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What animes are you watching right now?
memo333 at 11:51AM, Aug. 2, 2023
posts: 159
joined: 1-12-2006
What's animes are you watching right now?

My zom100 on netflix, one piece, and others.

you guys?

Do you watch anime to help you make better comic panels?
for pleasure? …reason? why? XD

All my stuff here:
Furwerk studio at 3:42PM, Aug. 2, 2023
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
Chargeman Ken and Twinkle rock me Nora.


I watch Bible Black…

(Again, kidding. Of sorts.)

Also Slayers, Vampire Wars, and Haunted Junction.

I had been waiting for a minute to start binge watching Beastars after reading so much of the manga but I never could get a solid moment longer than fifteen minutes to myself.
lothar at 4:54PM, Aug. 2, 2023
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
Zom 100 and Futurama
Andreas_Helixfinger at 9:46AM, Aug. 3, 2023
posts: 381
joined: 3-16-2019
I haven't watched that much anime actually. I saw like one of the old street fighter ones long ago and a few episodes of Ragnarok which was based more off of the MMORPG then the uncompleted original Manwha made by the same guy which I thought was dissapointing having read the Manwha and never played the game.

Saw the entirety of Elfen lied on YT, I liked that one, and the last anime I saw in full was Violence Jack on YT, which I only really liked the last episode of:P
InkyMoondrop at 11:16AM, Aug. 3, 2023
posts: 242
joined: 7-14-2022
I used to be an anime addict. After >600 anime watched I had the burnout people usually get after that number. I have my favorites and I'm always open to new experiences, but I don't have the time anymore and even if I would, it started to irritate me how 90% of the stuff that comes out each season is the same thing all over again with slightly different looking moe waifus. It's okay to like this stuff, I went crazy for it and will always have a list of anime I hold dear or look forward to watching, but no matter how much you like a specific fast food, if you eat it every day for years, you won't just get unhealthy (or dead, lol) you'll also get turned off by the sight of it. And at this point the anime industry is almost as shamelessly the fast food of tv entertainment as reality shows. So I'll probably avoid catching up with seasonals and just stick to a few that I know of or look great.
bravo1102 at 1:40PM, Aug. 3, 2023
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
Since I started my current comic I've been trying to watch a few Shonen anime to do better fights. Some actually are quite informative about fighting techniques and weapons.
However as InkyMoondrop said before me so many are just lame. I've been scrolling through Amazon Prime and checking out some on there. I saw Elfin Lied again, I remembered having rented it from Blockbuster back when it first was released in the US. I going through Deathnote again and slowly making my way through Ninja Scroll:the series and Blade of the Immortal.
I go back with anime before it was even called anime in the west. I met one guy who popularized calling it anime rather than japanimation. This was way back when dubbed anime was cut to hell and even rewritten and there were few subtitled titles and videos were gotten directly from penpals in Japan and they were passed around to whoever wanted to see them.
Furwerk studio at 7:04AM, Aug. 4, 2023
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
bravo1102 wrote:
Since I started my current comic I've been trying to watch a few Shonen anime to do better fights. Some actually are quite informative about fighting techniques and weapons.
However as InkyMoondrop said before me so many are just lame. I've been scrolling through Amazon Prime and checking out some on there. I saw Elfin Lied again, I remembered having rented it from Blockbuster back when it first was released in the US. I going through Deathnote again and slowly making my way through Ninja Scroll:the series and Blade of the Immortal.
I go back with anime before it was even called anime in the west. I met one guy who popularized calling it anime rather than japanimation. This was way back when dubbed anime was cut to hell and even rewritten and there were few subtitled titles and videos were gotten directly from penpals in Japan and they were passed around to whoever wanted to see them.

Ah, another anime old timer like me.

I remember those days, two episodes per VHS if you were lucky. The Sci Fi Channel running Green Legend Ran and 8Man after. Anime being chopped to hell and back to appease soccer mom groups…

I do not miss those days.
bravo1102 at 7:40AM, Aug. 4, 2023
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
You could also get Japanese originals in Forbidden Planet in NYC. The basement used to be all anime/manga. A lot of stuff you had to be over 18 to get. I remember watching the end of Return of the Overfiend over a friend's house and all we had was the synopsis and we had no idea what it was, only that it was– different. We'd seen Heavy Metal and Fritz the Cat so it wasn't the adult elements but the totally crazed imagination.

I am eighteen years older than you Furwerk studio so it's very scary for me that I was doing this around the time you were born.
Othosmops at 2:46PM, Aug. 4, 2023
posts: 64
joined: 9-29-2007
Kokkoku, maybe because of it's ending theme …
mks_monsters at 5:13PM, Sept. 2, 2023
posts: 106
joined: 6-7-2017
I don't know if this counts, but right now, I'm into two webseries that are anime on YouTube. They are “Etra Chan Saw It” and “Attack on Mika”.
Banes at 8:34PM, Sept. 4, 2023
posts: 672
joined: 8-13-2008
I've always liked the look of anime art, but don't have much knowledge about it at all.

Since I just signed up to crunchyroll, I'm mainly looking for recommendations from Mother's Basement on YouTube and sampling series based on what I see in his videos.

At the moment, Zom100 is the one that's caught my eye. Enjoying that one.

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