Public Profile


member since March 03, 2007


You seem to have stumbled upon my profile page. Worry not, for this is far from rare. You may be wondering to yourself Who is this TJ who is oh so real?

Well that is the precise question this very page was designed to answer!
Coolest person ever? I think so.

Sacrifices are divided in two catagories: All your worldly possesions to my right, and first born children to my left. Lets keep it organized folks.


But for serious, Im just an all around swell guy. I enjoy drawing comics and writing. In all honesty, Im not exactly the best artist, as two seconds reading my comics will prove. However, one might find themselves quite pleased with the writing of these comics if you can forgive the poor art. I also try to post on the forum somewhat frequently, but I dont always keep up with it.

Now, on to my comics!

-red si teh bestest comc evar Updates whenever.
-Bounty was a sprite comic I used to write. I think its okay, by sprite comic standard. Pretty much abandoned.
-TRAOTJ used to be pretty much everything else I drew. Dont get your hopes up.
-Purple Ninja was my civil war comic, back when that was going on. Abandoned.
-SMB3TSW was my failed attempt at a mario sprite comic. Done before it even started.
-Frink and Dinny is a totally original comic, not stolen in way. Updates as much as the original.
-Three Way Comics was a community project I started up, but died after three pages. It was revived by BlkKnight, but that one seems to have died as well.
-Mr Doodle was my first serious attempt at a real comic. I may revisit it some day.
-Awesome I pretty much challenged myself to make 1 comic a day for 100 days. If you havent read it yet, it may be worth a read. (First) Finished!
-ME Ventures is my autobiography. I do intend to update it someday. Waiting on inspiration.
-A Hard Boiled Detective is pretty much my best comic. Its a choose your own adventure in comic form, where you take control of the greatest detective in the whole dang town! Far from over!
-Awesome Hi-5 is the sequel to AWESOME! It is better then the original. Updating NOW! Daily!

Also, just because I havent added you as a friend/top friend/suggested comic isnt because I dont like it, Its more because Im lazy :3


Id probably make a joke about how I just wasted a long period of your life, but I think youll find it was quite worthwhile.

Comics By therealtj

  • Fantasy |
  • 63 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
Drunk Duck's first real choose your own adventure! Oh, and there's this detective. So, yeah. Whatever floats your boat.
  • Fantasy |
  • 102 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
One update a day for one hundred days. wHaT cOuLd PoSsIbLy HaPpEn?
  • Fantasy |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The most Awesome comic on DrunkDuck is back, and still updating everyday, but this time YOU call the shots!
  • Fantasy |
  • 123 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
This comic is so grease monkey
  • Fantasy |
  • 149 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
The random adventures of Samus Aran the bounty hunter.
  • Fantasy |
  • 6 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Not stolen in anyway
  • Fantasy |
  • 2 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • Fantasy |
  • 23 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
  • 1 like
The adventures of a random doodle.
  • Fantasy |
  • 27 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
i hop u lyk it!!!!!11!
  • Spiritual |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: Jan. 6 2025 |
Hopefully, A weekly updating series. Let's find out together!
  • Fantasy |
  • 4 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
SMB3SWC for short.
  • Fantasy |
  • 22 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A DD civil war event.
  • Fantasy |
  • 118 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
Want some randomnes in life? Check these out. The thing about it is, some you'll love, some you'll hate, some will make you wish you could reverse time to prevent yourself from viewing it. Yeah, whatever.
  • Fantasy |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A comunity project.

Comics Assisted By therealtj

No comics.

Comics Recomended By therealtj

The life of a video game Sprite is hard. You're expendable and forgettable. What happens when these Sprites decide their lives are more than just scrap goats for some higher power? An adventure unlike anything you've ever seen!

Intellectual humor and solid art sprinkled with a little bit of Calvin and Hobbes. John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes, that is.

An inquisitive worm makes friends with the bird who was going to eat him. Sarcasm ensues. A Platinum Studios comic!

Join Bit, Eli, Prob, and Ittybit in wacky crazy robot adventures of crazy wacky adventurous robots that are wacky and crazy adventurers.

All your Pop-Tarts are belong to us.

If you like your super-heroes will a super-sized order of french-fried funny, then FantastiTeam is the comic for you. If, on the other hand, you like well-plotted, well-drawn comics that seek to advance the medium... Sorry.

Comic about two dudes. It's dead now though, and it's very unlikely to ever make another appearance.

This comic revolves around our dinosaur costume wearing hero as he goes through the most amazing adventure anyone has ever seen. Join him and his crew in his quest for stuff! Current storyline: Lengthy parody of The Odyssey (by Homer)

Welcome to Happy Valley, the most depressing place on earth. Happy Valley is a sit-comic based around Miles and Oscar, and their collection of supporting aquaintences expect the unexpected, or if you expect it, then just expect...stuff

De best comic in het world. can u think of a better comic go on fink of 1. i give u 2 secon time up u didnt think of betr one u lose give me your wallet

A Drunk Duck featured comic and winner of the Drunk Duck Awards for Best Humor Scenes and Most Deliciously Offensive. Plus the artist is an Adonis of a man. Handsome, charismatic, suave. He saved my mom's life once! All in all, this is one awesome guy.

A collection of MS paint stuff from all who care.

The randomness from Nintendo games is shown in this one-liner comic. Many Nintendo games are shown, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Warioware, and other awesome games made by Nintendo. There will not be licensed nintendo games in the comic. Enjoy the randomess

The story of two fellows who are destined to blow up the ocean or die trying.

Because it sparkles so brilliantly. Comics by Keegan Basset Updates Monday

Stick Figures do things. Brevity.

Tune in weekly for breakfast bonanza! Eggy and Bacon are roomates that go no crazy adventures......ummm yeah. That's all.

Life with Mindy and Frog with other random stuff.

Unfunny comics - comics guaranteed not to get a rise out of you at all! Notable for MS-Paint stick figures and courier new!


therealtj's friends

Videos Shared By therealtj

No videos.




aegnation at 7:14PM, Sept. 24, 2009

Haha, why thanks dear. ^_^

DarthVaderS1999 at 8:11PM, June 21, 2009

Unfair platform is so unfair. >:(

DOUK at 7:33PM, April 30, 2009

Will the Real TJ please stand up. Please stand up. Please st- ahh forget it. Yo how's it going, your Awesome Hi Five Edition is, well awesome! Would be awesome to get a guest comic from you! But don't sweat it, in the mean time I'll be reading your comics :)

crocty at 4:33PM, April 27, 2009

Oh man, you have noooo idea!

Bocaj at 6:09PM, June 18, 2008

[b]YES[/b] Who's boy were you talking about anyway?

crocty at 7:03AM, Feb. 27, 2008

That unfair platformer game pisses me off...

crocty at 12:23PM, Feb. 6, 2008

ANOTHER new comic? It's not a mystery you don't update. Also, why does that fucker 'Crocty' leave you user comments when you make a new comic?

anime king at 2:26PM, Jan. 19, 2008

Your random is funny. not much else to criticize. GEWD WURK!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!111111

crocty at 9:54AM, Jan. 18, 2008

Good new comic. It looks sexy, and I think I shall fave it.

GTLB at 9:28AM, Jan. 4, 2008

Haha! I really like your avitar.. that is all.

8BitLegend at 11:10PM, Jan. 3, 2008

Your icon reminds me of the last scene in Jaws on the boat... Kirby should star in the next Jaws film. Woot. Script idea. "Jaws IV: Devouring in Dreamland: 2009

Bocaj at 12:19PM, Dec. 26, 2007

Nevermind CC forums. F*ck 'em. I don't even go to that comic to laugh at them, I don't want to raise their page views that little amount. It is for people with a fat fetish. Strange that DD likes it so much...

crocty at 8:01AM, Dec. 7, 2007

OH MY! Not only have you accepted my add, but you've put me as a top friend :'D I LOVE YOU MAN!

8BitLegend at 1:26PM, Nov. 25, 2007

snomg the internets! But where will I put it?! What do I feeds it? Virgins?!

Bocaj at 6:42PM, Nov. 20, 2007

[url][/url] I think it might be dead now though.

8BitLegend at 1:12PM, Oct. 19, 2007

Is that squirrel wearing a hat? That, sir, blows my mind.

Bocaj at 11:45AM, Oct. 16, 2007

Great new avvie.

Bocaj at 2:16PM, Sept. 27, 2007

Are we ever going to finish The Random Archives of TJ page 100?

Bocaj at 4:31PM, June 12, 2007

As for the random archives, I will submit my stuff that is currently on Comic name, because the only people that saw that stuff is my brother, and kneepatch.

Bocaj at 12:20PM, May 9, 2007

Thanks for comenting in LOLZ. ... I like your random... It tastes like fresh dirt milk... juice... ... hi!

F_Allen at 11:14AM, May 8, 2007

cheers for the add tj

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