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Motivated by hate and disappointment.
Furwerk studio at 7:18PM, April 26, 2020
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
Just curious, has anyone created something because they were ether disappointed, or just down right hated, with the way something turned out?

In example if you were enjoying this tv show, and you were very invested into it only for the show do this twist, or go down this path or something that kind of sour you on it, but you still like the idea so you just go, “screw it, I'm making my own thing, only better, with blackjack and hookers”.

A good reason why I started working on my comic series about a couple that go on weird adventures for an organization is because I was not happy with how one of my favorite comics was going, Sequential Art by Jollyjack. It wasn't the only source of motivation but it did fuel some decisions behind it, a lot of minor annoyances like the “will they/won't they” dance, my favorite characters becoming more, for the lack of a better term, Flanderized over time, the constant sudden “subversions, lol” endings of arcs that have no weight, barring or impact on the settings and a lot more.

So, is there something that caused you to throw your hands up and go, “I can do better!”?
lothar at 7:53PM, April 26, 2020
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
Furwerk studio wrote:

So, is there something that caused you to throw your hands up and go, “I can do better!”?

Basically every hollywood movie that has come out in the last decade
usedbooks at 7:59PM, April 26, 2020
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I kinda do that with my comic sometimes – especially in terms of relationship arcs. So many relationship tropes piss me off so I actively seek to subvert them.

Also, there's a story I started writing as a teenager that I pick up every decade or so and completely change the direction of it because I absolutely hate what younger me was doing with it. (Started as a horror story. Twenty-something me turned it into a rom-com. Thirty-something me struck the rom out of it and is taking it toward a nostalgic ensemble cast adventure.)
Ozoneocean at 10:15PM, April 26, 2020
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joined: 1-2-2004
lothar wrote:
Furwerk studio wrote:

So, is there something that caused you to throw your hands up and go, “I can do better!”?

Basically every hollywood movie that has come out in the last decade
Hahaha! This!
BearinOz at 4:59AM, April 27, 2020
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
Furwerk studio wrote:
Just curious, has anyone created something because they were ether disappointed, or just down right hated, with the way something turned out?
So, is there something that caused you to throw your hands up and go, “I can do better!”?
Yes, I'm sure a fair few of us on here did that.
Basically how I got into comics
(but a lot of my stuff failed before seeing the light of day too)
Peipei at 5:42AM, April 27, 2020
posts: 535
joined: 7-18-2006
lothar wrote:
Furwerk studio wrote:

So, is there something that caused you to throw your hands up and go, “I can do better!”?

Basically every hollywood movie that has come out in the last decade

LOL basically this. I got in to webcomics because pretty much everything that's come out of Hollywood in recent years makes me cry (sad tears, mind you!) xD

Genejoke at 5:38PM, April 27, 2020
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Peipei wrote:
lothar wrote:
Furwerk studio wrote:

So, is there something that caused you to throw your hands up and go, “I can do better!”?

Basically every hollywood movie that has come out in the last decade

LOL basically this. I got in to webcomics because pretty much everything that's come out of Hollywood in recent years makes me cry (sad tears, mind you!) xD

Sort of this. A lot of what got me making some of my comics was that I couldn't find comics or series that were what I wanted to read or watch.
Ironscarf at 6:28AM, April 28, 2020
posts: 1,913
joined: 9-9-2008
Awfully Decent Fellows started life as a very different comic on another site and was only relevant to that site, a sort of in joke thing. Things got very strange on that site for a while and that was very disappointing, but the result was I came back to The Duck and rewrote that comic as a completely different and self contained story. On reflection I'm really glad that happened. Every cloud has a silver lining if you can just direct your feet to the Ducky side of the street.
last edited on April 28, 2020 6:29AM
BearinOz at 7:00AM, April 28, 2020
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
Ironscarf wrote:
Awfully Decent Fellows started life as a very different comic … I came back to The Duck and rewrote that comic as a completely different and self contained story. On reflection I'm really glad that happened. Every cloud has a silver lining if you can just direct your feet to the Ducky side of the street.
Ye ! SO are those of us who read it - even if someone MY age feared he might never see the end, at your blistering page rate ! B-)
bravo1102 at 8:50AM, April 28, 2020
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
Back when I used to frequent figure collecting sites I saw photostories by folks illustrated with photos of their figures often stiffly set up in what was obviously their backyard.

So I said I could do better.

Some folks on a writing site I was on suggested I transition the hosting to a webcomics site.

That was more than 12 years ago. The unfinished manuscript Sword of Kings was adopted from resulted from a friend telling me that I could write a better fantasy novel based my D&D campaign than the Dragonlance series.

When that became mired in production difficulties, I wrote a sci-fi movie as I wanted it done without all the extreme measures seemingly taken to avoid female nudity and the silly aliens I wanted to see unlike all the awful alien invasion crap I loved to watch.

And it all sort of grew from there. My Star Trek tribute came about as a result of seeing two other serious ST based action figure comics (including one done by someone I had inspired. Who me? Wow.)
And deciding to have Star Trek:TOS meet my crazy universe.
last edited on April 28, 2020 8:54AM
Ironscarf at 9:15AM, April 28, 2020
posts: 1,913
joined: 9-9-2008
BearinOz wrote:
Ironscarf wrote:
Awfully Decent Fellows started life as a very different comic … I came back to The Duck and rewrote that comic as a completely different and self contained story. On reflection I'm really glad that happened. Every cloud has a silver lining if you can just direct your feet to the Ducky side of the street.
Ye ! SO are those of us who read it - even if someone MY age feared he might never see the end, at your blistering page rate ! B-)

This is actually an example of being demotivated by disappointment! I would have carried on updating if it wasn't for regular jabs about update frequency.
last edited on April 28, 2020 9:19AM
DeanZeeks at 7:03AM, April 29, 2020
posts: 29
joined: 7-10-2017
Wow man you hit a nail here, I actually started drawing because of a “put-up or shut-up” situation where almost all comics/mangas are over serious and aren't fun anymore, so I decided to make a comic in the vibe of my favorite cartoon “adventure time”
last edited on April 29, 2020 7:08AM
PIT_FACE at 4:34PM, April 29, 2020
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
I haven't started a comic that way, but I really, truly hope with all of my heart that my comics inspired that sort of reaction in someone else.

fallopiancrusader at 8:40AM, May 6, 2020
posts: 411
joined: 12-27-2013
Whenever people have asked me what my creative inspirations were, the only reply that I could come up with was to say that my art has unfortunately been driven by what I can best describe as “negative inspiration.”

From the moment I encountered them, I knew right away that Star Wars, Star Trek, The Lord of the Rings, (and more recently, Game of Thrones and The Witcher) didn't interest me in the least bit. (Oh yeah, I also have very clear memories going back to age six where I knew that the entire super hero genre was utterly uninteresting to me) I never thought that any of those IPs were bad, just that they did nothing for me and I wanted nothing to do with them.

I knew I had a choice: I could either sit in the corner and pout, and say “why, oh why, is there no speculative fiction out there that I can relate to?” or I could engage in radical self-reliance, and just tell the kind of stories that I would want to consume myself. If everybody else hated my art, then so be it. At least I gave it my best shot.

I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that every publisher I have ever shown my work to has indeed hated it. Some publishers even took a lot of time to express their hatred of my work with long, vitriol-filled diatribes. I figure that if my comics can provoke that much hostility from mainstream publishers, I must be doing something right.
last edited on May 7, 2020 6:32AM
Kota at 10:18AM, May 15, 2020
posts: 87
joined: 1-4-2006
My entire comic making career is a Tower of Spite built because people didn't think I could keep going. It's been twenty years of the biggest middle finger I could make in the only way I know how.
Kota Otan
Kota's World: Broadband
“If Jeff Bridges is stupid enough to do this, I'M stupid enough to do this!”

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