Public Profile
member since July 07, 2008
hey peeps! this is my new profile page, so please dont send me anything at dragongirl337. thnx
and now, for the section about me.
Name: liiza
age: 14
interests: me
Oh, btw I usually dont go on here, so get a facebook and Ill see u there?
Oh, Im listed there as lia zwolfe
i first loged onto this website for my friend, Somax. then this spread through our peeps.
im currently having to sneak to go on here, so if you send me a pq and i dont respond, just call me if its really important
please send me lots of pqs!
and now, for the section about me.
Name: liiza
age: 14
interests: me
Oh, btw I usually dont go on here, so get a facebook and Ill see u there?
Oh, Im listed there as lia zwolfe
i first loged onto this website for my friend, Somax. then this spread through our peeps.
im currently having to sneak to go on here, so if you send me a pq and i dont respond, just call me if its really important
please send me lots of pqs!
Comics By violent_chick
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CURRENT STORY: Takashi Habara is a 12-year-old ninja in training. All his life he's been rejected by his fellow villagers. He's decided to walk the path of the ninja to prove that he's worth something. But what lies behind those yellow eyes?
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iloveEdwardCullen at 11:23AM, Aug. 1, 2008
Hey do u like my new Avatar?? I think it's awesome
HELLO2U at 1:02PM, July 29, 2008
ill bring ur shirt
HELLO2U at 1:02PM, July 29, 2008
exactly... i totally agree about the edward thing.... plus, THREE MORE DAYS!!!!!!