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"For all ages" means for all ages
mks_monsters at 9:29AM, Nov. 6, 2018
posts: 106
joined: 6-7-2017
After reading a post by someone who felt bad about preferring cartoons to live action or rather, felt left out, I reassured them that there are a lot of people like this.
I happen to be an adult who prefers cartoons to live action TV especially now because I feel live action has become so mean or it has more make out scenes than an X-rated movie. And I don't like to watch people be horrible to each other just for fun or watch them do the stuff that makes me want to tell them to get a room. The number of live actions shows I do watch I can count on my fingers or they are old fashioned ones from the 90s.

With that all said, I watch a lot of cartoons and I am not ashamed of it as no one should be because they are for me. Their ratings “for all ages” says so. And I'm going to tell you something about cartoons, they are a form of art and story telling of which sometimes the adults get better than the kids especially if there is a deep message behind them. The same can be said about comics. My own mother adores family oriented comics and her favourites from the newspaper were “Ben” and “Zits”. So with that said, I think the mentality of cartoons being for kids only is outdated and while some specific cartoons are for kids, that doesn't mean you're weird for appreciating them. I would used to sit and watch Sofia the first with family members and I found it cute.

So do not feel ashamed for liking cartoons even if they are kid stuff because honestly, I ask myself if the adult oriented live action really were for adults at all because last time I checked “adult” is not another word for “philanderer” or “meanie”.
Ozoneocean at 3:28PM, Nov. 6, 2018
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
The Good Place is pretty safe to watch. A nice modern live action show without violence or sex.
bravo1102 at 4:22AM, Nov. 7, 2018
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
This is one reason I watch older shows (with a handful of exceptions mostly historical series) and movies going back into the 1930s.
Hayes code movies of the 1930-60s had to have the mean philanderer get their comeuppance by the last reel.
But conversely I love my exploitation garbage. It's over the top and it knows it without being all pretentious over dark and edgy.
And cartoons? Try being a big anime fan thirty-five years ago and trying to explain that. Now there's a community, once upon a time it was a mailing list and a photocopied newsletter.
But then knowing all the adult in-jokes in Warner Brothers and MGM cartoons was great way to show even way back when– cartoons weren't just for kids.
usedbooks at 6:54AM, Nov. 7, 2018
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
My mom tried to pick on me for watching Bugs Bunny. Not because ‘it’s for kids.' Nope. What she said was, “You like this? Vickie, this is before MY time.”

Good entertainment is timeless and ageless. (Some shows get dated FAST.)
Genejoke at 8:53AM, Nov. 7, 2018
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
There's plenty of cartoons that are just as gratuitous, if not more so than live action.

I simply look at it as people like what they like. There's things out there for most tastes.
bravo1102 at 9:16AM, Nov. 7, 2018
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
usedbooks wrote:
My mom tried to pick on me for watching Bugs Bunny. Not because ‘it’s for kids.' Nope. What she said was, “You like this? Vickie, this is before MY time.”

Good entertainment is timeless and ageless. (Some shows get dated FAST.)
I recently found out my great grandmother was a big movie magazine reader going back in silent movies of the late 1910s!
My mom was a big moviegoer as a child and teen in the Depression and World War II.
No one ever said “before my time ” in the house. 😄
And great entertainment is timeless. That's why they keep reusing the same tropes, plotlines and jokes generation to generation.
last edited on Nov. 7, 2018 9:19AM
rickrudge at 7:35PM, Nov. 12, 2019
posts: 123
joined: 10-3-2019
Far be it from me to discuss comics for all ages. Most of my stuff is for mature or adult viewers. I would love to see more young readers get excited about reading comics, as well as get young and new cartoonists excited about drawing comics. That’s where DD’s Everyone rating is so great!

We’ve been buying old DVD’s for my grandchildren to view at our house, so I was kind of surprised that Bugs Bunny wasn’t rated “G” but was more of a “PG”, or even slightly more rating. It was meant for all ages when they would show them before the main movie feature in theaters or drive-ins. It was the violent humor, which probably rated it that way, but it also caused my grand daughter to laugh her ass off when she would see it.

The early Disney videos were all rated “G” despite Disney’s use of scary and violent scenes. My grandchildren want me to fast-forward many of the scenes. The “Despicable Me” and “Toy Story” franchises were all rated “PG”. So, yeah, the “for all ages” has changed slightly through the years.

— Rick Rudge

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