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Your Comic's - KILL COUNT.
MegaRdaniels at 3:39PM, April 25, 2020
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Inspired by the YouTube Creator's Channel “Dead Meat” list the iconic kills in your comic.

It can be:

Off Panel

You are free to show the panels on how they die or you can just type it up.


A. Bronze
This rating means you have little to no deaths. At least x < 2.

B. Silver
This rating means you may need to be cautious if you step into that comic. at least 4 or 5 people need to die.

C. Gold
This rating means you may need to bring a weapon if you step into that comic. At least 5 or 10 need to die. You are approaching massacre levels.

D. Super Gold
This rating implies that your comic is WAYYY too dangerous to live. You may need to bring a bodyguard, heavy weaponry and a bunker if for some reason you want to live in this comic. At least more than 10 deaths.

last edited on April 25, 2020 3:41PM
DeanZeeks at 3:50PM, April 25, 2020
posts: 29
joined: 7-10-2017
Bronze I guess…I have,'t kill anyone yet
Unless you mean events before the current timeline then possibly 4-5
MegaRdaniels at 3:57PM, April 25, 2020
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
DeanZeeks wrote:
Bronze I guess…I have,'t kill anyone yet
Unless you mean events before the current timeline then possibly 4-5

Same. At least at this point really. I happen to have a bronze, so at least 4.
bravo1102 at 4:27PM, April 25, 2020
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
Atrocities: gold, but give it time, it'll get higher
Attack of the Robofemoids: Super gold. You can count the survivors on your fingers
Battle of the Robofemoids: Super gold. Kill off some of the survivors from Attack of… too.
Belles Best: Silver. It's an anthology, characters can die multiple times, because hey, it was only a movie.
Interstellar Blood Beasts: Super Gold Only four out of the whole crew survive. Horror movie bloodbath.
Mask of the Aryans: Super gold. What's gladiatorial combat without death?
Sword of Kings: Super gold, it starts with a massive battle.
Tales of SIG: Gold. Star Fleet types are tough and there just weren't enough red shirts.
usedbooks at 4:27PM, April 25, 2020
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Silver in named characters. Gold if talking henchpeople groups that make an appearence.

Way higher if you count up deaths mentioned by police investigating cases. Characters with no names or faces. And, honestly, only since I recently-ish introduced a serial killer.

And higher than that if talking dead by origin story. (Dead parents, fiance, past kills. etc.)

To be fair, it's a nearly 1500 page comic and VERY few arcs have fatalities. You'd probably be safe in my story, depending on your job/role/friends.
BearinOz at 11:19PM, April 25, 2020
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
“You killed a lot of people !” …“Yeah, but dey was bad !” True Lies

Birdman - first effort - unfinished. Spoof superhero comic. Silver. American agents posing as international terrorists - a dozen or so + others

Liquid Lunch - second - unfinished. ‘vampire’ (symbiotic). Bronze.
The main character, up front. Several losers could be assumed merely hurt.
A secondary character knocks over a few…hmmm….maybe Silver then ! B-)
However many are in this truck, for e.g. (tastefully off-screen) blood all over, cleaned up

Little Black Dress -third - on hiatus - s.f./mixed short stories, with only the ‘Dress’ (a sentient life form) appearing across millenia. UM… Silver ?
Just the ‘odd’ well-deserving victim, like this bloke -
The Dress collector serial killer… and either read or skip to Victims revenge ? and the next page

apologies for the artwork - early daze

Butterfly Effect - fourth - a ‘slice of life’ comic - so only a few near-misses B-)

last edited on April 25, 2020 11:22PM
Ozoneocean at 11:52PM, April 25, 2020
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Pinky TA is Super-Gold.
There are some graphic on panel deaths and lots of implied, sort or off, sort of on panel… Basically two large ships are sunk on panel- one is seen in the distance and one is seen close up as it splits in half. There's also a birds' eye view of a massacre, many dead bodies in scenes…

Hmmm… there are a lot of views of death in Pinky TA, I hadn't really realised how much.
cdmalcolm1 at 4:02AM, April 26, 2020
posts: 450
joined: 8-21-2012
I never thought about it. But here it goes. “CPU basics” is super gold. I show the death and gore. “SolarCell”, silver. I show a mild death like getting punched with one or two blows. Nothing too gory. “DarkMatter”, super gold. I show as much as possible.
Tantz_Aerine at 5:53AM, April 26, 2020
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006
Gold in named characters, super gold if we count every fatality.
El Cid at 9:39AM, April 26, 2020
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
I was shocked and disgusted to discover my comic technically only qualifies as Gold. I say “technically” because there's a 100 page “mini” comic embedded in there where a whole lotta people get killed, but I don't know if that should really be considered part of the comic proper. In the REAL comic, I only count 10 of what I would consider “on-screen” kills.

tinchel at 2:01PM, April 28, 2020
posts: 9
joined: 4-10-2020
Well this will be a spoiler since I'm only 5 pages in. Haha.

Let's just say it'll be super gold by the end if we include everyone. If “Iconic” means more major characters it'll probably end up in silver. A couple are up in the air.
PIT_FACE at 3:51PM, April 29, 2020
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
My comic “super Chainsaw Satan Puppy Woodchipper Babies” is a light Bronze.

MegaRdaniels at 8:43PM, April 29, 2020
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
PIT_FACE wrote:
My comic “super Chainsaw Satan Puppy Woodchipper Babies” is a light Bronze.

That comic sounds epic asf! LOL
Avart at 9:41PM, April 29, 2020
posts: 132
joined: 2-19-2017
Super interesting and fun thread!

Right now, as @El Cid said, I was dissapointed to realize that in my comic about vampires, there are just 4 deaths… hope that number raises a bit soon ;)

The last image is a special art to show how many people they have killed, so if this is taken for consideration, definitely my comic will be a Super Gold and beyond XD.

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