Public Profile


member since May 05, 2007


Hi everybody! I really should put up a comic, but Im lazy and dont have access to a scaner…!

Fav. Quotes:
Fuzzyrobot: Link is not beating it like I want him to!!!
Clara: There is food and there is bullshit…. and I dont eat bullshit!!!
Me: Diddy Kong Raping?!?!?
Yaa: Did you know that people rape animals?
bired814: Then Ness got raped into a trophy!!

wow… lots of raping is going on… there might just be something wrong with my friends… BUT, I love them anyway!! 3

object width=425 height=355param name=movie value= name=wmode value=transparent/paramembed src= type=application/x-shockwave-flash wmode=transparent width=425 height=355/embed/object

Comics By risa_da_bob

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Comics Assisted By risa_da_bob

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Comics Recomended By risa_da_bob

I draw these at midnight. "Poopfight" just happened to rhyme. You know you love it. Saturday Night Adult Swim is the best TV ever. Not really. I do make a lot of drawings from it though. you should look at them. I'll update this weekly as I draw.

"Yamete Kudasai - oshiri ga itai yo!" Follow some journey that you will not understand, consisting of two middle-less young men, sometimes their sensei, and maybe once in a while some panda or a pimpin', tentacled mochi. In a hat. Its YAOI! Not.

risa_da_bob's friends

  • Pkmn_Contest_Master
  • bigred814
  • DarkChibiShadow
  • Volte6
  • fuzzyrobot
  • Tcb

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Videos Shared By risa_da_bob

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DarkChibiShadow at 10:58PM, March 1, 2008

YK is my god.

DarkChibiShadow at 12:59PM, March 1, 2008

Hey thanks for liking DUE. Your awesome cause you like YK!

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