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member since May 05, 2007


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Comics By scottyduke

  • Fantasy |
  • 18 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Pittsburgh represented at Time Tunnel Comics For my comic I documented the activities that were happening around me and also in my head.

Comics Assisted By scottyduke

  • Real Life |
  • 131 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Who are the Chaos Punks?
  • Fantasy |
  • 38 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Short stories from the gang at Strumhaus comics!
  • Fantasy |
  • 107 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
In a world where the age of magic is fading, a myth has returned.

Comics Recomended By scottyduke

Anthology format. A continuing collection of varying length and style short stories with cynical, horrific, dreadful, and despondent tones. All written, drawn, and lettered by Byron Winton.

Who are the Chaos Punks?

Evergreen is a slice-of-life comic with a pinch of absurdity and surrealism added for good measure. Evergreen is written and drawn by Dan Greenwald and published as often as humanly possible.

The Story of Diego, John, Tim, Alyssa and Jane, five individuals with incredible talents as they travel the world, and their hometown of Apocalypse, OH, in search of Unexplained Phenomena, Monsters, Alien Threats, and the occasional Superhero.

The Off-Beat Adventures of a punk chick, a black guy, Siamese Twins and a Robot, with a pinch of mayhem and a smidgen of Tabasco!

Grey Legacy was one of the first recipients of Peter Laird's Xeric Grant. It was first published in 1993 in magazine form. It is a SciFi/fantasy series that deals with real life (how's that for Interstitial?)

Pittsburgh represented at Time Tunnel Comics For my comic I documented the activities that were happening around me and also in my head.

Phin, Sara and their girls, Cole and Ro, use their skills to fight evil in many forms. From vampires and werewolves, to evil mages, foul demons, nasty dragons, zombies, mummies and even time travelling, flying saucer driving Nazis. 37+ years and counting!

Reverie was conceived as 3 page short stories in comic book format. I'm a huge fan of the short story and wanted to bring that to comics.Some of the stories share settings and characters, while others are stand-alone tales that I wanted to tell.

Short stories from the gang at Strumhaus comics!

The 98.7% true autobiographical adventures of Tera Sanders, the Princess of Sylmar, California

Think Big Trouble in Little China as a sitcom.

In a world where the age of magic is fading, a myth has returned.


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