Public Profile

member since March 03, 2008
I am Jason Bender version 2.0. I am the upgraded version with sleeker design and easier to use interface. I have now downloaded more responsibilities such as Graphic design and output, and Video creation and manipulation. I now desire to uplink to an interface, and commune with other similar simulcrum. [Hey all, I too do the comic thing, as well as do the film/videomaking thing. I figured, through the urging of a friend, that Id try the online web comic thing. Coming soon to this page (I hope) is 1, maybe 2 comics I have been stewing in my head. So be warned.
Comics By yakamoto_san
Comics Assisted By yakamoto_san
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Comics Recomended By yakamoto_san
Anthology format. A continuing collection of varying length and style short stories with cynical, horrific, dreadful, and despondent tones. All written, drawn, and lettered by Byron Winton.
forum topics started
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Videos Shared By yakamoto_san
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