Public Profile


member since March 03, 2007





status: single

favorite things:anime. manga. comics. video games. music. girls.hanging out with my friends.
makeing new friends

Comics By rayrider

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Comics Assisted By rayrider

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Comics Recomended By rayrider

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

Fantasy adventure story about a teenage boy who gets stuck in an world he doesn't belong. Whats even stranger is that he has sprouted elven ears.

Things haven't been going well for Tom. His girlfriend's dead, he's a criminal, and he's discovered latent fire-bomb powers. What to do, what to do? Sounds like the perfect time to join a covert organization of political assassins! By Kristen Gudsnuk


Welcome to the wonderful world of NPC! Where we don't give a crap about Heroes! updates when we can!

When a villian threatens the safety of the world, the Angry Alter Ego abandons his life to stop him. But even with the help of his friends, can he defeat the monster he created from his own heart?

Xan is an evil child genius attending college. (Study now, destroy them all later....)

While searching for his brother, Rale falls into his own shadow. Now in a land where weretigers roam, angels rage battles, and cookies can stop wars, he needs to unravel the mysteries of this hidden realm to restore its glory and get back home!


rayrider's friends

  • Black Dove
  • Kristen Gudsnuk
  • Valavor
  • Volte6

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