PiLLi ADVENTURE apparently likes Bad Guy High

theRedDeath on Sept. 28, 2009

So i'm a lazy butt and didn't update Monday, so today you get a sweet guest page done by algeya from over at http://www.drunkduck.com/PiLLI__ADVENTURE/ . Everyone should go over there if you either like belligerent skeleton boys or some cultural awareness.

Y'know, this page actually brings up an interesting question about collecting BGH in print format. If I ever DID hypothetically make a trade paperback of BGH, would you all want it to be preserved with the original BGH pages with the old art, or would you prefer it in new re-drawn and re-arranged pages? I know a lot of the early BGH stuff is really rough….

Heck, how many of you would even be interested in a print version of BGH anyway? Looking for feedback here, so don't be shy.