Flights of Fancy Part 3

Air Raid Robertson on Dec. 22, 2010

This page has taken longer to complete than I anticipated. Some real world drama had interfered with my ability to stay at the drawing board. I hope to complete the next two parts before 2010 is over with, but you never know what'll happen to you during the holidays.

This page did have challenges of its own though. I wanted to include a recap of the Hybrid's origin for those of you who are unfamiliar with the character. Mr. Wyler took two whole issues of “The Unbelievable Hybrid” to set up the status quo of his series. As you'd imagine, condensing it down to just three panels took some work.

Speaking of those three panels, the art in them was cribbed from images from the Hybrid's comic. I wanted it to reflect the original material as closely as possible. I spent a lot of time rereading Hybrid comics in order to mirror the character designs and settings as best as I could. This is a lot tougher than just coming up with your own stuff, believe it or not.

Of particular importance was getting the appearance of the Hybrid himself. I was pretty worried that I wouldn't be able to capture the essence of his design. I think I'm doing a fair job of it so far, but there's still room for improvement.

As the caption implies, Air Raid Robertson and Ridley will be appearing in page four. The plot takes something of a left turn at this point. I'm looking forward to seeing the reactions of all you readers for that.