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2017 Rant/Share/General Discussion Thread
fallopiancrusader at 10:55AM, Oct. 11, 2017
posts: 411
joined: 12-27-2013
ozoneocean wrote:
Good luck with being a boss :)


I was just thinking how your body shape changes as you age, due to whatever metabolic stuff is going on under the surface and whatever lifestyle stuff you have going on…

I have had to make a significant dietary change about every ten years since I was 20. Generally, it involved cutting my calories by about a third each decade. It was all due to my metabolism slowing down. My exercise regime changed a lot, too. In my teens and 20s, it was all ballet. Then it was bodybuilding for my 30s, and now it's all aerial arts (mostly pole dancing). I definitely stay away from bulking up now. For me,it's all about functional strength rather than bulk.
lba at 11:08AM, Oct. 11, 2017
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
ozoneocean wrote:
Good luck with being a boss :)


I was just thinking how your body shape changes as you age, due to whatever metabolic stuff is going on under the surface and whatever lifestyle stuff you have going on…
You never have a standard “you”. You're ALWAYS changing.
There are times when you change less and you seem to look the same way for a long time, but that's just an illusion.

For men, we tend to get fatter as we age, so if we want to improve we tend to exercise and bulk up. You end up with people like David Cross- was always slim and now he's a buff guy.

I think that sort of bulked up exercise look is a trap though. The idea is appealing, and it's not hard to get there if you're willing to put in the work, but once you ARE there you are locked into maintaining that for LIFE, because if you slip then you lose it hard. To be that size you need to be eating a lot and that eating habit is a lot harder to lose than the exercise habit.
Plus it ages you, A LOT.

So I'd rather eat less than bulk up- Go for a lean look.

I've had one show up stoned on her first day, and another buy a dime bag right in front of me on her first day. A third told me in his interview that I seemed like I'd be “a chill boss to roll with”. So… yeah. It's not going well as I'd hoped. I don't know if I just seem like a really “chill” boss, these “kids” (they're all between 22-25.) have no clue what acceptable behavior is or what, but now I feel incredibly old and am wondering if I'm really that out of touch with what's socially and professionally acceptable in 2017, and I haven't even hit 30 yet.

The plus side, is that I understand my parent's attitudes and conservatism a lot more now, so I get way more out of conversations with my professional mentors.


As for the getting old and chubby bit. I'm still single and have a boxy, heavy build to begin with, so remaining perpetually skinny isn't an option for me. Pretty much my only chance is to become that hulking bald dude you always see at the gym if I want to remain in good physical condition and some sort of relative level of attractiveness. Either that, or I keep running daily and end up holding the same shape as the slice of pizza I'm never allowed to have.
Ozoneocean at 8:25PM, Oct. 11, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
fallopiancrusader wrote:
I have had to make a significant dietary change about every ten years since I was 20. Generally, it involved cutting my calories by about a third each decade. It was all due to my metabolism slowing down. My exercise regime changed a lot, too. In my teens and 20s, it was all ballet. Then it was bodybuilding for my 30s, and now it's all aerial arts (mostly pole dancing). I definitely stay away from bulking up now. For me,it's all about functional strength rather than bulk.
I'm all for functional strength. Pole dancing is another level beyond though, that's HARD. Much like gymnastics but more about style and less punishing on the body. I can almost do some things, but I lack the balance and the endurance.
With the little exercise that I do though I'm surprisingly strong for my size- or at least I surprise people a lot.

lba wrote:
Either that, or I keep running daily and end up holding the same shape as the slice of pizza I'm never allowed to have.
That made me laugh :D
You could own the bald muscle guy look. When you're in your 50s, you'll be that dude :D

Over the years I find myself getting less conservative (I was much like Alex Keaton in family Ties when I was younger). But even though I'm very liberal about things, drug use at work doesn't fit into that.
I don't think that's a liberal/conservative issues personally, it's just about maturity. If they're doing that at work they're just stupid kids. And that goes for people of any age.
Ironscarf at 5:08AM, Oct. 12, 2017
posts: 1,913
joined: 9-9-2008
ozoneocean wrote:

@Scarf- wow, you fixed it yourself? That's pretty hardcore man.

It's amazing what skills you can pick up at the University of Permanently Strappedforcash!

As for weight gain, I've definitely found it a lot easier to pile weight on without trying as I've passed the mid century mark. I've found the best solution was to make dietary changes rather than just going hungry all the time. Pies, cakes, pastries, crisps(potato chips) and the like are all rare treats now. Instead I eat nuts and fruit. You'd think nuts would be fattening with all the fat in them, but the more nuts I eat the more weight I seem to lose.
lba at 4:38PM, Oct. 12, 2017
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
ozoneocean wrote:
You could own the bald muscle guy look. When you're in your 50s, you'll be that dude :D

Over the years I find myself getting less conservative (I was much like Alex Keaton in family Ties when I was younger). But even though I'm very liberal about things, drug use at work doesn't fit into that.
I don't think that's a liberal/conservative issues personally, it's just about maturity. If they're doing that at work they're just stupid kids. And that goes for people of any age.

I'm pretty certain I could rock the bald look, but I'm not sure I want to give up the beard, and it's a very specific kind of guy who can rock the beard/bald combo. Granted I probably have 15 years before this becomes a required decisions, but thanks to the Army, that's about 10 years sooner than it could have been and I'd reeeally have to work at developing that gym rat work-out addiction that seems to be so necessary to the look. But I can still strangely see myself with the beard/bald look, potato-shaped head and all.

I'm with Scarf on the nuts thing. I'd think it would make you chubby to start eating 1200 calories of almonds in a day, but then I realized that 1200 calories of almonds is going to be a lot easier on the digestive system and takes up a lot more space than 1200 calories of cake. My biggest problem with weight loss is just that I work next to a bakery where I have ready access to all the cake I could want.

When I said conservative people I just meant on the topic at hand. I take a similar tack as you, and I just don't see it as acceptable professional behavior. After 3 problems with it in a couple weeks, it mostly threw me because I've also noticed how many other things have changed in the few short years since I left school and the army and really got into the professional work force. But now I understand more why so many older people take issue with it. It's not even a moral thing. If you're the boss, it creates a serious headache.
Ozoneocean at 9:23PM, Oct. 12, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Nuts? I didn't know that! They're dammed expensive there though… My all time fave nuts, Macadamia, are over $50 a kilo. :(

I know when I eat too much of them it feels like I've got a stomach full of concrete. XD


You know what's weird about the Harvey Wienstein scandal? So many people seem to misunderstand WHY it's a scandal. They relate it to Tiger Woods or bring up examples of ugly or large guys who've been seen with pretty girls and they conflate it all because the common thread is “sex”.
It's so simple: It's not about sex and it's not about looks or physical shape, it's about HW using his power to force woman to do things they don't want with the threat of ruining their careers.
bravo1102 at 10:46PM, Oct. 12, 2017
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
You're right about Harvey Weinstein. People don't remember the famed “producer's couch”? Or how about that Henry Kissinger quote “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac ”?
Ironscarf at 3:32AM, Oct. 13, 2017
posts: 1,913
joined: 9-9-2008
ozoneocean wrote:
You know what's weird about the Harvey Wienstein scandal? So many people seem to misunderstand WHY it's a scandal. They relate it to Tiger Woods or bring up examples of ugly or large guys who've been seen with pretty girls and they conflate it all because the common thread is “sex”.
It's so simple: It's not about sex and it's not about looks or physical shape, it's about HW using his power to force woman to do things they don't want with the threat of ruining their careers.

It's as though we've moved into some kind of post Trump nightmare where, because his caught on tape sexual harassment boasts could be excused, the goalposts have now shifted to another planet.
Apparently Wienstein has now checked into a clinic for sex addiction, because that is entirely the problem - nothing to do with gross abuse of power whatsoever. He doesn't even seem to understand the issue himself as far as I can see.
Ozoneocean at 4:45AM, Oct. 13, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Ironscarf wrote:
It's as though we've moved into some kind of post Trump nightmare where, because his caught on tape sexual harassment boasts could be excused, the goalposts have now shifted to another planet.
Apparently Wienstein has now checked into a clinic for sex addiction, because that is entirely the problem - nothing to do with gross abuse of power whatsoever. He doesn't even seem to understand the issue himself as far as I can see.
The sex is irrelevant. If he had wild sex orgies in his private life with a never ending train or women there'd be no issue- AS LONG as it was consensual.

That's the problem here: he forced consent through his power. The same thing Trump talked about doing.
mks_monsters at 5:30AM, Oct. 13, 2017
posts: 106
joined: 6-7-2017
I love this place and I love the people, but that is just it. I want to keep open connections, but when I get a reply on my comments and forums, I get no notifications. Is there a way to fix this or does happen to everyone?
Ozoneocean at 5:50AM, Oct. 13, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
mks_monsters wrote:
I love this place and I love the people, but that is just it. I want to keep open connections, but when I get a reply on my comments and forums, I get no notifications. Is there a way to fix this or does happen to everyone?
No one does.
I'm talking to our programmer about adding notifications and he's figuring out how to do it.
Then I have to figure out how to pay him 😁
lba at 4:33PM, Oct. 13, 2017
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
Ironscarf wrote:
ozoneocean wrote:
You know what's weird about the Harvey Wienstein scandal? So many people seem to misunderstand WHY it's a scandal. They relate it to Tiger Woods or bring up examples of ugly or large guys who've been seen with pretty girls and they conflate it all because the common thread is “sex”.
It's so simple: It's not about sex and it's not about looks or physical shape, it's about HW using his power to force woman to do things they don't want with the threat of ruining their careers.

It's as though we've moved into some kind of post Trump nightmare where, because his caught on tape sexual harassment boasts could be excused, the goalposts have now shifted to another planet.
Apparently Wienstein has now checked into a clinic for sex addiction, because that is entirely the problem - nothing to do with gross abuse of power whatsoever. He doesn't even seem to understand the issue himself as far as I can see.

I don't even think it's even Post-Trump. Stuff like this has been going on for years, and the world has collectively let always it slide since day 1 and every single time it's been treated like “oh, oops. Sorry, I didn't know it wasn't ok to sexually harass and intimidate people.”

If it's not sexual abuse, it's been a variety of other abuses, and people always somehow seem to willfully miss the real problem. Like all those times that celebs ended up in regular rehab and people decided that clearly it was that cocaine just popped into existence and ruined Lindsay Lohan's life, instead of the horrible father who abused her to be a star, the messed up life of a child actor, or the mental instability that led to the coke habit. I think Bravo's right in a way. We're just becoming a lot more aware of it as society gets more liberal and the things we used to sweep under the rug are becoming ok to talk about.
bravo1102 at 12:20AM, Oct. 14, 2017
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
Coerced sex for advancement and promotion is as old as power itself. As a society.we had thought we had outgrown such things. “The producer's couch” had become a joke about a different era. Women were empowered now and some producer's in their own right. (See Carrie Fisher's horny casting director sampling the hunks for a riff on that one. Based on a real person, like nearly everything else in the movie Soapdish)

And there were even the events of homosexual promoters forcing young up and comers to perform on them. This is what supposedly drove Bob Hope to do so many anti-homosexual jokes back in the day. This supposedly jump started the careers of many crooners and “pretty boy” actors back in the day.

Then there are accounts from the Classical and Ancient Worlds and the Middle Ages and Imperial China and Japan , but we'd outgrown all of that.

And here comes Harvey Weinstein. You know it was rumored a long time as it was with O'Reilly and a few others. Men just think it's 1957, not 2017. Oh sure it's consensual, as if she had a choice?

Boys will be boors.

And don't even ask about corporate boardrooms and government. My sister has been in that bastion of male supremacy for forty years. Even without overt sexual predators what Trump joked about IS The prevailing attitude.
last edited on Oct. 15, 2017 2:16AM
Ozoneocean at 12:09AM, Oct. 22, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
I had a dream last night where I was at an acting camp with the BBC, I was one of the actors.
I was palling around with Kurt Russell for some reason and I pranked Jean Claude Van Dame. … I put glue inside his gloves so they ended up stuck on his hands…
I thought he was going to beat me up but we became awkward friends instead.

Anyway, those two went off to their little acting jobs and I was bored and wanted to chat with someone or do something so I wondered around looking for something to do.

I noticed a huge crown dressed in 1970s clothing at one end of the compound so I wondered over and made my way through.
At the middle of the crowd was a tall man with huge fluffy mop of long grey/white curly hair. I got a bit closer and saw that it was Tom Baker!
He was just as old as he is now but his face and body were slimmer like he was in the 1970s Dr Who and his hair was longer. He was wearing his Doctor Who long coat and scarf too and grinning his big toothy pop-eyed grin.
I grinned too! That was a dream come true… dream. Hahaha!

Absolutely magical moment!
They were filming a retro episode of Doctor Who and he was going to star and I was there to see it. That made me SOOOOooo happy.
And even when I woke up I was happy.
reghu02 at 8:21AM, Oct. 26, 2017
posts: 7
joined: 8-4-2017
To all the people out there.
Me and my friends are in the process of making a manga.
Pls support us.

Here is a Fan art from us
Ozoneocean at 9:17PM, Oct. 26, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
reghu02 wrote:
To all the people out there.
Me and my friends are in the process of making a manga.
Pls support us.

Here is a Fan art from us
Welcome :)
Where's your art?
reghu02 at 12:10AM, Oct. 27, 2017
posts: 7
joined: 8-4-2017
Guess what ?
last edited on Oct. 27, 2017 12:33AM
reghu02 at 12:26AM, Oct. 27, 2017
posts: 7
joined: 8-4-2017
More on the way …..
last edited on Oct. 27, 2017 1:10AM
reghu02 at 6:29AM, Oct. 27, 2017
posts: 7
joined: 8-4-2017
Some rough sketches from our upcoming manga.
killianmckellen at 3:44AM, Oct. 28, 2017
posts: 5
joined: 6-17-2017
If any one is interested I just uploaded the first issue of my comic “Any One Of Us” It is one of 4 so far, in a continuing series. Would appreciate feed back if you have the time to read. It is a Noir,Vigilante story centered around human trafficking.

Ozoneocean at 8:47PM, Oct. 28, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Hi guys

This thread isn't fore self promotion.
We have another forum for that:

If you want to know how to make your comic popular and get readers then read this guide: And more importantly, read this newspost:
Ozoneocean at 7:54AM, Nov. 3, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Well the bill came in for the Amazon image hosting. It's jumped $10! That's quite huge.
On one hand it means things are more expensive, on the other it means we've also had a jump in site views- a more reliable indicator than that worthless Project Wonderful counter.
Ironscarf at 9:03AM, Nov. 3, 2017
posts: 1,913
joined: 9-9-2008
It's good to know views are increasing, but not if it's going to cost you more. We need to find some way to raise money or alternatively, scare people away from the site.
Ozoneocean at 9:13AM, Nov. 3, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Ironscarf wrote:
It's good to know views are increasing, but not if it's going to cost you more. We need to find some way to raise money or alternatively, scare people away from the site.
Haha, it's ok for this month. The sponsored newspost added a bump in earnings and the ad revenue from PW is decent. We're covered. :)
Hawk at 2:08PM, Nov. 3, 2017
posts: 2,791
joined: 1-2-2006
I have to say, I think Project Wonderful is a perfect fit for this site. The ads are relevant, malware-free, and they direct attention back toward the community.
Call Me Tom at 9:28AM, Nov. 6, 2017
posts: 359
joined: 10-28-2010
So my depression has taken on a fun new shape. I feel that I'm upsetting people by reading or commenting on there webcomics.
I'm sorry for any offence I cause.
bravo1102 at 2:03PM, Nov. 6, 2017
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
Call Me Tom wrote:
So my depression has taken on a fun new shape. I feel that I'm upsetting people by reading or commenting on there webcomics.
That's a fun old shape for me. It's called projection. Come on over and comment on my comics. Can't hurt feelings as scarred as mine and you can't be any more harsh than I already am to myself.
Ozoneocean at 6:22PM, Nov. 6, 2017
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
bravo1102 wrote:
Call Me Tom wrote:
So my depression has taken on a fun new shape. I feel that I'm upsetting people by reading or commenting on there webcomics.
That's a fun old shape for me. It's called projection. Come on over and comment on my comics. Can't hurt feelings as scarred as mine and you can't be any more harsh than I already am to myself.
Keep on commenting! :D
Chances are you're not upsetting anyone. But iteration is a good thing to help you along and comments are always a positive thing for readers :)
bravo1102 at 8:05AM, Nov. 16, 2017
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
So oz called a suggestion of mine a really, really good idea and then a murder of crows showed up outside.

We're doomed.
Emevsa at 5:17AM, Nov. 18, 2017
posts: 37
joined: 8-17-2017
bravo1102 wrote:
So oz called a suggestion of mine a really, really good idea and then a murder of crows showed up outside.

We're doomed.

I love crows! In ancient Greece they were often considered to be messengers of the gods. Considering Oz's status here on the Duck, it might not be too far off. ;)

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