member since January 01, 2008
Age:16 Birth:08-27-91
Hobbies: TV, Running Video Games, Making comics, reading comics
Dislikes: Hippies,unexpected surprises that screw me over
Fav. G Charcters-sonic,mario,jak,daxter,sly,ratchet,clank,pacman,earthworm jim
Online names
As for the comic The Game Saver I have decided to take it off. I dont get enough time to sprite pages so there is no point in keeping it up. The only thing I plan on keeping from the story is my OC Blake.
The comic will remain up until tomarrow at 7:30- Jan 4 2010. If anybody sends me a pq to keep the comic up Ill keep it up.
Til then Ill still be on this site to comment, socialize, and motivate.
Comics By yin33
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Comics Assisted By yin33
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Comics Recomended By yin33
Well, this is my Sonic Sprite Comic. It's supposed to be a Sonic X comic style but then I thought how much people hate Chris (me included) so it's kind of Sonic X without Chris & co. (YAY)
Just like the title says
Sonic and Tails have grown bored of living in the country and have decided to move to the city, at least that's what Sonic decided. Warning: Contains Magi, demonic landlords, a crazy green guy, and suffering, lots and lots of suffering.
A 14 year old guy discovers a Sonic online game called "Sonic Advanced Online" and makes new friends online, and finding real world friends too. A group of players plan to hack the game to their will, and it's up the NeonRush and friends to stop them.
Sonic's on college... WITH SHADOW AS HIS ROOMMATE?! (this story is not in Another Sonic Comic's Storyline)
Take one happy-go-lucky hedgehog, an disgruntled emerald guardian, an ex-weapon of mass destruction and put them in the same house as a fox that makes giant robots in his spare time. You'll see clone armies, vampire girlfriends and stanist weddings. Fun.
A tale how Amy, hocked up with Rouge.
yin33's friends
forum topics started
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Videos Shared By yin33
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Nerd Fury at 8:31AM, June 5, 2008
I agree with KN, your comic is awesome! Btw, have you seen my main comic, FFP, yet?
THKNN_NUL at 6:00AM, May 31, 2008
coulda swore I commented earlier... Nice comic. keep up the good work!