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Inexplicable Popularity Increase (Possibley a Bug?)
awsome owl 98 at 11:18AM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 79
joined: 9-27-2011
In the time since Drunk Duck has started showing you the amount of views you get per day I have only gotten over 100 views a couple of times but for some reason on September 16 I got 813 views and I hadn't even uploaded a comic that day. I am now on the first page when you click on comics. I can only assume there must be some sort of bug because I seriously doubt 813 different people viewed my comic on a single day.
usedbooks at 11:53AM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
It has happened to me a couple times (shooting up to 2K views.) I wonder if there is a bot cataloguing pages for a search engine or something. If so, at least it probably affects everyone at different points. (It could be the same ip. Our stats are counted by pageviews, not unique.)
bravo1102 at 4:53PM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
For my comics it was in the mid 200s to 300s depending on the number of pages in the comic. Just like one person reading the archive and maybe doubling back to re-read something.

But 813 views? That's ten times the page count of your archive?
awsome owl 98 at 5:52PM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 79
joined: 9-27-2011
In response to usedbooks: I guess that makes more sense if it's just counted by page views and not amount of people.
In response to bravo1102: Actually it's 373 pages so somewhere between two and three times the amount of pages.
usedbooks at 5:56PM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I have a code a friend built for me to track my pageviews, and it appears that the influx of pageviews I had were all on one page, so it's not an archive-diver.

And it was across two days (Sept 1 and 2) – not update days; I was on hiatus. So, it's weird (10x my usual views), but I guess someone linked to me from a popular blog or something. I wish I could get backlink stats to find out.
KimLuster at 6:11PM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
I understood that it's total hits! I had a few stratopheric-level of hits last few weeks but I assumed it must be DD judges reading the last year's worth of my backlog, trying to make heads or tails of everything… I'd be tickled if it was just people reading just 'cause!! :D
usedbooks at 6:55PM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Lol. Yeah. That happens this time of year too.
bravo1102 at 8:31PM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
usedbooks wrote:
Lol. Yeah. That happens this time of year too.

It shouldn't if you're not nominated for anything. -_-
Ozoneocean at 11:31PM, Sept. 20, 2016
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
OK, there IS a bug but it's not what caused your hits.

Your hits were likely caused by a link or indexing like has been suggested.

But while investigating that in the admin system I found there was ZERO difference between the UNIQUE hit calculations and and page hit calculations!
This means that the unique counter is no functioning and it just counting normal hits. That means the top ten and comic rank is not being calculated correctly. :(

I THOUGHT there was too much volatility in the top ten!

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