mouth
- Room for More
- A Short Tail
- A Mad House
- Concert Discontent
- Welcome Home
- What's on the Menu
- Bet That Smarts!
- Strike 2
- Feeling Antsy
- Chicken Ripoff
- Hair of the Dog
- Backfiring
- They always come back
- Bathroom Problems
- Justice, served with butter
- Snap Crackle Pop
- Rivalry
- Dinner Date
- Werewolf Romance
- Purple, but Not like Barney
- Chivalry: Dead, but twitching
- Blue Moonshine
- Freakshow
- Bad Bear( or beer?)
- Charby meets a Girl
- See how they run
- Darn Vandals
- Fishy Business
- Canine Carnage
- Wake up call
- Angel of Dogness
- Dork Ninja 2
- Dork Ninja
- Oh Baby
- Chicken Surprize
- Seedy side of town
- Pirate days. page 16
- pirate Days page 15
- Pirate Days, page 14
- pirate days page 13
- Pirate days, page 12
- Pirate days, page 11
- Pirate Days, page 10
- Pirate days, page nine
- Pirate days, page 8
- Pirate Days, page seven
- Pirate Days, page six
- Pirate Days, page 5
- Pirate Days, page 4
- Pirate Days, page three
- Pirate days, page 2
- Pirate Days, page one
- Introductions!
Dignity in the Dirt
Amelius on Nov. 4, 2006
I wanted to do a few fun things with the guest appearances, so I thought it would be silly to put in a bunch of characters that had spikey horn-hairdos too. Charby looks all too pleased to be among the crowd with the best hair ^_^ And the lovely guests are: Azuu from Inkmonkey's comic Elijah and Azuu Amelius-Lynn from he comic I cowrite, Night School The short blue-haired vampire boy is Derek, who belongs to Kioushan Rath, the demony female in red, belongs to Throgmorten The cute demon in black is Shini, who belongs toOrianaCarthen And the nicely dressed tall one in the back is Vechero fromZoe Stead's The WAVAM Project I really really hope you like how they turned out. I also hope all the links are working. I'm very sleepy. *edit* also, working on the site a bit. Sorry it looks like crap. I fixed my misspell though.
Draco Rincewind at 12:37PM, March 9, 2011
Its the pointy hair club for (mostly) men. Poor Lemrya. Will she ever get the love she deserves.
Cpixie at 5:22PM, Sept. 2, 2010
Look on the bright side Zerlocke, with no more dignity to lose you can go beg Mye for a dance ^.^
NightReflection at 3:25PM, Sept. 1, 2010
Don't count your chickens before Charby's gotten his fangs on 'em Zerlocke.
Canuovea at 1:33AM, July 25, 2010
So much for that Zerlocke.
Chuckee at 4:57PM, May 8, 2010
Awz! Poor Lemz! *kisses*
tohrucorinne at 10:01PM, Dec. 30, 2009
Aaaawww!!! Lemmy is so sweet why does noone love her? Is it weird tha tI honestly would like to give the spider girl a hug Shes just so adorable esp. in the last panel. I love your art work Amy, keep it up! ^^
leaving_a_comment at 1:50PM, June 18, 2009
Best hair in house!
charby fan at 5:34PM, June 1, 2009
in the fourth panel 3 people have the same hair style as charby.
CryForE at 12:36PM, March 16, 2009
Guess it isn't just the thought of Mye who sends a shiver up his spine, Lemrya can do so too :P
Inai at 11:40AM, Dec. 30, 2008
Lemrya is so cute :3
charby fan at 12:49AM, Nov. 11, 2008
so much for his dignity! poor Zerlocke.
Dauntes at 1:25PM, April 16, 2008
:( Poor Lemmy.
Warriorking4ever at 2:08PM, March 7, 2008
It looks great Amelius! And i love your use of cameo characters along with CTV characters (Charby looks pleased with himself as part of the demon/vampire in-crowd, lol). Poor Lemrya, will anyone ever love her besides Claire? LOL XD, I loved how she went chirp like a lil birdie while on Zerlocke's back, and how utteryly freaked out his eyes looked! HILARIOUS!
Sakura_Lisel at 9:09PM, Oct. 8, 2007
*roflol* So much for 'dignity'. Poor Zerlocke. *lol*
Azaeziel at 12:38PM, Feb. 1, 2007
Lemrya needs a good frined who doesn't freak out whenever she's around. I like her.
Geene76 at 10:56AM, Nov. 11, 2006
After spending a good part of the last two days to read all the past comics; it's easy to say this is now in my top five comics! aww..poor, poor Zerlocke. It's hard not to pity such a cute face! Of course Lemrya keeps getting the short end of the stick when she just wants friends. but, I'm freaked by spiders, so I would probably run away too. ^_^"
Mr Mustard Seed at 6:09PM, Nov. 10, 2006
Misspells are the bugaboos of small minds. Dont yoo agriee? I like what you're doing and the detail and color you're putting in your panels. Keep it up! Sleep is overrated anyway!
HyperrrMouse at 9:37PM, Nov. 9, 2006
oh my, that was hilarious! XD Poor Lemrya! but so funny all the same
Charby at 7:32PM, Nov. 9, 2006
^_^ lol I feel so sad for him yet at thesame time I can't stop laughing
Dawntreader at 5:37PM, Nov. 9, 2006
Oh Goddess! It's Rath! I always thought Azuu, Charby and Rath were either related or had the same hair dresser.
Kittii at 2:22PM, Nov. 9, 2006
Simply awesome. >.< Vechero and Azuu turned out awesome! (only two I knew before looking at the roll call... ^^)
doomscorpion1992 at 11:47AM, Nov. 9, 2006
i like "Horn hair" club on the 3rd page!
Silver_Wolf at 5:43PM, Nov. 8, 2006
I love the hair montage. XD
Zane Solomon at 8:30AM, Nov. 8, 2006
looks great amy. i like the fact that he is still creeped out by lemrya.
mangamegbe at 5:59AM, Nov. 8, 2006
Awww. Yay I missed Zerlocke.