Public Profile


member since February 02, 2006


Its hard to believe Im back spriting again, but I guess its a hard habit to break. Its different this time because Im actually having fun. Anyways heres a little about me. I might update Sonic Online again in the future.

Name: Mike Hisman (Shisno, Shis, Mr. Awsom)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Single
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Brown
Location: Maine
Zodiac: Libra
Birthday: 10/06/1990
Favorite food: Pizza
Mood: Tired of College Prep
Favorite PoKeMoN: Cubone

Comics By shisno15

  • Fantasy |
  • 24 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
PoKeMoN Genesis is an adaption of PokeMoN Fire Red/Leaf Green that follows the adventure of Red, Blue, and Green. When I say adaption by no means do I mean that it follows the story exactly, more of a mocking of the original game.
  • Fantasy |
  • 2 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A little operation thats been going on for a few years now. Sonic Online has had it's ups and down but is finally here to stay. I'm always looking for new characters so if you have one and would like to be linculded send a PQ to me shisno15.

Comics Assisted By shisno15

No comics.

Comics Recomended By shisno15

A comic about pirates. Really inept pirates. There are a few sane minds aboard, but they do tend to get drowned out. This often leads to Adventures of the Hilarious sort.

Its about a caveman called Thog and what happens when he runs into some aliens...

shisno15's friends

Videos Shared By shisno15

No videos.




XM0stLyGhOstLyX at 12:20AM, Sept. 26, 2009


yoshirider4 at 1:46PM, May 14, 2009

Absolutely nothing! How about you?

soulcelshade at 8:20PM, Nov. 18, 2008


Megasonic at 10:02AM, June 20, 2008

Hey Shisno, thanks for adding me as a friend! Check out SSK, its updating again, ;D

celrena at 4:40AM, April 16, 2008

SHISNO~!! Yea I updated :o ... Actually I updated TWO comics :o !! See it wasn't a lie when I said I was trying to come back haha

celrena at 12:21AM, March 26, 2008

Hey you! This is true! I've been trying to come back but I've been working two jobs and having trouble with repairing my car :( but I still lurk at the moment

simonitro at 11:51AM, March 25, 2008

Hey Shisno, welcome back, dude! It's good to see you here!

Lucarioman_EXE at 2:28PM, Jan. 24, 2008

thanks for the add!

celrena at 9:02AM, June 9, 2007

I know right. Where you been!? haha jk jk Hope all is well

Quacklin at 8:14AM, June 9, 2007

I know, I'm still making shit so I can update. Anyway, I put the megaman 8-bit project on FDI, so more could be made, I quacked, Yurka the pure, and he hasn't been on in for ever, must be grades.

celrena at 11:48PM, May 8, 2007

SHISNO~!!! How are you ? Haven't talked to you in awhile.

Quacklin at 11:54AM, May 5, 2007

@_@ Join you I have, but I must leave my fans with something, my last sprite comic, Last Hope.

Nikai Nockturne at 6:28AM, May 4, 2007

*dances* Shinso! *ninja starred in head* Ow...

celrena at 2:12PM, April 24, 2007

HAHAH I actually saw that flash video. Coworkers at work showed me because they thought it was funny. WOoo I'm Shisno's first comment? Sweet :)

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