Section 1 Chapter 1
Miss Envy on May 7, 2007
HELLO. and welcome to Help Wanted.
*long explanation time*
First off, I would like to note that this comic is supposed to be called Help Wanted, not xHelp Wanted. Its just that SOME GENIUS thought of the name before I.
So, I am known as Miss Envy . And I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW. I do words. Only words. So what does this mean?
Right you are miscellaneous voice. That person would like to be known as DarkChibiShadow. She does the magnificent art for Help Wanted, while I fill the bubbles with words :D WE R TEEM
So please enjoy this manga/comic/thing. Pages will be slow, because we are lazy. End of story. As of now we will *hopefully* update once a week. If there isn't a page in that amount of time, I forgot. D: But I love HW and I will remember sooner or later.
Thanks for reading my gook. Oh wait wait, I have more gook.
This title page doesn't give much away, other than a pet store needs somebody to work there. Hmm…bunnies, water bottles on sale, and a bird butt. Can't you just feel the suspense?!?!
Hunnyb33 at 11:56AM, Aug. 24, 2009
I love this story so much
lucas at 12:56PM, June 6, 2009
AshleeGoreXXZain at 2:25PM, Sept. 19, 2007
Look at the cute little bunny
jissai at 3:07PM, Sept. 1, 2007
oh fuck i thought the buddy was getting an anal prob at first -.
Super_Purple_Spork at 3:26PM, June 11, 2007
Yesh!! I readith your comic XP Finally. It took me forever but I finally remembered to look at it (I ish DarkChibiShadow's bus buddy >_O)
AkiraOtaka at 4:36PM, May 14, 2007
That's Help Wanted?! I'm working on a comic with the same name! Cool. We're super buddies then. Anywayz nice art! I like this page it's cute.
DarkChibiShadow at 5:17PM, May 10, 2007
Hello! Murk Murk Murk! Isn't it strange how me; the artist; is only fourteen! Oh...bask in my missspelling and art prododogy... Murk Murk Murk!!