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How do you deal with sexism in your own work?
bravo1102 at 1:07AM, Jan. 14, 2016
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
I think what is being said is asking yourself , “ is there a reason why the cast is all white males?” And if there isn't equaling up the ratios. Why not equal numbers? It's your world and your story, free yourself of what is expected and work with that difference .

By the same token don't feel forced to do to please some crowd of protesters unless you share their agenda. Then again express yourself freely and most definitely not feel forced to obey some PC social standard. This isn't some university with a PC policy.
last edited on Jan. 14, 2016 1:08AM
El Cid at 1:25AM, Jan. 14, 2016
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Were you intentionally vacillating facetiously just now? Because if so, that was a brilliant illustration of how absurd this whole subject is.

If you were being serious, well, it still kinda shows the same thing!
bravo1102 at 3:22AM, Jan. 14, 2016
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
El Cid wrote:
Were you intentionally vacillating facetiously just now? Because if so, that was a brilliant illustration of how absurd this whole subject is.

If you were being serious, well, it still kinda shows the same thing!
Precisely. I can still remember reading Closing of the American Mind when it first came out. What nearly 30 year ago? At this point the thing is absurd.
El Cid at 8:58AM, Jan. 14, 2016
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Heh, gotcha. I can be thick-skulled sometimes!
Bruno Harm at 5:24PM, Feb. 16, 2016
posts: 122
joined: 10-18-2015
I have no intention of being sexist in my comic, but I'm a guy, so I'm sure I've done it ;)
I actually mention the Bechdel test in strip #15, poking fun at myself for not having more women in my comic, but it's a three panel strip. It's going to take a while to work in all the characters. I actually have a woman who was basically an extra, that I really liked and plan to build a whole episode around.
totallyraddad at 11:14PM, April 5, 2016
posts: 22
joined: 4-4-2016
yup, i have been guilty of falling into a sexist trope. i think what matters is analyzing your character and realizing what makes them inherently sexist and what you can change (or flip on its head) to try and combat that. its got a huge learning curve.

my current issue:

not making foppish villains. thats hard actually lol

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