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Role Play: A Bar
MegaRdaniels at 5:49PM, March 20, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Hello guys, I just want to do a roleplay here and everything. The setting is at a bar such as the one down below. A TV of a sports game is on, a few guys are there drinking.

How will your characters fare if they meet each other?

Victoria entered the bar after putting out her cigarette. She walks to the counter minding her own business and sees the bartender.

“Is there anything I can get you miss,” the Bartender asked.

“Just plain water, thanks,” Victoria said in a monotonous voice.


PIT_FACE at 2:56AM, March 24, 2018
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
Just then, a man with tar-like long black hair bounds in. Skin like cold grey clay, eyes of soulless black, breath of stinkin death. without warning, he mushes towards Victoria. he grabs the glass of water from her hand sniffs it and throws it against the wall, shattering the glass. He exclaims in a mighty accent that's probably some kind of Polish as he grabs victoria's spandex, “Are you the voivod?! SHOW ME THE VOIVOD!!”

MegaRdaniels at 5:18AM, March 24, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Victoria looks up with no emotion at the stranger man. She nods her head in confusion hearing the term Voivod. Keeping her anger in check, she took a deep breath and turned to the man.

“Was all that necessary?” she asked.


last edited on March 24, 2018 5:20AM
Ozoneocean at 8:46PM, March 25, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004

Cc sidles into the room and steps up to the bar.
She notices the confrontation between Victoria and Blitzov and laughs loudly and derisively.
PIT_FACE at 6:29AM, March 26, 2018
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
Keeping a firm grip on Victoria's spandexed chassis, Blitzov grabs CC's shirt and shakes her violently, “You! Heart-crotched boy!WHERE IS YOUR VOIVOD!!!”

oh, n he looks like this.

last edited on March 26, 2018 6:33AM
Ozoneocean at 6:48AM, March 26, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Cc's frayed old purple T-shirt rips like tissue paper in Blitzov's grasp, leaving him with a fistful of torn lavender coloured fabric.
Cc drops to the ground and quickly scuttles out of reach of the crazy tall Danzig guy, carefully clutching the torn remnants of her T-shirt together.

“F**k you you grey faced piece of s**t F*****g c**k s*****g bastard son of a w***e!”

Then she withdraws a 45 browning 1911 automatic from her thigh holster and shoots Blitzov once in the right kneecap.

“Yeah, take that you **** ******* **** ****!”
last edited on March 26, 2018 6:50AM
PIT_FACE at 6:51AM, March 26, 2018
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
lol, holy shit.

PIT_FACE at 7:19AM, March 26, 2018
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
Blitzov lets lose a Wilhelm scream and rocks back and forth on the ground, clutching his knee. From there, he unsheaths his mighty black metal sword and lobs it t CC. It is caught by her knockers.

MegaRdaniels at 5:33PM, March 26, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
With everything taking hold, Victoria pulling out her Badge of Kappa for safe keeping, held it closely to her. She resumes to talk to the Bartender.

“You said water, miss?” he asked.

“No. This time I'll take rum,” she said cooly, “Hard rum, it's enough I had to deal with superpowered teenagers.”


usedbooks at 6:40PM, March 26, 2018
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Seiko and Tristan have been sitting at a table in a dark corner. Seiko whispers, “Why did Kaida recommend this place? Seems a little… rough.”

“I think she's playing a cruel prank,” Tristan replies. ‘You two are so closed off. You need to go socialize,’“ he quotes in a falsetto.

”I've been carded three times,“ Seiko complains. ”I'm 25. And I haven't ordered any alcohol.“

”You are five foot nothing. And adorable,“ Tristan points out. ”Still, maybe we should have brought one of Kaida's handguns.“

”We absolutely should not. Sounds like some kind of plot going on here. Last thing we want is for them to think we're part of this.“

”Maybe we should leave,“ Tristan suggests.

”We came to meet people. You know, normal people. Not like the people we usually meet,“ Seiko reminds him.

She looks for the least dangerous-looking, most normal person in the bar. No dice. (To be fair, as adorable as she is, Seiko's visible scars belie a roughness to her as well. The hidden scars are even more telling.) Okay. She'd look for the person least involved in violence at the moment.

Seiko approaches the bar. ”Can I get another Coke? And a Ginger Ale for my boyfriend at table three.“ She sits next to Victoria. ”Hi. I'm Seiko. Um… You look kinda down." Dammit, she thinks. I suck at this socializing thing. “If I'm bothering you, let me know. But if you're interested in some conversation further away from the, uh… whatever crazy thing is happening over there, you're welcome to join Tristan and me.”

last edited on March 26, 2018 6:43PM
MegaRdaniels at 8:06PM, March 26, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
The Bartender gave Victoria a small glass of rum. She turns to a young woman sitting next to her waiting for a soda. She gave the woman a reassuring smile, “No, you cool,” she said, “I'm not down, just frustrated. Just lost is all.” She slowly drinks her beverage, “What's your name, kid?”


last edited on March 26, 2018 8:07PM
usedbooks at 8:46PM, March 26, 2018
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Seiko smiles and accepts her soda. “Seiko. And while I am used to having my age mistaken, I do have five PhDs. I used to be a full professor. I guess I both peaked and crashed early. I don't usually drink because it affects me quickly.”

Seiko sips her Coke. The last hard beverage she had… Did champagne count? That wedding was months ago. So much had happened since then. Bad things. Things that called for a stiff drink. But her roommate drank enough for both of them.

“What's your name?” Seiko asks. “And what brings you here?”
Ozoneocean at 8:49PM, March 26, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004

Pinky comes running through the door and right up to Cc who's holding Blitzovv's black sword between her boobs, looking down at it with a surprised look on her face.
“I finally caught up with you, you crazy bitch! What have you done here?”

Pinky notices Blitzov rolling on the floor bleeding from a leg wound, sizes up the situation and turns back to Cc.
“You IDIOT!” she shouts.

She quickly disarms Cc of her pistol and the big sword, then rips off the rest of her damaged purple shirt, kneels down and uses it to bandage Blitzov's knee while Cc stands there covering herself and looking chastened.

“Quit your hysterics you big baby!” Pinky admonishes Blitzov.
“Bartender, what are you doing just standing there? give me some vodka to sterilise this wound! Now. Chop to it!”
As a cavalry officer she knows how to command.
usedbooks at 9:06PM, March 26, 2018
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Tristan grabs the bridge of his nose and mutters to himself. “Don't do it, Seiko. For God's sake just stay out of it.”

But his small girlfriend, noticing the direction of the commotion, chimes in. “I'm a doctor. Can I do anything to help?”
Ozoneocean at 9:38PM, March 26, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Pinky's head whips around.
“Yes! By all means! This guy has a bullet wound in his leg, it's clean but this T-shirt isn't. It's the only thing I'd got to staunch the blood though so beggars can't be choosers. I don't think it damaged an artery and the bullet just missed the joint and the bone it seems, but it still looks pretty painful. Got any painkillers?”
MegaRdaniels at 9:54PM, March 26, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Victoria tucked her Badge of Kappa seeming that the danger was over. She looked over at the Professor and was impressed at her immediate response. She wished she helped, but her Badge does not have any healing qualities, however, she does have some degree of medical expertise.

She walked over to Seiko, “The girl looks hurt, really bad. She may need Penicillin to prevent any sort of infection.”


Ozoneocean at 12:25AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
MegaRdaniels wrote:
She walked over to Seiko, “The girl looks hurt, really bad. She may need Penicillin to prevent any sort of infection.”
Blitzov is a 7 foot tall grey faced man, not a girl. :)
Unless you mean Cc, but she doesn't appear hurt by catching the sword.

PIT_FACE at 1:56AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
Blitov's rolling around and fussing have died down. Whether this is because of Pinky and Seiko's help or whether because CC is wearing scraps for a shirt just beyond them is anyone's guess.

usedbooks at 5:52AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Seiko calls out. “Tristan, call an ambulance.”

“Already did,” her boyfriend replies from the corner table as he casually sips his soft drink. Cops too. Seiko sometimes forgets that gunplay is police business. She hangs out with too many fugitives.

Seiko grabs handfuls of cocktail napkins to help stop the bleeding. Better than a sweaty shirt anyway. But this bar full of women are forgetting the most effective on-hand bandage. “Does anyone have a maxi-pad or tampon? Oh! There might be a vending machine in the restroom! Tristan?”

Tristan sighs. “Really? The women's restroom? Do you want another patient to deal with? I'm sure one of the more feminine patrons can handle that.” He looks at the guy on the ground. Scary. These others are scary too. But Seiko playing medic is better than hostage. Why could they never have a normal date?
bravo1102 at 6:45AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
The bartender just mumbled to herself “Just another night”

“I already called the police and the EMTs. Once all of this is sorted out I'm going to have to ask all of you to leave and I'm closing up for the night.”

She threw a t-shirt with the bar logo on it to CC. “On the house, cover up the goods, I'm the one who does gratuitous nudity around here. B-movie star Belinda Brandon and tonight sadly the owner of the bar ”The Flaming Coffin“

She handed a first-aid kit to Seiko and a bottle of denatured alcohol. ”Doctor“ Then turned to Pinky, ”I played a Russian major in a movie,Attack of the Robofemoids you want vodka, in this bar you pay for it.“

She settled back behind the bar and flashed a movie star smile ”Anything I get anyone before the police get here?"

last edited on March 27, 2018 7:00AM
PIT_FACE at 6:49AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
Blitzov looks at them blankly, “Bring me this ‘tampon’. It sounds like a wonder of medical fascination.”

PIT_FACE at 6:50AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
Bravo- didja have post to go with that alluring cheesecake?

usedbooks at 7:13AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Seiko is slightly taken aback. Not knowing the value of tampons for treating puncture wounds was common but not knowing about them at all? Strange. Unless he's from a developing nation or has been in a coma for 70 years. She muses that he looks good for his age. But upon reconsideration, he doesn't look good for any age.

“I keep them in my first aid kit specifically for this kind of injury. But I don't have one at the moment.”

Tristan tells the bartender, “I'll settle our tab. I don't really want to be here for questioning.” He's had more than enough of being a witness to things. On top of that, he couldn't recall if he had outstanding warrants.

Oh crap. Did that comment make him sound like a criminal? He was no good at this.
last edited on March 27, 2018 7:17AM
Ozoneocean at 7:37AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Pinky straightens up at Belinda's movie remark, slightly offended, looks down her prominent nose at her and surreptitiously slips Blitov's sword and Cc's gun behind the bar while Ms Brando's attention is completely focussed elsewhere.

Cc is struggling into the very tight bar T-shirt as Pinky grabs her by the arm and whispers urgently into an ear festooned with multiple golden rings.
“Get that shirt on and get out of here QUICK”
“WTF?! You're ordering ME around?” Cc remarks incredulously.
“They've called the police you daft moo-cow! Finish tucking your titties away and let's scram.”
“NOW you hot tempered authoritarian shrew! I won't tell you again. My tromper's outside, let's skedaddle.”

The two ladies sidled out the door, out into the dark and climb up into a heavy mecha outside.
All those in the bar can hear is some loud swearing, a couple of doors being slammed and a bunch of scarily loud metallic grinding and thumping noises retreating into the distance.

MegaRdaniels at 7:44AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
@ozoneocean Woops, my mistake lol.

Victoria overlooking everything was baffled and disgusted at what transpired .
“Should I just kill him or just send help? I don't know, this guy is worse than the Exterminator,” she thought to herself, “Maybe it's best I go and avoid the chaos,” she said trying to keep it together. Trying to prevent herself for blasting her Kappa Energy at the man, she took a deep breath.

Suddenly, two teenagers stepped in amidst from the chaos. Seeing Victoria there, Stringy and Mopy both got defensive, however they were shocked to know that Victoria walked past them.

“Chaos is all yours,” she said to them after she paid the Bartender.

“Wow, that was weird,” Mopy said.

“And there's a lot of women here,” Stringy whistled. It didn't take long for her notice a strange man bleeding from the knee, “Whoa! That guy looks tough!”

Mopy looked around for any normal company, “Hey Stringy, these guys seem cool,” he pointed to the short woman.

“Well, they seem cool, but they aren't AWESOME AS BALLS!” she said pointing to the woman in pink and the man bleeding from the knee.

“Uh huh,” Mopy blinked, “You go over where that's happening. I'll chill over here.”

“Gotcha!” Stringy said in a bubbly tone after kissing his cheeks.


last edited on March 27, 2018 7:52AM
Ozoneocean at 8:10AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
@MegaRdaniels- I assume that happened just before Pinky and CC left ^_^


The door thumps open and in strides a dusty, dishevelled, American adventurer, Ace Kinkaid.

“Has anyone seen two funky looking women? One with a mane of pink hair and the other with a purple T-shirt and a heart on her denim hotpants? Please! This is important!”

bravo1102 at 8:52AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
“Where is that damned ‘closed’ sign?” Belinda mused to herself. And that t-shirt was marked size XL, she would so have to have a talk with the bar co-owner.

“Doctor, you won't need a tampon, there are standard pressure bandages in the the first aid kit.” Belinda offered as Seiko patched up the large grey man. Speaking of Grey Guys… nah, this guy has hair. “You need to leave before the cops arrive I'll look the other way like with the Russian and her friend.”

Belinda looked Ace up and down. He had “hero” written all over him like a 1930s serial hero. “The two ladies left, but you ever consider a career in movies I have the names of some good, fair agents and producers.”

Belinda turned to the teens. “Don't even think I'll be serving you with the police on the way.”
usedbooks at 9:03AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
“We appreciate that,” Tristan says. “If we miss the bus, we're stuck for at least a half hour.”

Seiko seems unsure. “We should wait for the EMTs.”

“There are others who can see to that. Is the bleeding stopped” Tristan asks.

“It's slowed enough.” Seiko looks at the large gray man. She had found this kind of field dressing of angry giants could cause trouble if she stuck around.

Seiko thanks the bartender and apologizes. No idea what she apologizes for. She apologizes as a force of habit. Tristan takes her arm, and they step outside to the bus stop.
Ozoneocean at 9:15AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Ace glances over at Belinda
“Sorry babe, not my style. You say the women left? God-dammit! They stole top secret military equipment and I'm trying to retrieve it. I was soooo close… I'll wait here for the police if you don't mind. I could use their help.”

Ace glances over at the other patrons still left in the bar, then back at Belinda.

“A round for everyone, I'm buying. Whisky, straight, no ice. Coke for the kids.”
PIT_FACE at 9:26AM, March 27, 2018
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
Blitzov pulls himself up to a barstool and finds all of this back and forth strange but fascinating but also he's over it. “will the children be alright on their own? Those women seemed shooty.”

At that, the police pull up outside and demand that the hostage taker come out and surrender! This escalated that the police station after the call. Blitzov gasps and looks around, “You, well-endowed booze mistress! Where did my sword go? I will go and slay these ‘police’! I must protect the small people from them.”

last edited on March 27, 2018 9:27AM

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